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seattle commie city


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hey mr. passive aggressive, if it bothers you so much, do something about it instead of whining. you're SO seattle...

2 email letters to nick licata are still unanswered. so i guess next step would be talikng a fucking blow torch and cut the fucker down, right?


Why not? If pinko liberal radicals advocate whacking SUVs with hammers...

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also millions of morons raised their arms saying "heil hitler!". just because you are with the crowd doesn't mean you are on the right side of the issue.

Unless you get named pope.


Or elected president....


Gee, Fairweather.... I'm antagonistic? Pot, kettle, black.


And, no, I don't worship Lenin. But then I don't worship Reagan or Bush I or Bush II or Clinton either. I'll leave cults of personality to you.

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Wow! They translated Hayak into english! And I thought the Washington times was a paper of multi/lingual intelluctuals!


No matter what it was meant as, Lenin in america is ironic.


I think this is the book he was referring to:



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foraker, you are talking out of your ass here. you have absolutelly no concept (living in this coutry) what repressions are, what cult of personality is. you can read about it, but never experiencing it on your own skin- you can't even imagine what it is to live in a place of that sort.

you are lacking historical knowlege too, so the discussion with you is at this point completly pointless. all you do is repeating some pinko hyppie slogans without knowing historical facts. and the facts are that Lenin signed orders to exetute thousands of poeple and Stalin, Lenin, Chruszczev, Brezniev should be on trial for crimes agaist humanity. after all it's lenin (dzierzynski- who established NKWD), who designed first concentration camps.

read some books by Suvorov or Solzenitzin and then talk.

complaining about US government vs soviet reminds me of a blond bimbo mentality- oh! i broke my nail, so my life sucks at the moment.

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foraker, you are talking out of your ass here. you have absolutelly no concept (living in this coutry) what repressions are, what cult of personality is. you can read about it, but never experiencing it on your own skin- you can't even imagine what it is to live in a place of that sort.


Anyone who equates Reagan, Clinton, Bush, or any US president to Lenin, Stalin, Mao or any other mass murder is a fucking moron. Period.

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no no this guy's legit! can't you tell by the frequent foreign language posts?


I know a hell a lot more about communism and the Soviet Union than you. Stick with your cartoons - that seems to be the extent of any specialized knowledge you possess, you silly, ethno-centric, culturally ignorant, myopic, monolinugal, American parody. moon.gif

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