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Yahoo just...


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When you have 1Meg of stored e-mail, you have 3 megs @ 50-100kB for some commercial e-mails, that's 30-60 e-mails, or 10-20 a day. Yes, I get that much e-mail, probably 50% of which is spam, which the crappy Yahoo filter doesn't catch. And since I've had my account for 6 or 7 years now, I don't want to change.


I get even more e-mail at work fruit.gif

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...increased their free-email storage limit from 4MB to 100MB ooo.giflaugh.gif



yay!! I don't have to break my packrat ways!!! (or, uh, download & get to know Eudora as I've been meaning to)


Just though I'd share this SPECIAL MOMENT with all of you....

THAT SO RULES fruit.giffruit.giffruit.gifbigdrink.gif
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Does anyone check their yahoo email through outlook? I do this with my hotmail and msn email accounts but can't figure out how to do it with my yahoo email account. It makes it much easier to check and sort all my email accounts when I can do it through outlook. thanks. thumbs_up.gif

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Angling for new users, Yahoo has decided to let people begin signing up for addresses that have been inactive for years. The offer is designed to lure Web surfers who may have been previously interested in signing up for a free Yahoo e-mail account only to learn one of their preferred handles had already been claimed.


"Some of these addresses could be very juicy and might attract a lot of interest," said David Ferris, an e-mail analyst in San Francisco.


Yahoo says "tens of millions" of dormant e-mail addresses will be made available again. The company also say it will improve the tools used to search its e-mails — a feature that Google has been touting — and spruce up the service with a cleaner look.


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yay for yahoo. lately it's been a constant battle to keep my emails under the limit. now no worries. yahoo rocks!!! thumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gif


No, actually, they really don't. Yahoo actually pretty much sucks. I did hear that the founder, whatever his name is, is a major anti-bush contributor, so I give him thumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gif


Same thing for Google. thumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gif

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Probably worried about the ads that gmail inserts that are based on the content of your emails, and that when you delete an email it does not ever really go away with gmail, it's still on the servers... Draw your own conclusions.


I feel that email is not secure anyways, and there are already enough companies out there that probably are probably doing far more invasive data mining than simply scanning my emails for keywords. Course gmail is still beta, and I haven't signed up yet.


Anyways, you can read googles response to concerns here.


I noticed snugtop has though... maybe she could give us some feedback.

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