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FS: Dr. Crash moniker


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Dude. Quit chugging the wine while driving.


Speaking of stupid driving tricks, I went sliding through the intersection at the bottom of the 2nd Snoqualmie Pass exit last night. Too much downhill, speed, and confidence for the Subaru. hellno3d.gif Glad noone was coming across.

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jeebus! Are you sure your ex isn't playing with your brake lines?


Hmmmm... There's an idea <evil>.


The whiplash and ribs was skiing (well, falling, you know). I ski hard, fall hard (though only once every few years). But the highway was scaaaaaaaaaaaaaary.


drC - Soon to change his name to Unbreakable.

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The whiplash and ribs was skiing (well, falling, you know). I ski hard, fall hard (though only once every few years). But the highway was scaaaaaaaaaaaaaary.


drC - Soon to change his name to Unbreakable.

You should seriously consider this. You've had more close calls in one year than I'd care to have in a lifetime. Is this your third or fourth serious accident?
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