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So, I had promised some of my houseguests the recipe for my "SmoothMove" smoothies, so here it is:


Equal parts:

Orange Juice

Apple Juice

7-up (adds a nice sweetness)


Frozen Mixed fruit (I get mine at FMeyer)

frozen Banana (about 1/2)

frozen blues

2 lg tablespoons of yogurt

1/3 cup of milk (add milk last so your mix doesn't curdle)

seasonal fresh fruit


Blend. I keep milk and OJ nearby while blending for thinning.




Other good recipes??

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-1c vanilla yogurt

-1 bananna

-1 small can pineapple juice (anti-inflam effects=thumbs_up.gif)

-roughly 1c frozen peaches

-roughly 1c frozen blues

-scoop protein pow

-germ for additional texture (if you're into that)shocked.gif


Been making it for years, havent had anything better bigdrink.gif

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2 fresh bananas

carrot juice

lime cordial


peach yogourt

Pete's Tofu Mango Dessert Tofu

fresh berries, any kind - strawberry, blackberry, blue, huck,

if using kiwi fruits peel them first

an avocado if you need it


Fill blender leaving 2" of space at top.


Blend on puree until it is all one colour (if you used an avocado, theres no help for it its gonna be puke brown)


Drink. Repeat. Rum optional.

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