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Fairweather Said:

VERY good news. I was starting to wonder if our leaders had the political will to pursue these fucks. I hope they each receive the maximum jail time available to them.


Meanwhile, on cc.com, the silence is deafening. I can think of at least two folks that reside there who could very well be among the arrested. Just speculation, of course. As of 11/14 I no longer post there.


From a post on Ass.com regarding the recent arrest of 6 ELF members


Apparently Faiweather didn't have the decency to throw a fit for us.


I cry.gifcry.gifcry.gif for the lost entertainment.


I did notice he posted on 11/25, but lets overlook that.

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So, the big point here is, we didn't take advantage of an opportunity to rage incoherently about an event that probably most of us didn't hear about thus upsetting someone's finely honed sensibilities about what we should rant about, regardless of our own views and opinions. While I don't support ELF's tactics, I at least admire their passion about an issue. I often wish they'd direct it more constructively but I don't really choose to associate with them. I hope, one day, Fairweather wises up and notices the huge amount of tripe he's being fed by his chosen political party (and,yes, I'd say that about anyone who doesn't critically examine anything that is said by anyone with an agenda). Then again, maybe one day the religious conservatives will also realize that they were given this world to be it's stewards, not its exploiters. Oh well. A man can dream.

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Well, I seriously want a more realistic voice from the right on the board if that is what Fairweather truly thinks. There might be a lot of left leaning people here (and not all lefties are ELF members **SHOCK HORROR!!!!***), but those on the right that do post help keep us honest. Hopefully people with that point of view will step up. A room full of people agreeing on something isn't that fun, but I'm not worried that CC.com will become that. smirk.gif

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