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Don't misinterpret sport-climber utterances (an easy thing to do). Screaming, wailing, grunting, and hollering are all variously translated as "this route's swell," "what an intriguing sequence," "my goodness, what a long deadpoint to such a jingus sloping edge," and "fuck, this shit's hard!"


Sorry, coming in a little late, had to work again today.


Some posts ago the notion of sport climbing being perfectly safe came up(because of course all sport climbs have a bolt every 18"), and that's simply not true. Need I remind anyone that I had a debilitating accident sport climbing, not involving any equipment failure?


I hear about grid-bolting in this argument every time we talk about sport climbing. The only places I've ever climbed that are seriously overbolted are Vantage, maybe Exit 38, and some small parts of Red Rocks. The first two are really nothing special in terms of aesthetics, what's the great loss if they ARE overbolted? The other maybe 10 places around the West I've sport climbed are not overbolted, even Smith is in pretty good shape. What's the deal?


Trails do grow back. This is true. But while they exist, the swath is much wider. In the high alpine, trails grow back in decades, it is no small feat for heather to get lush again once it's been mashed. Routes can grow back too, both in terms of moss (Index and DTown), and also the rock can be restored by chopping and filling. It's not that big of a deal, stop making it that way.


And Pope, you kind of outed yourself. Sounds like you're more concerned with "your" sport becoming too popular, than in the actual impact on the environment. [Moon]


It is possible for anybody to get hurt in any aspect of climbing, it is true. Perhaps your example is enough proof of this existential statement. However, that doesn't make sport climbing bold. BTW, I don't think a runout, bolt-protected pitch is a sport climb.


Pope, the topic is "what is your favorite sport climb?" not "is sport climbing okay for someone else if I don't like it?" Start another thread if you wanna hash that one out yet again. C'mon, it you're so fired up against sport climbing, you must have done some to fuel your opinion, so which was your favorite? We all assume its a given that its your choice of the lesser evil.


No, lets talk about the correlation between political views and attitude towards sport climbing! [laf][laf] If we could find a way to tie it into gender superiority, gun ownership, and the appropriateness of public drug use we just might have the perfect thread to offend absolutely everyone on this board. It would probably be the electronic equivalent of burping farting sneezing and yawning at the same time, and everyone's system would simultaneously melt down.


Typical wishy-washy middle-of-the-road bleeding heart liberal pansy anti-jobs head-up-the-ass environmentalist trust-fund up-tight left-wing democrat black helicopter conspiracy un-American terrorist-sympathizing pinko traitor sellout sport-climbing bolt-clipping rap-bolting half-a-trad not hardcore unalpine snaffle-sucking fancy-beer-drinking Subaru driving yuppie idealist attitude.


(posted on behalf of Trask, Greg W, Pope, Dwayno, et. al.)



Originally posted by Dr Flash Amazing:

Typical wishy-washy middle-of-the-road bleeding heart liberal pansy anti-jobs head-up-the-ass environmentalist trust-fund up-tight left-wing democrat black helicopter conspiracy un-American terrorist-sympathizing pinko traitor sellout sport-climbing bolt-clipping rap-bolting half-a-trad not hardcore unalpine snaffle-sucking fancy-beer-drinking Subaru driving yuppie idealist attitude.


(posted on behalf of Trask, Greg W, Pope, Dwayno, et. al.)

Preach it! Rednecks for wilderness! You forgot some modifiers: WTO-protestin', stink-oil sportin', Big-Lou-disrespectin', boulder-pad-totin', hemp-chalk-bag-sewin'.....



Originally posted by Dr Flash Amazing:

Typical wishy-washy middle-of-the-road bleeding heart liberal pansy anti-jobs head-up-the-ass environmentalist trust-fund up-tight left-wing democrat black helicopter conspiracy un-American terrorist-sympathizing pinko traitor sellout sport-climbing bolt-clipping rap-bolting half-a-trad not hardcore unalpine snaffle-sucking fancy-beer-drinking Subaru driving yuppie idealist attitude.


(posted on behalf of Trask, Greg W, Pope, Dwayno, et. al.)

Hey now......hitting a little close to home here! [Eek!]


Hey that's a description of my avatar!

Don't forget Starbucks supporting, Mall shopping, Yoga practicing and smoothie drinking. Living in Ballard fits too [laf]


Sure glad I'm not my avatar. [Roll Eyes]


To comment on the topic: Favorite Sport Climbs,I choose "Prince of Darkness" in Black Velvet Canyon.

I like it because it's multi-pitch, has hanging belays and has a great view. It does have way too many bolts though.


Looking back it seems like I enjoy this climb for all the things that are un-sportlike about it. Maybe I just don't like sport climbing afterall [Moon]



Originally posted by MF206er:

Hey that's a description of my avatar!

Don't forget Starbucks supporting, Mall shopping, Yoga practicing and smoothie drinking. Living in Ballard fits too


Sure glad I'm not my avatar.
[Roll Eyes]

Dude ballard is for the wankers you have to live in Fremont drive a Pathfinder and never get off the pavement to be really cool [Roll Eyes]

and practice aroma therapy before climbing and actupunture for those tweeked tendons and don't forget the dog thing because you don't want kids



Originally posted by Dru:


Originally posted by richard noggin:

don't forget the dog thing because you don't want kids

Doggie style is birth control?
[Cool] Oh yeah that works for me [laf]

I'm supprised Trask hasn't jumped on that one [Confused]



Originally posted by Dr Flash Amazing:


Originally posted by richard noggin:

I'm supprised Trask hasn't jumped on that one

What, the dog? Don't write off the possibility completely; he probably just doesn't wanna talk about it.

you're one to talk. your boyfiend tells me you play a mean skin flute.

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