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g-m route at index is a good start...got a couple pitches of .9 ow.....


there is another on in the inner walls area of index...but i forget what it is called.....10ish range good stuff...though pretty hard...


mmmmmm...mind is blank....damn work! takes all the important functions and uses them

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it is called madsens chimmney....#5s dont really fit.....specialed and i backed off this thing in the spring...too scary...we opted for la cucharacha..it didnt pro very well....then i got back from utah and sent it in like no time....didnt even pro it up......cuz it is only 50ft or so long and after many proless rope length pitches i was way bold.....fun squezze though


and there is that .10b/.9 [Roll Eyes] ow at lil si.....it has even been desecrated by bolts....i guess big cams dont fit in the sporto micro pack

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Right on FLick-


If you fall and break a bone it's 5.12

If you fall on TR it's still 5.8

If you fall with merely sanpapered skin then it's 5.9

If you fall and tweak a knee etc nothing broken it's 5.10

If you dont even try it it's 5.nutsinguts [Cool]


[ 08-26-2002, 01:25 PM: Message edited by: Cpt.Caveman ]

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iz called behind the 8ball.....


bring your dirt gear....i had not the pleasure to lead it(yet) maybe sunday! um brain sez....2 #4's and 2 #3's.....dat camolots!


also "hard as hell" lives up to its name.....stardard rack for that 2 #'s and a #4

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Check out Tatoosh p2. That's a goodun. Also, Beak Beak Beak. Very protectable. Squirm inside and grovel. Some people say you can layback that one, but I haven't been able to figure it out. Oh, yeah, those are both at Index, and both rated 5.9.

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Seems like the conclusion to Dr. Sniff (Index)is some kind of flair....I remember having nothing that would fit and it seemed like the crux to me. I was at Index one day when some unfortunate fellow on Dr. Sniff thought he was doing the second pitch of Princely Ambitions and fell onto that spike when he attempted to clip his third piece. I'm not sure that the response to his accident is typical of what one can expect at Index, but I've since determined never to break so much as a fingernail out there.


OW's in the specified grade: Split Beaver, Squamish; the original start to Yak Crack, Coquihalla area, B.C.; 2nd pitch of the Gendarme on N. Ridge of Stuart; Easter Overhang (actually more like the best hand crack in Leavenworth); Damnation. There's a great 5.9 wide-jobby right of Stems-n-Seeds over in (disad-)Vantage, but I can't think of the name just now.

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good one on dr sniff....awesome route....i get inside that thing...it turns into like preprogrammed fingers with some chimmeny technique....and a bit of thrutch


bob's your uncle is the one at vantage you are thinking about.....

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Originally posted by erik:



good one on dr sniff....awesome route....i get inside that thing...it turns into like preprogrammed fingers with some chimmeny technique....and a bit of thrutch


bob's your uncle is the one at vantage you are thinking about.....

You get any gear in that thing? I only remember thinking that the "crux" felt like disco and the flair felt like a mosh pit.

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erik, I think you mean the climb just right of "Bobs your uncle". The rap station goes down it.Piegons shit and hang in it. It's pretty sweet. Oh, by the way, I dont think "Battered Sandwich" at index is off-width. I think its wide hands and then its a chimney. Its REAL stellar though.

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Damnation Crack - Castle Rock

Crack of Doom - Castle Rock

Battered Sandwich - Index

Prusik Peak -

I guess Traveller's Buttress @ Lover's Leap

Easter Overhang - Midnight Rock looks good

Rollercoaster Chimney - Midnight Rock too

Sagittarius - Index (do it all too not just to the roof belay)


[ 08-26-2002, 12:35 PM: Message edited by: Cpt.Caveman ]

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NW Corner of North Early Winter Spire, WA Pass

I think it is the third pitch.


Third and fifth pitchs of Lamplighter at Index.


Quarry Crack at Index is pretty wide as I remember.


2nd pitch of Tatoosh at Index.


Pitch 1 of Magic Fern at Index


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Originally posted by TimL:

At Index try GM pitch 2 & 3 both 5.9. Try Damnation 5.8 at Castle Rock in Leavenworth and Hidden Crack 5.8 at Givlers Dome. The Flame 5.8 at Midnight gets wide as well and is really fun with a setting that can't be beat.

There's a 5.9 OW on Madsen's Butress in the Icicle as well- can't remeber the name- but it's to the right of Cucaracha. Bring a couple #5's for that one. Flake Crack on Snag Crag (by Duty Dome) gets wide at the top and goes at 5.7 I think. Forking Crack 5.9+ on Icicle Buttress- that and ditto on Hidden Crack. Both kicked my ass.

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