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Opposition to Vietnam war was a Fad?


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It's funny. Some of those political protestors think that the entire crowds are behind them. When in fact there are masses of angry, confused kids that still have not grown up yet and would protest anything they could.


There is more than enough convincing evidence that if the war would have continued much longer without withdrawals then the NV would probably have started to crumble rapidly.

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I remember being 3 or 4 years old and staring at Newsweek covers with GI's wrapped in belts of 7.62 ammunition. From about that point on it was never in doubt what it was I would become. My biological father once told my mom that "No son of his would ever serve in the military". Guess what you draft dodging waste of airspace? Here's my solemn prayer. "Dear God, please have war, Amen".


Hippies from the Vietnam era are a national disgrace. You should feel ashamed of yourselves and your actions during that time. If you had picked up a gun and stood in solidarity with the real men and women of this country maybe we would have set that country straight in no time. You contributed to the deaths of thousands of Americans by prolonging our stay and distracting us from victory. I believe your actions during that time period show your lack of minerals and that your self preservation gene has a LONG YELLOW STREAK at the tip.


Whatever, don't even get me started. I got enough on my angst.


Dude, you make such moronic comments sometimes. You feel like you can get away with saying anything you please and that your point of view is correct and everyone else is wrong on account of you toting a gun and bleeding the red white and blue. You spend most of your time in a mass circle jerk with a bunch of testosterone laden adolescents and no-one seems willing to criticize you because you’re supposedly some kind of hero.


I wish you well and hope you’re safe. Beyond that, try to break free of the cultish thinking and consider that sometimes violence isn’t the answer to everything.


You see. You are EXACTLY the kind of person I post this rhetoric to offend. If you weren't so new and stupid to this board I might take your spew seriously. Trolling is still my modus operatus. If there was EVER a circle jerk of closed minded inviduals certain elements of this subculture would be in the Circle Jerk Olympics.

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Just pick up some books and read. Instead of watching movies.


Anyway the point isn't that.


Here's some interesting reading. It's pretty good evidence to suggest that the government failed not the military.




"But during our quarter-century involvement in Vietnam, no president--not Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon or Ford--ever issued such clear-cut instructions to their military commanders in Vietnam. In 1974, Brigadier General Douglas Kinnard did a survey and found that "almost 70 percent of the Army generals who managed the war were uncertain of its objectives."


"The anti-war movement likes to take credit for it--why anyone would want to take "credit" for the resulting massacre of some three million Cambodians, the consignment of hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese to forced-labor camps, and the suffering of over a million Indochinese boat people is beyond me--but I believe they're wrong. The turnaround was more pragmatic than ideological. It was the fall of 1967 when polls showed that for the first time more Americans were against the war than in support of it. And I think that shift took place because of public suspicion that the government didn't know what it was doing. When the Tet Offensive hit several months later it merely confirmed that suspicion--especially when President Lyndon B. Johnson gave up on the war. "



The bottom line is all the protestors that were spitting on veterans and creating the hippie cool scene fad due to cowardism should be the ones under the microscope.

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You see. You are EXACTLY the kind of person I post this rhetoric to offend. If you weren't so new and stupid to this board I might take your spew seriously. Trolling is still my modus operatus. If there was EVER a circle jerk of closed minded inviduals certain elements of this subculture would be in the Circle Jerk Olympics.


Firstly, it's modus operandus. As a dedicated and clearly sharp-minded military genius, I would have expected you to know that.


Secondly, If you notice when I registered and perform some simple arithmetic (hint: your PC likely has a calculator built into the operatus sytemus smile.gif) you'll find that I registered to this site approximately one and a half years prior to your debut.


Finally, I have no idea what your last run on sentence meant but I think I extracted a tacit acknowledgement that my suspicions proved founded and you and your posse do indeed partake in regular circle jerks to the point where you have Circle Jerk Olympics. Admittedly, I'm not sure what that might be comprised of, but I hope you at least have fun doing it. Certainly, the testosterone needs an outlet eh?

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I recall watching the news at that time and Walter Cronkite would read off the number of new casualties for the day. ...


One of the many problems with VN, as CC alluded to, was the government trying to micromanage the war and deciding military objectives. The lesson we've learned from that, and done by Bush Sr quite admirably, is to point the military at someone and say "Here's the objective", then let go and stand the hell out of the way.

Thus, one might argue that spitting on politicians is de rigeur, while spitting on returning soldiers is 'verboten'. Here's hoping the latter are home soon.

