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Climbing as Invasion of Wildlife Habitat


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Vandeman's crap is exactly why left politics can't maintain a "base" in America. Unfortunately, this sort of extremist banter divides and alienates those who do enjoy the outdoors while confusing other mainstream Americans. It's not "us and them," it's all "us."


I'm also pissed b/c Vandeman wouldn't comment on the Nodder thread.! madgo_ron.gif

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Vandeman's view is shared by a large number of conservation minded people here in Washington. Where we see a recreation area, many people would like to lock us out in the name of "preservation."


I'd argue that the current human impact is pretty small on, say, the Glacier Peak Wilderness. I'd also say there is a heck of a lot of wilderness area and land otherwise managed as wilderness in the Cascades. Does that make me part of Fairweather's "right wing horde?" I agree with him on some issues, and I agree with Vandeman on some issues too, but I think its a question of balance.

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I'll agree, Matt. But I believe that balance, for the most part, is currently at hand here in the PNW. Mr Vandeman, on the other hand, is likely less willing to rest until his exclusionary goals regarding recreation/use are achieved. I doubt that the word 'compromise' is part of his lexicon.

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Best appropriate reply to get to your level may be: "Thats what you are but what am I? nah nah nah."


Again and to reiterate:

We pay good money to have professionals examine these things in depth on many levels. You of course may second guess them if you like. However, what Alex said years ago about baseless internet spray with no substance and lots of blah blah blah with some psydo-science tossed in STILL seems to apply to your posts with nothing else tossed in.


so back at ya.



Probably better if we don't feed the trolls or the swine. confused.gif


Please reply to the Faster than Poo fella if you want to though.

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