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The monkeys aren't too thrilled about you either


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Evolution is theory, not fact. If compelling evidence were introduced tomorrow that the principles of evolution are false, the new evidence would be analyzed, debated, and subsequently incorporated into the working theory of our past, even if it goes against what the scientific community considered fundamental today. Obviously there are egos to be damaged and theses to be thrown out the window, but science itself would move forward and eventually embrace new information. This is the main difference I see between evolution and creationism. The "truth" model is subject to change based on new evidence.

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It has something to do with disgust at the hypocritical, smoke-up-the-ass-blowing American liberals who feign care and concern for the US economy and card-carrying "working Americans", yet, in droves prefer to screw them by buying foreign cars.



Doesn't it screw Americans over just as much to make inefficient automobiles that make us more dependent on foreign oil, causing us to meddle in middle eastern affairs and stir up enough hatred to cause some asshole to fly planes into our buildings? It's a stretch, but so is equating buying a foreign car to not caring about Americans.

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The fact that is evolution is not incompatible with religion. And one need not "invent" goofy theologies to make this so. Teaching evolution in our schools is essential. We evolve still. It would be nice to allow creationist teaching as a counter-balance, but the opinions therein are so diverse that it is not practical... such teachings must ultimately resort to faith and throw (existing) science out the window.


Many here like to pigeonhole all conservatives into the religious zealot column. You have no idea how wrong you are.


Fair enough, Fairweather. Not only are creation beliefs and evolution compatible, you simply cannot believe in the Good Book's account of Noah's flood unless you acknowledge evolution. It was explained to me that if one male and one female representative of each species of beetle on Earth today were placed on Noah's arc, there would have been no room for even one grasshopper. However many species of beetle actually were on the arc, they must have undergone many mutations since the Fountains of the Deep ceased to flow.

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It has something to do with disgust at the hypocritical, smoke-up-the-ass-blowing American liberals who feign care and concern for the US economy and card-carrying "working Americans", yet, in droves prefer to screw them by buying foreign cars.



Doesn't it screw Americans over just as much to make inefficient automobiles that make us more dependent on foreign oil, causing us to meddle in middle eastern affairs and stir up enough hatred to cause some asshole to fly planes into our buildings? It's a stretch, but so is equating buying a foreign car to not caring about Americans.


My Ford Escort, which I drove for 11 years, got 30+ miles to the gallon. I drove it less than 10000 miles a year.



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A climber friend of mine once taught in the Camano Island School district. The school board was populated with a group of creationists that insisted a watered down version of evolution be taught in the schools. She quit rather than be forced to compromise.


I hear of this sort of thing occasionally. My response is, how can the school board enforce such a mandate. There is no way the board in my district can monitor what I teach in my classroom. If I get out of line and begin espousing the virtues of alien abduction or the innate superiority of aryan brotherhood, they might hear about it, but to not focus a realtively small part of my time in the school year to creationism over evolution is something they can't possibly prove or disprove: "Hey, did you give equal time to the 'Theory of Creationism' over that 'Evolution' travesty?" "Uh, ya, sure, you betcha!"

Unless of course they are rabid enough about it to plant listening devices; then I'm screwed.

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Why do Conservatives have Subaru envy?


It has something to do with disgust at the hypocritical, smoke-up-the-ass-blowing American liberals who feign care and concern for the US economy and card-carrying "working Americans", yet, in droves prefer to screw them by buying foreign cars.




You're a jerk. You're asking me to buy a piece-of-shit design that has resulted from Detroit's obsession with style and profit instead of producing a reliable vehicle. I won't do it. I've owned four Hondas and I apologize to nobody. On the average, they've provided 30+ m.p.g. and never required even a clutch change. I never have any trouble passing emissions standards. Two of them were manufactured in Canada, BTW.

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The fact that is evolution is not incompatible with religion. And one need not "invent" goofy theologies to make this so. Teaching evolution in our schools is essential. We evolve still. It would be nice to allow creationist teaching as a counter-balance, but the opinions therein are so diverse that it is not practical... such teachings must ultimately resort to faith and throw (existing) science out the window.


