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Hands down Andy's Diner on 4th Ave. S. 1 mile South of Safeco Field. Great breakfast , lunch,and dinner also has a full bar been there since 1949.The restaurant and bar consists of 8 train cars 1 of which was F.D.Roosevelts dining car while president.

Hands down Andy's Diner on 4th Ave. S. 1 mile South of Safeco Field. Great breakfast , lunch,and dinner also has a full bar been there since 1949.The restaurant and bar consists of 8 train cars 1 of which was F.D.Roosevelts dining car while president.


d00d! Best bar? they make manhattans form a mix!


I like the place though in that divey sense though. Haven't been there since the great wig party of 2003.


Bets eggs benedict in town is Glo's. Best mom and pop diner? Probably Mecca for me.


Why, the Lakeview Cafe, silly!


Very mom-n-pop, with a decidedly multi-cultural feel.

Awesome buttermilk pancakes, good bacon and coffee, with a waitress who looks like she just got out of a sauna (she drips sweat on your food; hey not too appealing maybe, but she sure works hard!).


Located in beautiful down-town Rainier Beach, just a coupla minute walk from Beer Sheva park.


(Ew, does she really drip sweat on my breakfast?)


Jitterbug Cafe- Wallingford - slightly upscale, good for entertaining a new friend the morning after.


Beth's Cafe- Greenlake- divey, good for comfort food the morning after the morning after.




but the winner is



rockband.gifrockband.gif SULTAN BAKERY rockband.gifrockband.gif




Leschi Deli (In Leschi, on lake washington)

Say Hi to Max and Mae

Mae makes the best sausage breakfast sammich in seattle...


Sometimes crowded due to bicycle gangs (oh, I mean team rides) that loiter around Lk wash blvd on the weekend a.m.'s


Bagel Cafe on Buffalo near Westcliff.


Killer Bagels and traditional jewish baked goods. Awesome Challah bread and Challah french Toast!!!!

I know, not really the Seattle area but it was 5 mintues from my house and we were always psyched to go. If your ever in Vegas give it a try! rockband.gif

Posted (edited)

Keystone Cafe. It is mainly Veggie but they have the best least expensive food I have ever had. It is one of my favorite places to read the Weekly, and the Comic News. Fresh Squeezed OJ and brown bran bread that is utterly to die for.


Verry VERRY close second is Studio One. the French Toast RAWKS as does the salmon and cream cheese omlet.

Edited by Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer
Leschi Deli (In Leschi, on lake washington)

Say Hi to Max and Mae

Mae makes the best sausage breakfast sammich in seattle...


Sometimes crowded due to bicycle gangs (oh, I mean team rides) that loiter around Lk wash blvd on the weekend a.m.'s


you mean Pert's.


hah, you got me... smile.gif Didn't want to attract any more hordes than what already bombard the place when quietly I'm trying to read my morning paper with scone and latte... It's getting chilly out, so they are all moving inside and crowding my space evils3d.gif


Perts = thumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gif

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