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Isn't it the case that all the PMs are from moderators explaining why they deleted his drunken thread last night?


Hard to say, but I don't think you can count yourself popular until you have your own brand of condoms.


BTW if any beer mfgs. need someone to sponsor, I want it known that I'm available. bigdrink.gif



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I am the proud owner of a pair of A5 flipflops which I picked up at Valhalla Pure for $5 CDN on closeout. They have lasted 2 years with minimal wear so far.


Although I am NOT a fan of the way TNF bought A5 and then turned a respected aid climbing trademark into a vapid line of "bouldering influenced" urban clothing thumbs_down.gif these are pretty good flipflops for $5.

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What makes good flipflops? I'm glad you asked, olysprayer.


1) Made of materials that do not absorb foot odour (unlike Tevas)

2) Durable. Must not fall apart in a few months (unlike 5.10 Mountain Masters)

3) These are flipflops. You will never climb in them. But you should be able to walk around at the base of the crag, or spot, with them on without falling on your ass.

4) Must work for non-climbing applications too such as strolling down Broadway to MEC

5) Must be comfortable. Having weird stitching that gives a blister is a no no

6) Must not be seriously gay looking cause I wear them in logging camps and dont want to get beat up. No hot pink.


I am happy to say these achieve all 6 points. The only possible let-down is that they aren't good shower sandals.

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Perhaps you could do a gear review Dru. What sort of things make them good flipflops? If you could do it all over again, what would you change? Do you think Tommy Caldwell would belay on El Cap with these flip flops, or are more technical flipflops needed?


i'm sure that Dru could belay 5.14b A4+ in his bare feet so i think the real question is would a more technical flip flop be needed for spraying 25,000+ times

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Nice start Dru. Now, go back and rewrite your essay, but try to be more descriptive. Try to bring the reader in with information that they might actually care about. And please.... technical, lets get technical. Lets get into technical. I want to know what sets these flipflops apart from say....surfing flipflops.

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No sorry, although LOngpause thought it was pretty funny (AND the seed of which was actually her idea), her friends certainly did not. but that's ok cuz they didn't like me to begin with so no change there. I basically flammed the crap out of her in a way that looked a bit too real.

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