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I bet this is all the rage with the "eco-friendly" celebrities. Flown in to some exclusive remote wilderness to enjoy the majesty of nature from their lavish lodge suite, hike maybe 4 miles over the course of a week, then fly out again to an interview on E! about their experience roughing it in the distant wilderness to get back to nature.

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Forget heli-hiking. That is so yesterday. The new game for the Whistler extremoMtnDudes is heli-biking! Get airlifted to the top with your fully-suspended, knobby-tired bitchin ride, and then make the first descent. Dude, so rad. Fragile alpine meadows be damned.


They've been doing it for quite a few years now in the mountains near Whistler, and probably other places too.

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actually someone heli biked one of those massive scree chutes north of the thompson canyon just east of lytton a few years back. you could see the fresh track in the scree until rockfalls obliterated it.


i myself have taken up heli-climbing and plan to continue it when i can afford to as a supplement to regular climbing

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I've always dreamed about going hiking with some retired member of the Afghan mujahadeen, along with his trust Stinger missle, and knocking off the tail rotors of a few particuarly intrusive helos. Would certainly even up the odds somewhat in this land-user conflict , as well as spice up the experience for those bored, lazy heli-recreationalists!


Maybe we could set up an anti-aircraft battery on the roof of Murray's store to pick off the helos going up to Lake Lovely Water? You'd see a proper bridge going over the river PDQ after that, I expect.


Having said all that, I am not against all heli-access, but only in appropriate areas (i.e. remote, difficult to access, and not heavily used by parties who walk in) Flying into those areas that you can reach by a 3 hour hike, like Lovely Water, or Garibaldi Park, or indeed most of the southern Coast Mountains, seem a little disrespectful of the experiences of others.

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