Many here like to pigeonhole all conservatives into the religious zealot column. You have no idea how wrong you are.


Fair enough, Fairweather. Not only are creation beliefs and evolution compatible, you simply cannot believe in the Good Book's account of Noah's flood unless you acknowledge evolution. It was explained to me that if one male and one female representative of each species of beetle on Earth today were placed on Noah's arc, there would have been no room for even one grasshopper. However many species of beetle actually were on the arc, they must have undergone many mutations since the Fountains of the Deep ceased to flow.


I'm not all that religious, frankly, so your Noah's Ark analogy seems somewhat bizarre. It would seem to me, however, that one male and female representative of a given speices does not an adequate gene-pool make. I really don't buy the whole flood-thing. Maybe it was a story intended as a parable millenia ago.

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It has something to do with disgust at the hypocritical, smoke-up-the-ass-blowing American liberals who feign care and concern for the US economy and card-carrying "working Americans", yet, in droves prefer to screw them by buying foreign cars.



Doesn't it screw Americans over just as much to make inefficient automobiles that make us more dependent on foreign oil, causing us to meddle in middle eastern affairs and stir up enough hatred to cause some asshole to fly planes into our buildings? It's a stretch, but so is equating buying a foreign car to not caring about Americans.


My Ford Escort, which I drove for 11 years, got 30+ miles to the gallon. I drove it less than 10000 miles a year.




If you'd had a Subaru you could have driven it 30 000 miles a year and still owned it for 11 years the_finger.gif Shitty Ford technology again!

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Subaru's are pieces of shit. Just ask The Car Guys on your favorite... NPR! Their horizontally-opposed boxer type engines belong on a hang-glider...not in a car! Additionally, they are WAY overpriced. Face it! You buy the Subaru because it fits a certain image you want to portray to others. Nothing wrong with that, but just admit it.


My old company car Ford Escort went for 200,000 miles and got 30mpg. My Toyota pickup will likely go 200k. I would love to see tha data on Subaru. I suspect you won't find too many with their orig engines @ 150k.

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My Ford Escort, which I drove for 11 years, got 30+ miles to the gallon. I drove it less than 10000 miles a year.



Touche. Let's look at Ford today though. After years of saying that emissions restrictions are not possible and that the technology would be too expensive and difficult to develop, they're coming out with a hybrid. A TOYOTA hybrid. That's an embarrassment. The Asian companies have been chuggin away for decades staying ahead of emissions standards instead of fighting them. That's why you see so few Fords in Europe or Asia where gas is expensive.

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My old company car Ford Escort went for 2000,000 miles


Damn! That is a lot of miles. yellaf.gif


My Lesbaru I bought used a long time ago (over 11 years ago) and it is still going strong. It is gutless, but has worked for me dependably for 11 years in all weather conditions. It is still going strong. But...I haven't put 2000,0000,000 miles on it either.

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You're a jerk.




You're asking me to buy a piece-of-shit design that has resulted from Detroit's obsession with style and profit instead of producing a reliable vehicle.


That attitude exemplifies the elitist hypocrisy that the Democrats portray in their lives. Every time I heard John Kerry and all the little Dem mouthpieces sput off about out-sourcing, union workers, and "working Americans", I thought of asshole liberals, who *really* care only about opposing the bogey man of "Christian right" and very little about the "working American".



I won't do it. I've owned four Hondas and I apologize to nobody. On the average, they've provided 30+ m.p.g. and never required even a clutch change. I never have any trouble passing emissions standards.


So what, I had the exact same experience with my American car. And since it was sold in California, it kicked ass on every WA state emissions test.

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Education in Saudi Arabia:


“ ‘I had to explain what Darwin thought but at the same time say, ‘as Muslims we don't agree with that, but I

have to teach you about Darwin so you're aware of what he said,' ” (Del Castillo, 2003).


Education in the "liberal" state of Washington:


Creationism is not science, it is religion, and has no place in the teaching of science. I teacher friend left her job in a small town outside Wenatchee because she was forced to stop teaching evolution.


Interesting juxtaposition.

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