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Interested in bringing down civilization?


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Worm dose treats Crohn's


My friend has it and takes this treatment. It beats having parts of your bowel amputated.

A lot of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases are more common in the absence of parasitic infections. Parasites trigger a cytokine that suppresses another cytokine that is assoicated with inflammation. Growing understanding of this process may eventually lead to treatments that don't involve worms.
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i think dannel quinn had a better way at adressing the subject in his three books: "my ishmel" " ishmel" and "the sory of B" he doesn't talk about society's down fall but does infasize the need for change.


dru your wrong i don't think people are worried about survival, other wise there would be people looking for danger ie xtreme sports, and there wouldn't be high numbers of obese people, dispite what people want to belive obesity is not a genetic disorder, it from over eatting and not exerciseing enough. our society does need to change its not suporting a population it is suporting population growth, ie there is an excess in food in industrial nations so much that we can in fact throw it away, just think of how much food gets tossed out, also most industrial nations are very consumer based do you think human kind would end if we didn't have tv or ipods or personal computers ect. ect. hellno3d.gif, my god no internet people might actually leave there homes in search of enertainment

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i think dannel quinn had a better way at adressing the subject in his three books: "my ishmel" " ishmel" and "the sory of B" he doesn't talk about society's down fall but does infasize the need for change.


dru your wrong i don't think people are worried about survival, other wise there would be people looking for danger ie xtreme sports, and there wouldn't be high numbers of obese people, dispite what people want to belive obesity is not a genetic disorder, it from over eatting and not exerciseing enough. our society does need to change its not suporting a population it is suporting population growth, ie there is an excess in food in industrial nations so much that we can in fact throw it away, just think of how much food gets tossed out, also most industrial nations are very consumer based do you think human kind would end if we didn't have tv or ipods or personal computers ect. ect. hellno3d.gif, my god no internet people might actually leave there homes in search of enertainment

Just a little side note:

It is possible to be an "internet person" and still leave your home for outdoor entertainment on occasion.

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"There are forms of alienation that are relatively strange to statistically "normal" forms of alienation. The "normally" alienated person, by reason of the fact that he acts more or less like everyone else, is taken to be sane. Other forms of alienation that are out of step with the prevailing state of alienation are those that are labelled by the "normal" majority as bad or mad.


The condition of alienations of being asleep, of being unconscious, of being out of one"s mind, is the condition of the normal man.


Society highly values its normal man. It educates children to lose themselves and to become absurd, and thus to be normal.


Normal men have killed perhaps 100,000,000 of their fellow normal men in the last fifty years.


Our behaviour is a function of our experience. We act according to the way we see things.


If our experience is destroyed, our behaviour will be destructive.


If our experience is destroyed, we have lost our own selves. "



from R. D. Laings Politics of Experience


You all may be normal but if the frame of reference is insane then that doesnt' get you anywhere. A society which is based on exploitation and a status quo which is based on violence to maintain isn't a culture which should be defended.

Edited by downfall
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then move

Are you going to tell that to the salmon and the black bear and the forests and the rivers and every mother who carries toxins in their breast milk and every victim of rape and the indiginous populations of the world which are left? They should all move so you don't have to question the culture you live in and what you role is in maintaining that culture?

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How much time do you spend on spraying here? I bet you have a couple of hours to spare if you dig deep. And, no, you don’t understand his vision of an “ideal future” as he realizes there is none. He has no ‘fantasies’, only realities. Derrick is not a misanthrope and loves all races. He loves all the planet’s creatures. Even JayBs.


By the way, the clips are split up into two 1-hour long sessions. He doesn’t even mention bringing down civilization in the first clip. So even if you can only spare 30 minutes, its still worth while (although the first ~10 min of the first clip starts out a little slow).


PS – the disease Derrick has (and openly discusses) is Crohn's disease, for which there is no known cure.


