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So all of you are telling me that this guy, who posts on ST, does not deserve to be called an asshole? He is selfishly endangering climbing for everybody, because he is lazy.


I do, will and have use[d] power drills in wilderness.

A power drill with a "muffler" makes almost no noise and is way less barbaric than beating the crap out of the back of your hand from missed strikes using a hand drill! As a matter of fact, am on my way right now to this Bullsh*t Bureau of Land Mismanagement "wilderness" area, to drill a few! (They just designated it wilderness a few years back.) Stupid Law! Maybe the people who make these laws should be required to read the book “Controlling people” In California, outside Yos, Josh or Pinnacles one doesn't really have to be concerned about it.

Don't worry Mr.Barnes, the ASCA bolting gear I have will never be used for these exploits..... unless the laws change soon, knott holding my breath, Loomis.


Do I have a point? Is this guy an asshole? Or are you in favor of rotohammering in the Wilderness, in breach of law? Are people who attempt to destroy a sport for others assholes? Or are the people who "call them out" assholes? In many arenas of climbing disscussion, there is a tendancy to "kill the messenger", when a climber does something wrong, so as to seemingly not put a bad face on the community at large. This has happened here, and happens at other boards. I stand behind my statement, this guy is a asshole.

Edited by Markmckillop

I dunno Mark, there seems to be a whole wave of reverence for the LAW lately, another example is all the rhetoric about immigration policy. Nattering on about the LAW is the way to avoid being labelled a racist for wanting to kick Mexicans out of the US, and an obsession with motorized drilling and the LAW is a way to oppose all drilling, and indeed all human access to the wilderness. This was certainly the case in the Joshua Tree bolting ban, and plays no small roll in the furor over Infinite Bliss up here. Funny thing is, those so smitten with LAW don't seem to hesitate to smoke pot, drive while over .08 BAC, speed, run red lights, cheat on taxes, and commit adultery.


In the case of your Scott Loomis quote above, I really liked Ron Olevsky's response:

Its not HOW the hole is drilled. Its WHERE, and WHAT goes in it.

The where in particular is the real issue: how many bolts is too much, what places shouldn't be bolted, what role should fixed protection play in the wilderness, indeed, what is "wilderness." This is the real debate, and concern over battery powered drills is a tactic, not the substance.


But yeah, Loomis sure does come off as an arrogant asshole, doesn't he?


btw, you can't say "fuck" on supertopo either.


Isn't posting on ST and here also is like having dual citizenship and a No-No?


BTW, my stance in general is "Live free or die". I feel that should embrace all of us assholes, and even a hemoroid like Loomis.

Isn't posting on ST and here also is like having dual citizenship and a No-No?


BTW, my stance in general is "Live free or die". I feel that should embrace all of us assholes, and even a hemoroid like Loomis.

Dude you post on RC.com as much or more than you do here.


With regard to what is "Wilderness", it doesn't matter what you or I define as Wilderness. It only matters what the Federal Government defines as Wilderness. It's pretty black and white as far as the law is concerned.


I disagree. From what you are saying, I am against power bolting because I am against bolting. I have placed plenty of bolts, and formerly owned a two cycle piece of shit Ryobi. Power drilling in Wilderness is abherant and selfish because 1) It is against the law. 2) Against the spirit of the Wilderness Act.


If it is OK for Scott Loomis to use his Ryobi in a Wilderness, should it be OK for a horse packer to use a chainsaw to cut firewood in the Bob Marshall Wilderness? And why should it not be OK for a goat hunter to haul his kill out of the Glacier Peak Wilderness on a dirt bike. If climbers do not close ranks against assholes like Scott Loomis, then we would be hypocrits to oppose chainsaws and dirt bikes. The law is correct here, and we are not talking about a victimless crime, we are all victims of this mentality.


It was also interesting that my "Alpine Buddy" wasn't here to defend me from the charges of "asshole" leveled at me from several anonymous posters. yelrotflmao.gif

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