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Climber, homeless, and needs help..........

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I dont know what to say, and have no clue what to do but talk to perfect strangers on here cause I cant look at anyone here in the eye.


I have been climbing mountains since the age of 13 and am now at the sorry age of 33 with nowhere to go but the streets cause of a breakup. I have a car, a ton of alpine, ice, and backpacking gear, and the will to make it in WA state. I am living South of Olympia, and have to gather my things and leave by the shitty date of Sept 11.


This isnt a joke, Im serious about my request for someone to hear, and I can understand why no one would believe or trust, but I have no where to go, and have no job now due to layoffs, and have been looking very hard for one.


If anyone has a garage to rent out, or a room, or anything, or just a place to crash, then that would be a blessing.


I am great to hang with and I have tons of experience, and have no problem sharing what I have with anyone, I just wanna make it here in WA, and need an opportunity.


I have a webshots album which I have put together, and if anyone wants to see it, well they can, just know that I cant update it after I am gone from here on the 11th and would just have to resolve to a librarys computer or something._______Thanks______Hope someone out there is listening.




Webshots link- http://community.webshots.com/album/348484353sPOlcZ/0

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'Climber homeless' is kina redundant aint it? livin la vida loca with 'whadya cal a climber who just lost his girlfriend? yelrotflmao.gif

you will make it no worries. being homeless aint bad anyhow. specially in the pnw. fukin loads of places with hot water in the restroom for showering (a 4 foot peice of rubber tubing works great). saves a lot on overhead too. thumbs_up.gif


I will eventually will run out of money and dont want to end up in a homeless shelter considering I respect myself way too much, especially if I was a Paramedic in NYC, and moved out here on a wing and a prayer.


I just need a place to crash and friends to hang with so I can get my WA state EMS certification since my NYC one expired, trust me, I have contemplated all ideas.

I just need a place to crash and friends to hang with so I can get my WA state EMS certification since my NYC one expired, trust me, I have contemplated all ideas.
You might send a PM to ncacademtns. He lives in Mill Creek and might have a room to let and he just got his EMS cert, so he at least might be able to clue you in on that and jobs.

I aint some "run of the mill" guy with nothing to live for.


Like I mentioned, I had a career, and I want to live in WA cause I followed my heart.


I havent got any habits, or steal, or abuse anything, and I even mind my own buisness.


I can get a job at 7'11 or something, but do I sleep in the car?


Make it by on Ramen and Coleman Fuel?


Im scared, and thats all I have to say, I am...!


If you're looking to be trusted here, I suggest you come clean about just who you are and your other recent avatars here. Maybe you've got it bad, or maybe it's just another hoax. The help you need may not be financial in nature.


I am coming clean, and I am who I say I am OW.


With reagds to recent stuff, I dunno, Im new here and dont know how to handle life anymore, would you blame me?


And next, this isnt a hoax, I swear to God !!!


I think if anyone knew me, they would pick up on it in just 5 seconds.

If you're looking to be trusted here, I suggest you come clean about just who you are and your other recent avatars here. Maybe you've got it bad, or maybe it's just another hoax. The help you need may not be financial in nature.


Crampon=Divot=Icefall? confused.gif


If you want to get to know me, and or judge me, then do so sir, but at the same time, I dont know you, and or what you are saying about me or that or other persons.


I live by truth, and I am a climber for 20yrs of my life and I was recommended to come here to this site because there are climbers that are real like myself.


I know we are all climbers, but we still have hearts alongside who we are, so what now?


I am here for what I came to write, I am lost, and I have a great heart, I have saved lives (and there is proof), and I share what you do.


Now just let me try to make friends, because on Sept 11, I maybe without somewhere to live, or eat, and Im done sleeping in a tent unless up on a mountain, because I am worth more.


Sorry for my comments DRU, but It hurts to doubted, since I know you will be sleeping in a bed tonight, and dont have to worry about it in the future.

If you're looking to be trusted here, I suggest you come clean about just who you are and your other recent avatars here. Maybe you've got it bad, or maybe it's just another hoax. The help you need may not be financial in nature.