I just can't help but wonder if this is the first time you've pondered any of these issues. This thinking that underpins this guy's thesis isn't substantially different than Malthus's, and even Malthus was drawing on the work of his predecessors. His most famous modern disciple was Paul Ehrlich, who prophesized a similar fate for the planet in the early 1970s. This guy just sounds like a new-age Ehrlich. I've read both Malthus and Ehrlich, which - besides the "Step 1: Eliminate 9/10ths of mankind" - is probably why this sounds like a new riff on an old tune to me, and doesn't really seem worth my time to hear out in any great detail. If you are really interested in this topic, I'd start with Malthus and Ehrlich, then mix in a bit of Jared Diamond for a more sober analysis, and see if you still find Derrick convincing and/or compelling.


The other point that I'll touch on is that there's a difference between open-mindedness and gullibility, and their roles in the parsing of new ideas. The reason that controversial scientific ideas eventually win broad acceptance is that the evidence which supports them is so compelling that even the most obstinate skeptics have to concede that the proposition that they've been criticizing is true. If this guy is really convinced that his proposition is true, he should be trying to articulate them in ways that insure that they'll get the most rigorous critical scrutiny from the people with the most expertise and authority on all of the areas that his hypotheses pertain to. Let me know when he articulates a testable hypothesis that generates a critical response from experts and then maybe I'll take the guy more seriously.

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then move

Are you going to tell that to the salmon and the black bear and the forests and the rivers and every mother who carries toxins in their breast milk and every victim of rape and the indiginous populations of the world which are left? They should all move so you don't have to question the culture you live in and what you role is in maintaining that culture?


Adult male black bears will kill and eat black bear cubs. Would you prefer that our culture did the same?

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i think dannel quinn had a better way at adressing the subject in his three books: "my ishmel" " ishmel" and "the sory of B" he doesn't talk about society's down fall but does infasize the need for change.


dru your wrong i don't think people are worried about survival, other wise there would be people looking for danger ie xtreme sports, and there wouldn't be high numbers of obese people, dispite what people want to belive obesity is not a genetic disorder, it from over eatting and not exerciseing enough. our society does need to change its not suporting a population it is suporting population growth, ie there is an excess in food in industrial nations so much that we can in fact throw it away, just think of how much food gets tossed out, also most industrial nations are very consumer based do you think human kind would end if we didn't have tv or ipods or personal computers ect. ect. hellno3d.gif, my god no internet people might actually leave there homes in search of enertainment

Just a little side note:

It is possible to be an "internet person" and still leave your home for outdoor entertainment on occasion.

um yeah i was exagerating the point but thanks
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The other point that I'll touch on is that there's a difference between open-mindedness and gullibility, and their roles in the parsing of new ideas. The reason that controversial scientific ideas eventually win broad acceptance is that the evidence which supports them is so compelling that even the most obstinate skeptics have to concede that the proposition that they've been criticizing is true. If this guy is really convinced that his proposition is true, he should be trying to articulate them in ways that insure that they'll get the most rigorous critical scrutiny from the people with the most expertise and authority on all of the areas that his hypotheses pertain to. Let me know when he articulates a testable hypothesis that generates a critical response from experts and then maybe I'll take the guy more seriously.


Humm, doesn't really sound like Feyerabend or even Kuhn for that matter. Have you got some basis for your understanding here about how science actually progresses or how one questions the framework which they are operating within?

Edited by downfall
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Common sense, and a B.A. in the History of Science, a B.S. in Biochem, and actually working in the field. It's a messy world and there's clearly more than just the evidence at play, especially when a new idea makes its debut, but that's how things generally work. Thankfully, most scientists ignore the onanistic wankfest and go about their business curing diseases, etc, without putting things like "virus,""DNA," or "gravity" in scare quotes.



I have a copy of "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" at home, but think the guy was kind of a one-note wonder. I think Larry Laudan's "Science and Relativism" is a good antidote to Feyeraband.

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