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Onslaught of pan-global sickitude


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Ok, probably not the best thread to ask this, but on that page in the artical about Layton & Eric's climb they say:


"The route is called The Devil’s Club and graded V+ 5.9+ A2-. As in the Canadian Rockies, the free rating should be taken with a grain of salt."


What the hell does that mean? Do they mean it's really harder than 5.9+, or really easier? Is there some sort of sandbag bias in pacific northwest ratings? I'm confused.

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harder, scarier: a la Canadian Rockies. wave.gif


Just curious... which classic 5.9/A2 routes have you or Layton done? The strain? East Face on Assiniboine (Cheesmond/Dick)? Sphinx Face on Temple? NW Ridge of Alberta? Wild Thing on Chephren? etc etc?


My impression was most of these were either unrepeated or had seen only a handful of repeats so the list of people who could make legitimate comparisons was short...


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No erik, you are correct, you don't have to justify shit to anyone but you chose to be in the "limelight" by blah blah blah'n everywhere so these sort of questions shouldn't surprise you and honestly it was a legit question...




I was simply answering another legit question based on common knowledge.


Comparing complex, dangerous alpine route ratings to some 5.14 spandex clip-up is stupid, IMHO.


Fortunately I don't have to read Nolse's whine and drivel anymore.

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We gave it that grade to MAKE SURE people would bitch about it, and it worked. ha ha ha ha ha!

no i've never done a canadian rockies 5.9 A2, but our route was 5.9 PLUS A2 MINUS


I just wrote a TR b/c i love to write about climbing. I didn't expect it to get 10 billion views and be in the paper.

The real grade will be in the new beckey guide.


slaphappy had a very good point, but i think erik is on "defense" and forgot the reason we gave it such a stupid rating.

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If it makes you feel better, I've hardly climbed in aid mode but I could tell you what A3 felt like. Gneiss isn't granite, thats for sure.


Why don't all of you hardmen go out into the North Cascades an put up an aid route with moderate free climbing.


Better yet, where are all of the 5.11 gneiss routes? The Central rib on Triumph is 5.10, right?


Okay, everyone get out there and climb a first ascent that is 5.11 gneiss okay.

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