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Full lunar eclipse in the PNW tonight.


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My window faces due south. Maybe I'll be able to see it without sticking my head out the window. Thanks for the heads up. I'll be sure to do that during World Series commercial breaks...or when I'm bored because the Red Sox are up big.


I once hiked to the summit of Sauk Mountain to view a lunar eclipse. It was much nicer w/o the city light pollution. Still didn't get any worthy photos, though. The moon got all pink in the middle like a raw juicy steak.

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Thanks, all. graupel got it the most right. Totality at around 8:00 p.m. Pacific time. I got the confirmation on the 6:15-ish start from CNN at the gym over lunch break.


This off the web from a Google search, from the San Diego Union Tribune:


"...The eclipse will begin at 6:14 p.m. as the moon lies just above the eastern horizon. The moon will be totally eclipsed from 7:23 p.m. to 8:44 p.m. and may take on a dull red color..."


My little tyke is gonna freeeeeak! thumbs_up.gif

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It was nice here in Seattle too, which itself was probably a greater meteorological rarity than the eclipse. The eclipse was good viewing for the metro area. Not much pollution.


T'was a beautiful (well, cool anyways) sight from the Plateau as well. We watched the whole thing.

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