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F9/11 more impact than Nader


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Now that Fahrenheit 9/11 is taking off like a rocket and shattering records at the box office, it's clear that Americans are hungry for Moore's message. Michael Moore is probably going to have WAY more impact on the election than Ralph Nader. Conservatives are soiling their britches at this point. the_finger.gif

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Now that Fahrenheit 9/11 is taking off like a rocket and shattering records at the box office, it's clear that Americans are hungry for Moore's message. Michael Moore is probably going to have WAY more impact on the election than Ralph Nader. Conservatives are soiling their britches at this point. the_finger.gif


I doubt it. I value his opinion about hotdogs and french fries more than his half-baked political propaganda.



(Do you think he prefers the good stuff? [see below])



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Dwayners hero...he's so fit






It's not Rush, but I liked this one too.




First of all, Rush Limbaugh isn't a Nazi as I'm sure his lawyers would love to explain to you.


Second of all, he is not my hero.


Thirdly, you're a real jerk to suggest that I would have any sort of Nazi for a hero.


Sometimes you're funny. This time you're really, really not. Find someone else to pee on if you need to relive Jr. High.


"oh, it's spray, dude! lighten up." rolleyes.gif

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That attitude scares me. Will Kerry really do a better job, overall than Bush? I'm not so sure.


I'll answer this one with my typical response...Bush has done such a terrible job I'm willing to simply try somebody else at that point. Add that on top of the fact that bush has every other issue (abortion, environment, health care, the economy, civil rights) fucked up, and Kerry is getting my vote. thumbs_up.gif

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Eh, we're fucked either way. Hope you canuks have some big guest rooms, cause you might be gettin some big fat american houseguests! hahaha.gif


I know a few gay guys who are very seriously considering moving to Canada if bush's bigoted marriage bullshit amendment passes.

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Kerry will do fine. He's not perfect, but he's intelligent and will surround himself with good people. Remember, when that moron Bush gets the boot in November, so does Cheney the dick, Dumbsfeld, Condi, Gale Norton, et al.


The truth is if we booted all of bush's underlings it would have the same effect as booting bush himself.

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