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What about the confused kids signing up for military service because they think the Neverending Global War on Terror is a good cause? Or the unstable nutcase kids, like gotterdammerung, who just like guns 'n stuff? Should we question their motives, even though their service, on its face, is honorable?

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To be frank about things I would call this spray forum a virtual cesspool of circle jerking special olympian champions for the left wing.


Some notable members-


dave schuldt





Yeeha! Thanks for your endorsement Cavey. Do I get a medal or something?

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To be frank about things I would call this spray forum a virtual cesspool of circle jerking special olympian champions for the left wing.


Some notable members-


dave schuldt





Oh this is good! Your convincing evidence is - I'm shocked - a Web Page! You've certainly made your case. rolleyes.gif

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tsk tsk. Just because we might disagree with you, or hint at disagreeing with you, we get called names. Grow up.


Fact is, I have studied the Vietnam war, and if youread one of my earlier posts you would see that I acknowledged the fact that many wars are based on politics, not sound military strategy. I in no way, shape or form blame any soldier for anything that led to the outcome of the Vietnm war.


I do still stand by my position that as long as the president was running that war, we would have never won. If we would have gone to sound military strategy, we could have won.

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Hi Jim- I never said that was convincing evidence. Also if you passed reading comprehension in school you would note that I strictly stated that I was not going to supply any. Suggesting that maybe you should read more books.




I think you said "Here's some pretty good evidence..."


If your backing away from this opinion piece of a website you posted then your orginal assertion is nothing more than opinion or another troll.

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The bottom line is all the protestors that were spitting on veterans and creating the hippie cool scene fad due to cowardism should be the ones under the microscope.


That was only a small portion of the anti-war movement during the Vietnam war. What pisses me off obout the current Iraq war is that the neocon "Support the Troops" crowd wants people to believe that if you don't support the war, you don't care about the troops. Rubbish.

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Hi Jim - I said "Here's some interesting reading. It's pretty good evidence to suggest that the government failed not the military. "


It's right up there still - I didn't even edit it. Come on dude learn to read for crying out loud.


You are as bad as someone with selective hearing.

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Firstly, it's modus operandus. As a dedicated and clearly sharp-minded military genius, I would have expected you to know that.


Secondly, If you notice when I registered and perform some simple arithmetic (hint: your PC likely has a calculator built into the operatus sytemus smile.gif) you'll find that I registered to this site approximately one and a half years prior to your debut.


Finally, I have no idea what your last run on sentence meant but I think I extracted a tacit acknowledgement that my suspicions proved founded and you and your posse do indeed partake in regular circle jerks to the point where you have Circle Jerk Olympics. Admittedly, I'm not sure what that might be comprised of, but I hope you at least have fun doing it. Certainly, the testosterone needs an outlet eh?


On a footnote, it's called SLANG you pretentious sack of Scottish SHITE.


I was registered as number 10 on this site at one time. So as far as I can remember I remember when you first came on this website with your "I love mountaineer outings" persona and serious lack of credentials. Not much as changed other than you have elevated yourself to some kind of celebrity status on this website when admittedly you are an insignificant foreigner. Go home. Enjoy it there because your country is about knee deep in warfare since long before the US ever came along. William Wallace you are not.


Secondly loser, I have met you in person and if you were able to put 2 and 2 together then maybe you would have figured that out a long time ago. You seemed squirrely and weak. Here is the power of the internet. Small man, no nuts makes big talk. You're cool.


My guess is that you run some inconsequential software related business. Don't value your insignificant self so highly.

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What about the confused kids signing up for military service because they think the Neverending Global War on Terror is a good cause? Or the unstable nutcase kids, like gotterdammerung, who just like guns 'n stuff? Should we question their motives, even though their service, on its face, is honorable?


You're so ignorant it's unbelievable. You're stereotyping is annoying as you are, and will continue to be. The thing here is that all you liberals are grumbling around trying to figure out ways that you can have your own little mini Vietnam peace style movement where you can all congregate, sing songs, and turn your brains to crisp.


Meanwhile the real world turns circles around you and you're too isolated at this point to even grasp it.


CC.com? Mostly I just come here to lose a few IQ points and check out with the losers hanging out in the trees across the street from the school, smoking and talking smack about the man and shit...L...O...S...E...R...S


Captain C, Greg, et al. Keep annoying the knobs around here. It's entertaining as hell. fruit.gif

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