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Ronald Reagan


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No to me it sounds like someone likes doing math, hell with the metric system being base 10 conversions in the metric system are simple and you barely have to have any math skills, just need to know how to move a decimal point.

That was my point.

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Its called class. If you don't have something good to say about a person as a eulogy, don't say anything at all. As another poster stated, you are not saying things for the deceased, but rather for those who are greiving him. wave.gif


Republicans have been writing the eulogy for Ronnie for years. They couldn't even wait 10 years to name an airport after him. Since the were deifying him before his death, I see little reason to abide by traditional restraints after his death.

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Its called class. If you don't have something good to say about a person as a eulogy, don't say anything at all. As another poster stated, you are not saying things for the deceased, but rather for those who are greiving him. wave.gif


Republicans have been writing the eulogy for Ronnie for years. They couldn't even wait 10 years to name an airport after him. Since the were deifying him before his death, I see little reason to abide by traditional restraints after his death.


I no more care for their actions then I do for yours. There is no reason we can't strive to be a little bit better than politicians now is there?

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I couldn't believe it when I heard over and over again yesterday how he had defeated the USSR and ended the cold war. It is true that he was in office when they finally collapsed....


Actually, Matt, Bush Sr. was in office when the USSR imploded. But then you never have been much for research and/or facts when it comes to facing your political biases as demonstrated here, once again.


Ronald Reagan:


Right about communism.


Right about the 70% top marginal tax rate being an obstacle to economic growth.


Right about central america.


Right about the middle east.


Wrong about forest policy and raw log exports.

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There's some serious fucking dickheads on this site. I just want you to know that I fear none of you and respect very few of you. You sound like mealy mouthed turd eaters to me.


Ronald Reagan was a good man, and your attempts to discredit his legacy simply reflect on how pitifully unimportant most of you really are.

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Perhaps the main difficulty with Iraqi armamants really got rolling through the Commerce Dept., (whose secretary is a cabinet member) some of it under that genius of geopolitics, George H.W. Bush, as well as under the dearly departed President Reagan.


Some of us may recall Mr. Saddam's nuclear program was almost entirely enabled by acquiring "multiple use" technology from U.S. & European companies during 1980s & right up to Gulf War I. Commerce approved the U.S. transfers, nearly all of which had some fig leaf attached (for example I recall, a system for manufacturing an obscure material used by oil refineries as well as in nuclear triggers. That particular system was installed by the U.S. company at a weapons facility. As the CEO tried to tell me once, "you can build a bomb with a screwdriver.")


One difficulty was that much of Iraq, including I suppose its oil industry, was run by its military. A large part of the purchases were indirectly subsidized by U.S. aid programs, though not deliberately, one supposes.


The leading anti-proliferation group (not strictly partisan), called Wisconsin Project, has documented the story in great detail, & had been widely reported by the mainstream press, but as we now know, is of primarily historic interest, thanks to the U.N.

Edited by johndavidjr
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Ronald Reagan was a good man


this is the whole point of the issue.... if you believe he is somehow inherently "good" then somehow it justifies abetting dictators, funding murderers, suppressing civil and human rights, none of which can be said to be "good". I guess it depends how you define "good". I wouldn't call any of those actions" good" so I can't call him a good man or respect him in any way.

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That little Slate article about Reagan by Christopher Hitchens and posted above was perhaps the most ignorant, mean-spirited piece of crap I've read in recent memory.


Mean-spirited? Perhaps. Would you care to point out anything that is factually incorrect?


And for those of you who think that it is inappropriate to criticize Reagan so soon after his death, will you please notify us when your tender sensibilities will allow us to do so?


How about now?





How about now?










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