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Boston Globe - Bush went AWOL


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Seems with a little digging the proof is there:




In February, when the White House made public hundreds of pages of President Bush's military records, White House officials repeatedly insisted that the records prove that Bush fulfilled his military commitment in the Texas Air National Guard during the Vietnam War.


But Bush fell well short of meeting his military obligation, a Globe reexamination of the records shows: Twice during his Guard service -- first when he joined in May 1968, and again before he transferred out of his unit in mid-1973 to attend Harvard Business School -- Bush signed documents pledging to meet training commitments or face a punitive call-up to active duty.


He didn't meet the commitments, or face the punishment, the records show. The 1973 document has been overlooked in news media accounts. The 1968 document has received scant notice.


Seems he didn't meet the commitments he signed up for, did not get called up for active duty, and faced no punishment. Born with a silver spoon up his nose.

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yellowsleep.gif The article doesn't reveal why he was not disciplined nor, why he did not transfer to a local unit once in Massachusetts. I would want to have these facts (which I am sure are in his files) before I passed judgement. But that's just me; I know Jim likes to castigate on hearsay.
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And Bush's "files" include no special dispensation, no early discharge papers, and the Whitehouse spokesman can do no better that say he was honorably discharged.


The puffy guy in the flight suit bailed on his contract with the armed forces - went AWOL. Why is it that this administration is so full of chicken hawks - those that went AWOL or got 5 deferments (Cheney).

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Hey Greg - Bush handed over his complete files. There is no record of any offical approval of his going AWOL. The Bush camp says this is all the files. Now if there was an offical ok, don't you think Carl Rove would be able to find it? Gimme a break. It's obvious he got special treatment and bailed on his commitment. C'mon Greg - even you have to admit this is pretty lame.

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Most of you know I'm about as liberal as they come, but honestly, what has actions more than 30 years ago got to do with this election? - Answer: bugger all.


All this shite where these dickhead candidates pretend to be something they're not to reach out to a miniscule amount of undecided voters is total piss. I wish each of them was principled and unwavering in what they stand for and let voters decide where their allegiance lies in spite of conflicting beliefs on certain issues. These two arses try to be something to everyone and in the end, they're nothing to no-one.


There needs to be a mass overhaul of the american election system. That's our tax money their slinging around in stupid ads and it's a fucking waste. Gary Coleman for president!

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yellowsleep.gif The article doesn't reveal why he was not disciplined nor, why he did not transfer to a local unit once in Massachusetts. I would want to have these facts (which I am sure are in his files) before I passed judgement. But that's just me; I know Jim likes to castigate on hearsay.


Why would there be any "facts" if they simply did not discipline him, or transfer him. Would a phone call from Daddy count as a "fact" and go into his files? rolleyes.gif

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yellowsleep.gif The article doesn't reveal why he was not disciplined nor, why he did not transfer to a local unit once in Massachusetts. I would want to have these facts (which I am sure are in his files) before I passed judgement. But that's just me; I know Jim likes to castigate on hearsay.


Why would there be any "facts" if they simply did not discipline him, or transfer him. Would a phone call from Daddy count as a "fact" and go into his files? rolleyes.gif


I heard an interview last night with Simon York (?) who has studied Bush's Guard service in-depth. Apparently, by its nature and at that time, the Guard was very flexible in allowing individuals to defer their commitments. Given the time (1972/1973), the War was winding down and a lot of pilots were returning to the US. This created a glut of pilots and preference was given to active duty pilots for training hops, etc. In Oct. of 1973, Bush got an early out from the Guard to attend business school. Take it for what it's worth.



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Ah, so now we're reverting to the "everyone else was doing it" excuse.


I agree with the Scotsman that wasting so much time on this who is the better commander crap and not talking about more important issues is lame. On the other hand the Bushie camp came out swingging with the slimy swift boat issue because Rove felt that he had to attack Kerry's war status. So it's very hypocritical for Bush, who had Daddy's connections give him a free pass into and out of the Guard, while less connected folks, working class kids I went to high school with, got shipped off. Some did not make it back.


When such a chickenhawk makes a big deal of the other guys record he deserves all the scrutiny he gets. He signed on and didn't fulfill his commitment, was grounded for his absence, but - surprise! - never disciplined.

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Truth be told, I don't think Bush's avoidance of the draft is that big a deal in and of itself, I'd have likely taken (or had daddy's connections make) the same opportunity if I were draft fodder at that time. It's the bristly chickenhawk posture and the willingness to smear Kerry for making a different choice that galls me. Own up to your shit and STFU, but the holier-than-thou sanctimonious stance Bush strikes just begs for a smackdown. I fully acknowledge that Kerry's war hero histrionics beg for the same thing, but the use of lies and slander to achieve it is not honorable.


I know Honesty has been a hot topic around here lately, but essentially I feel that Bush has no honor, he's never taken responsibility for the shit he's done throughout his whole life, and the buck always stops at someone else's desk. From his guard service, recreational drug use, yale on a c average, running the companies he was given into the ground, insider trading (records now sealed by presidential order), DUI, taking credit for a Texas education bill that only passed because the legislature overrode his veto, to the damned undeclared war we're in that he started for reasons he changes more often than his underwear, the man just doesn't take responsibility for his actions. Carp all you want about Kerry, I don't trust Bush farther than I can dropkick a bowling ball, and his time is up. Sure, it's possible that Kerry would also be a fuck up as President, but unlike Bush, he hasn't proven that yet. In this instance, I'll gladly take "maybe" over "definitely."

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