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Televangelist Calls for Chavez' Death


Monday, August 22, 2005

(08-22) 20:06 PDT Virginia Beach, Va. (AP) --



Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson called on Monday for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, calling him a "terrific danger" to the United States.



Robertson, founder of the Christian Coalition of America and a former presidential candidate, said on "The 700 Club" it was the United States' duty to stop Chavez from making Venezuela a "launching pad for communist infiltration and Muslim extremism."


Time to call



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It's worse than you think....

Drugs, Socialist & Islamofascists


where? did you even read the article you moron (not that most of what you link to would have any credibility anyway)


funny I think J_B supports all three!


what a clown! do you ever do anything but smear progressives? it must be the 36% approval rating for bushie boy that has you all worked up. heh?

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The overriding aim of Rumsfeld's trip to Paraguay and Peru, where he met with the countries' presidents and defense officials, was to persuade them to increase military cooperation with Washington and to create a coalition geared to isolating Caracas in the hemisphere. Subsidiary goals were to encourage Asuncion's crackdown on smuggling, the drug trade and financial support for Middle Eastern Islamist groups operating in Paraguay's region bordering Brazil and Argentina, and to bolster Lima's commitment to curb coca production for export.


Washington, which has accused Caracas and Havana of lending support to Morales, fears that populist movements opposed to its strategic aims now have a genuine chance to come to power in the Andean states and institute socialist economic models in place of neo-liberal capitalist free trade, thereby excluding U.S. influence in the region.


J_B here are two quotes; seems like drugs, socialism and islamofascists are all there. Your consistent ability to ignore facts and to tow the party line is truly am amazing thing to read.


As far as smearing "progressives," you do a fine job yourself. Free Minds, Free Markets. May I suggest The Open Society and Its Enemies.


Here's another link - bigger font, smaller words: same three items.

Edited by Peter_Puget
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you are a moron for believing anything that comes out from anywhere close to rumsfeld. i'd hope it'd be abundantly clear by now.


on top of which, you are also a liar and a hypocryte who supported every unsavory goon squad in central america and the far east whenev4er it was politically expedient to your politicals goals. do we really need to talk about nicaragua and the murderous drug running contras during the 80's, the drug trading colombian paramilitaries up to the present, the drug smuggling women raping islamofascists of afghanistan (taliban and bin laden) or the opium smuggling hmong in laos in the 70's? spare your bullshit for freeperland!

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i am tired of your Piss Poor lies. you accused me of supporting drug smugglers and islamofascists whereas it's exactly what you have been doing for the past however many years. don't forget you guys funded and armed the islamofascists (bin laden and taliban) and the extreme right wing goon squads in latin america, and they were all drug runners. so piss off, asshole!

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Well, if Rumsfeld says it, it must be true. After all, he is a true champion of justice and peace. rolleyes.gif


Also, PP, i found this on the garbage link you posted:


"No material from the Power and Interest News Report may be republished in any form without written permission."


You may want to secure permission before the champions of the free market come after you. shocked.gif

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Well, if Rumsfeld says it, it must be true. After all, he is a true champion of justice and peace. rolleyes.gif


Also, PP, i found this on the garbage link you posted:


"No material from the Power and Interest News Report may be republished in any form without written permission."


You may want to secure permission before the champions of the free market come after you. shocked.gif

Hey, didn't you just publish that line w/o permission?

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J_B go search your post supporting Chavez. He clearly supports the drug trade. So strike one.


Go see your support for Hamas & Hezbulah. Particularly a series of threads where you parroted incorrect information. I believe you also supported Sami Al-Arian. So strike two.


Again resort to names.

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Well, if Rumsfeld says it, it must be true. After all, he is a true champion of justice and peace. rolleyes.gif


Also, PP, i found this on the garbage link you posted:


"No material from the Power and Interest News Report may be republished in any form without written permission."


You may want to secure permission before the champions of the free market come after you. shocked.gif


If you are commenting upon or critiquing a copyrighted work--for instance, writing a book review -- fair use principles allow you to reproduce some of the work to achieve your purposes.

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J_B go search your post supporting Chavez. He clearly supports the drug trade. So strike one.


spare us your bullshit. one, i don't support chavez but i certainly don't support taking him down and 2) you have no evidence of drug trade


Go see your support for Hamas & Hezbulah.


liar. i don't support conservative religious groups. i don't believe in real politics. i do however recognize the right of palestinians to a homeland.


Particularly a series of threads where you parroted incorrect information. I believe you also supported Sami Al-Arian. So strike two.


and who is going ot believe your assertions without evidence? moron! let me repeat: i support the right of every peole to autonomy and a homeland (including jews). i don't support reactionary religious groups in the ME or in america (or anywhere). I am consistant in my beliefs! i believe in representative democracy based on a mixed economy.


Again resort to names.


again resorting to outrageous lies. you are a little man PP. shame on you.

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Chavez has supported FARC (he claims its limited to humanitarian aid but there is eveidence it is more) A majority of FARCs funding comes from narcotic trade. One of their goals is a agrarian/socialist economy. As imple google search will reveal much info.


Go back and read you posts. If you do not support such groups/individuals you should change the manner in which you post. And again insults and name calling, something you do often, does smear the progressive name.



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