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Kerry ahead in electoral votes


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July 12 Zogby poll results in WSJ.com


"The bottom line: Mr. Kerry would beat Mr. Bush 322 electoral votes to 205. This marks a big turnaround for the Massachusetts senator. In the prior Zogby poll, Mr. Bush came out ahead in our Battleground analysis, 285-253."



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It's a long time to the election. There's an awful lot that can happen between now and then.


Speaking of which I've got $100 riding on Osama getting named before November. An extra $100 if he gets found within 3 weeks of the election!

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Speaking of which I've got $100 riding on Osama getting named before November. An extra $100 if he gets found within 3 weeks of the election!


Might be a litte sooner cjf:


"A third source, an official who works under ISI's director, Lieutenant General Ehsan ul-Haq, informed tnr that the Pakistanis "have been told at every level that apprehension or killing of HVTs before [the] election is [an] absolute must." What's more, this source claims that Bush administration officials have told their Pakistani counterparts they have a date in mind for announcing this achievement: "The last ten days of July deadline has been given repeatedly by visitors to Islamabad and during [ul-Haq's] meetings in Washington." Says McCormack: "I'm aware of no such comment." But according to this ISI official, a White House aide told ul-Haq last spring that "it would be best if the arrest or killing of [any] HVT were announced on twenty-six, twenty-seven, or twenty-eight July"--the first three days of the Democratic National Convention in Boston.


The entire article is worth a read. Source: The New Republic

Link to the article: http://www.tnr.com/doc.mhtml?i=20040719&s=aaj071904

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It's a long time to the election. There's an awful lot that can happen between now and then.


Speaking of which I've got $100 riding on Osama getting named before November. An extra $100 if he gets found within 3 weeks of the election!


Even Leno is joking about it now yelrotflmao.gif

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It's hard not to believe in conspiracy theories sometimes.


"If you really want to understand like never before how as president, John Kerry will jeopardize America's War on Terror, pack the federal courts with activist judges, gut U.S intelligence-gathering and military capabilities, destroy American jobs, endanger the U.S. health care system, and increase Americans' tax burden to levels higher than any other time in American history – the answers are all here" evils3d.gif



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ssilBOI, please stop spewing shit out of your mouth again, it grosses me out.


You are right...we need a real leader like bush to divert attention from real issues and instead concentrate on passing ridiculously stupid constituional amendment. Obiously we need to be worried about this...the sacred bond between man and wife is under constant attack by those militant gays! Damn them and their equal rights!

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ssilBOI, please stop spewing shit out of your mouth again, it grosses me out.


You are right...we need a real leader like bush to divert attention from real issues and instead concentrate on passing ridiculously stupid constituional amendment. Obiously we need to be worried about this...the sacred bond between man and wife is under constant attack by those militant gays! Damn them and their equal rights!


Josh, you are such a fucking idiot. Doesn't it concern you just a little when you read the duplicitous activities of your hero, John Kerry? Pull your head out of your partisan ass and allow other ideas to enter your young feeble skull. I know your liberal religiosity will never allow you to deviate from your lemming-like march to the Kerry/Demo/Socialist cliff, but it'd be interesting to consider something other than what you've been spoonfed all your life, now wouldn't it?

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"If you really want to understand like never before how as president, John Kerry will jeopardize America's War on Terror

Since it's going so well currently?


pack the federal courts with activist judges



gut U.S intelligence-gathering and military capabilities

The "capabilities" that supposedly mislead us into attacking Iraq?


destroy American jobs

The jobs that are still here, or the American jobs that are now in India?


endanger the U.S. health care system

There is only room for improvement here.


and increase Americans' tax burden to levels higher than any other time in American history

With what, another unprovoked 90*10^9 dollar war?

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Greg sometimes your right wing militant-like spray is unbearable. I can't believe you or anyone can fully support Bush and this stupid war were in (btw all wars are stupid, we should be beyond that in this stage development of the human race). If you can't see the guy is a moron, who is only interested in making money for himself and friends at the expense of the general public, then there is no help for you.


GregW = fucking idiot = Bush

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Greg sometimes your right wing militant-like spray is unbearable. I can't believe you or anyone can fully support Bush and this stupid war were in (btw all wars are stupid, we should be beyond that in this stage development of the human race). If you can't see the guy is a moron, who is only interested in making money for himself and friends at the expense of the general public, then there is no help for you.


GregW = fucking idiot = Bush


Ken, quit taking those painkillers in such large quantities. You HAVE NEVER seen me fully back Bush on this site. EVER. I'm not happy with things he's done, and have said so on many occassions in discussions here. My point is that Kerry isn't the savior that you socialist/commies think he is.


Besides, ALL good political debates on this site start with a blatant flaming insult. So, suck buttgravy, choad huffer! the_finger.gif

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btw all wars are stupid, we should be beyond that in this stage development of the human race


The Arab Islamists are an obvious exception to your theory of evolution. But I also believe that the Japanese, Chinese, Germans are all martial people and that we have likely not seen the last of their warring ways.

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Greg sometimes your right wing militant-like spray is unbearable. I can't believe you or anyone can fully support Bush and this stupid war were in (btw all wars are stupid, we should be beyond that in this stage development of the human race). If you can't see the guy is a moron, who is only interested in making money for himself and friends at the expense of the general public, then there is no help for you.


GregW = fucking idiot = Bush


Ken, quit taking those painkillers in such large quantities. You HAVE NEVER seen me fully back Bush on this site. EVER. I'm not happy with things he's done, and have said so on many occassions in discussions here. My point is that Kerry isn't the savior that you socialist/commies think he is.


Besides, ALL good political debates on this site start with a blatant flaming insult. So, suck buttgravy, choad huffer! the_finger.gif


Well The way I see it here is the great land of USA we get two choices, what a wonderful system. Granted I don't really care for Kerry, but because of our great politcal system you either support one or the other. So your ranting makes it sound like you are one of them Bush supporting/war mongering/right wingnut lemming. So I'll pass on the buttgravy, I know it's your favorite so it is all yours. the_finger.gif

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the problem is not that in the USA you get only two choices but that your choices are almost completely identical.... and yet you get so polarized about them!


you got the Democratic millionaire vs. the Repuiblican millionaire... Kerry vs Bush, Coke vs Pepsi, Bud vs Coors


where is the real choice?

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btw all wars are stupid, we should be beyond that in this stage development of the human race


The Arab Islamists are an obvious exception to your theory of evolution. But I also believe that the Japanese, Chinese, Germans are all martial people and that we have likely not seen the last of their warring ways.


I would disagree with the statement about the Japanese but I could definitely see the other two. CHina almost for sure. Have you seen the euro coins minted in germany? They feature a very nice fascist looking eagle on the other side. hehe smile.gif

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Josh, the Japs were an empire of feudal lords. Ask the Chicomms if THEY think the Japs aren't a martial people; the Japanese have been warring with the Chinese for centuries. How much more martial can you get than invading Dutch Burma (?) in the 40's, attacking Pearl Harbor unprovoked, etc? Or is all they teach you in school now is that the Japs make great cars and invented origami?

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If we are talking "historically" the Vikings were amongst the most violent and martial of cultures and look at them now - bunch of socialists with highest quality of life in the world (according to UN report released today) wave.gif

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