Crampon=Divot=Icefall? confused.gif


That's what I was thinking...


i got a room for rent 250 which includes utils its a small room but there is storage space in other parts of the house. i live in bellingham though, but its way better than olympia and there are a lot of medical jobs open right now


OffWhite, I understand your concern as stated in your PM, but my plea is more sincere that anything in the world right now.


I am not who you think I am, am being sincere about that aswell.


First off, sack up. If you can't get it together to get some work, food and shelter then people must not trust you in person or you aren't trying.


Secondly, you are coming across as pretty spooky the way you are pleading (kinda like Crampon looking for a date).


Thirdly,If you are really a Paramedic, what is the protocol for an EMT-B administering Epinephrine?



If this guy is new here, how did he come to call Off White "OW" so soon.


I agree with OW, he sounds a little mental.


Looking at a similar situation for myself that will extend over the coming months, I focus on the essentials: How and where to attain income to replenish vital resources; how and where to shower, shave, and sleep; where to study and do computer work (of all things); and how and where to eat. Admittedly, I'll probably be couch-hopping from time to time, but I'm not counting on it.


I got where I'm at with a year to go before graduation and my dirt-bag ways have caught up to me. Better that than getting dumped, I suppose. But with good health and some minimal resources, you can find the urban byways around here are actually pretty forgiving.


If I were driving these days, and in a fix and unsure about what to do next, I might go get reoriented at some place in the foothills. Index was already mentioned, and such an area is almost close-in and provides a lotta room to stretch. There's some really good dirt-bag parking around North Bend too, and it's still closer to the big Seatown, a place with a lot of good choices to get dialed into. Healthcare is becoming my thing; maybe good for an ex-paramedic too.


As it is, I'll be getting around on the bicycle. I call that a bargain.


I have been looking everywhere.....the key is,

I have no problem doing anything to get a room, or help out and do yard work, sorry for the missunderstanding.


Whether troll or not, ..


Icefall, when I was in your situation (unemployed and homeless living out of my car) several years ago, I basically did a few things:


1) I made it a point to do everything on my own, not mooch off friends. Support systems (ie friends) have a tendancy to fail fast when you become homeless and start asking too many favors. Regular showers, however I could do that, so I looked "presentable", was probably the most important thing for my self esteem and job prospects.


2) swallowed my pride a bit and made up my mind that ANY work was better than no work.


3) picked up the paper, found some help wanteds, and beat the streets of Seattle and the Eastside looking for work in person, meeting with crew bosses on construction sites, retail shop managers, etc, until someone was willing to give me a chance -- after all, what else was I going to do? I sure has HELL was not going to stand on an offramp on I-5 all day and panhandle to guilty motorists. Or sit in the library reading this crap on cc.com.


4) had a plan to make sure I never got in the same situation again,which means to develop multiple marketable skill sets, and get out of any and all debt as fast as possible.


Get out there, finding real work is a full-time job in itself, and developing marketable skills is something that will take years and years once you get going agina. Good luck!


Icefall, The difference between being homeless and without a current address is all in the state of mind. Having worked in an Industry that forces me to be "homeless" I have learned a few things. First go get a P.O. Box, you will need an address to apply for jobs, Secondly get a cell phone if you don' already have one. Get a pay as you go if you can't afford a plan right now. No one will hire you without an address as phone number.


Beyond that what is up with "Im done sleeping in a tent unless up on a mountain, because I am worth more."


Get over that, Bouncing from camp ground to camp ground is many acube farm/nine to fivers day dream. You really need to change your attitude and start thinking of this time as an opportunity where you don't need to worry about rent payments and utility bills.


Finally if you really want a job, You live in Seattle. Go fishing. Look up American Seafoods, Trident Seafoods, or any of the other hundred fishing companys that home port in Seattle. Sign on for a trip, bank some money, and working in Alaska is the surest quickest cure for failed relationships, lost jobs or what ever is getting you down.

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