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So, do we get to vote on this so that our representatives in Olympia can usurp our decision?


Considering the Key is owned by the city of Seattle, probably not.


The city could give the Sonics the building though, something not being discussed much. It's a possibility though.

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Can't help it if he's right every now and then. I think that there was also some overlap there on the Great Cartoon Jihad as well, hence his negative score in "The Reflexive Western Self-Loathing" sweepstakes.


The thing that I like about Dave's perspective, despite the fact that it often differs from my own, is that it seems to be logical and internally consistent.

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I do not think any government entity should be in the business of "being in business". Sell Key Arena to a private enterprise and let the private enterprise do the negotiations with the Sonics. Same thing should have been done with all stadiums.


Oh, and by the way, get rid of the state liquor stores too. Let's have liquor in the grocery stores.

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I'm with Dave on this one. It's a private business. If they can't operate effectively with the income that the business generates, then perhaps they should invest in new management or seek greener pastures elsewhere.


There are lots of things that due to their, "cultural significance," are deemed worthy of public support. The Opera, Ballet, Symphony, Seahawks, ect are all examples of businesses (they all sell tickets) that recieve some form of public support either through outright grants or use of public facilities.


All those things are part of our culture, and they are some of what bring us together as a community. I hate opera, and I'm not too into ballet other than the hot chicks yet I don't mind paying some tax dollars so we can have that in Seattle.


I think the Sonics demands are excessive, but I also view them as a negotiating tactic. Lets face it do you really want the only team that has ever brought Seattle a championship to move to Bellevue and build another arena that will compete with Key Arena as a concert venue. The issue is complicated and deserves much more than Dave's one sentence pronouncement.


PS Double E aren't you one of those glacier walking wankers...you suck too boxing_smiley.gif

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I'd be cool with it as long as they make the terms of the deal plain. "Give us a subsidy or we leave."


Maybe we can negotiate a deal where we cut out the middleman, and the Seattle taxpayers assume the burden for Shawn Kemp's overdue child support directly...

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