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Going to a restaurant and getting served margarine or Country Crock or some other nasty alternative instead of good ol' butter to spread on the bread. Or pancake syrup instead of pure, unadulterated maple syrup.


Having two out of six checkout lines open at the UDistrict Safeway, with about ten people waiting in each line, and the manager is just looking around and scratching his head, wondering why people are getting pissed.


Bureaucratic assholes who won't cut redtape or bend around assinine rules because they are either powertripping or too stupid to get a clue.


People who misspell my surname on important paperwork.


Crazy folks on the bus who just won't stop talking to you.

And when you finally move to a different seat, they start yelling at you how you are rude and cold and heartless and evil...


All the whiny losers and their lawyers who made the American tort system the way it is today, where school playgrounds are considered deathtraps and softball fields may as well be minefields.


Corporate labelling and America's obsession with materialism. The Tostitos Fiesta Bowl. The "I'm a rich but short-dicked mofo so I had to buy the name for this stadium" stadium. All the shallow dumbasses who don't feel whole until they are enclad in Nike and The Gap and whatever else they learn from MTV. The dweebs who think they are going to be so much cooler when they own the biggest baddest TVs and a million DVDs. All the advertisers who take advantage of the shallow dumbasses and the dweebs.


School bullies. Columbine really wasn't a wakeup call about guns in schools. It was a wakeup call about how repeated bullying can drive kids to mental illness.


Greed. Energy tycoons. Folks who sacrifice safety to cut costs (more than twice the amount of people died from Bhopal than from WTC). CEOs who squander/horde money and fuck over all their employees, getting only a slap on the wrist.


Anyone (e.g. Bush) who compares WWII to the War on Terror or Hitler to Osama.

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2. People who premise a comment by saying "Now I'm not trying to (fill in the blank)...BUT," and then they go ahead and do what they just said they weren't trying to do.
People who know that parrhesia is the word that describes this kind of speech. grin.gif


3. Know-it-all, uber-geek, internet spelling and grammar police. the_finger.gif

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Ken, sometime in the near future, medical science will figure out a way to defeat the need for sleep. It will be equivalent to extending our lives by 1/3. Think about it.


Trust me I have thought about it. First thing I would do would be get a third shift job.

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Ken, sometime in the near future, medical science will figure out a way to defeat the need for sleep. It will be equivalent to extending our lives by 1/3. Think about it.


Trust me I have thought about it. First thing I would do would be get a third shift job.

omfg. you would work more? hellno3d.gif what an idiot. rolleyes.gif

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People that can't fathom that I don't want to hear about their religion.


Companies that try to sell you things when you're calling customer support -- phone companies are the worst.


Fucking telemarketers.


Grocery stores where checkout clerks look at your receipt and call you by name to try to be personal, usually pronouncing it wrong.


People who stand at the beginning of the line that still don't know what they want. I know what I want, so get out of my damn way.


People that are perky in the morning. Fuck you.


Pagetop asshats. the_finger.gif

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Ken, sometime in the near future, medical science will figure out a way to defeat the need for sleep. It will be equivalent to extending our lives by 1/3. Think about it.


Trust me I have thought about it. First thing I would do would be get a third shift job.

omfg. you would work more? hellno3d.gif what an idiot. rolleyes.gif


What if you could do your 40-hour workweek in two days, leaving five days for fun?

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Anyone (e.g. Bush) who compares WWII to the War on Terror or Hitler to Osama.


Yeah, and conversely, I hate when lefties who are ostensibly on my side compare Bush to Hitler. Ridiculous hyperbole just makes your argument completely dismissable.

Liberals are allowed to think this? shocked.gif
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Anyone (e.g. Bush) who compares WWII to the War on Terror or Hitler to Osama.
Yeah, and conversely, I hate when lefties who are ostensibly on my side compare Bush to Hitler. Ridiculous hyperbole just makes your argument completely dismissable.
I agree with you there Off. Gary: did you even see/hear Bush's speech. The comparison of the War on Terror to WWII as reported by the media was taken out of context. He was being specific within WWII by referencing the Pearl Harbor attack and comparing that to WTC. I saw nothing wrong with his comparison. It was a speech.


Peeve (related to one of Gary's first one):

9. Going to semi-fancy restaurants and being served butter or margarine pâtés in those wrappers. You know, the ones where you can't knife it out of there w/o it being awkward or getting some of the stuff on your fingers. Please just put dollops of the butter/margarine in those little cups. Thank you.


Relatedly, going to a nice golf course (a country club type of course) and ordering a hot dog then having to use those little packets for mustard, relish, and catsup. I despise those little packets as it is. But when you're a nice club, put the condiments in those little squeeze bottles.

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how's this for a pet-peeve: people who EXPECT you to have telepathic powers and be able to read their frikkin' MIND about shit, and then get PISSED OFF when you CANT... rolleyes.gif


classically, this has be used as a stereotype of one particular "type" of person, but I'n not gonna "go there" ... elaborate on that... right here & now. anyway, it's bad enuf when this scenario happens with a person you're close to, smileysex5.gif but when it's your damn boss/supervisor, it's just downright infuriating! wazzup.gif



(coincidentally, my current supervisor happens to be "that type" of person.) when I first started working here 3 wks ago, I started developing a bit of a crush on said supervisor... but the attraction is ra-pid-ly dwindling... thumbs_down.gif

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Pedestrians walking in the crosswalk slower than my grandmother when her rheumatism is acting up.


Car stereos you can year from 4 blocks away.


People who park in front of my house without asking.


People who insist on having long, loud conversations right in front of my office door about shit I couldn't care less about.

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  • 7 months later...

My peeves for January:



people who dont look where they're going and almost bump into you. .....one of the worst places for this is the outdoor stairs at the Seattle REI.... peeps who are goin down or up the staircase and are too busy talking about the fancy toys they just bought or are about to buy .... to see they're about to crash into you. hellno3d.gifmadgo_ron.gif



stores where you buy like just a few items, and they give you this receipt that's like 18 inches long, with ads about what's on sale or some sweepstakes bullshit. WTF?!?! save your paper, ya morons. I'm not interested in the shit you have to sell. ONLY the stuff i just bought.

REI, despite being big and corporate, doesn't do this which is cool, but like... QFC, Safeway, and all the other big supermarkets do, plus Men's Wearhouse, Home Depot, etc. Blockbuster does too.. but at least they split up the 18" into like three pieces.. hah. tongue.gif



the beer commercials this year with the football refs. the Miller ones are sort of allright, but the Bud ones with the refs stealing the beer are just stoopid. ..... how dare they suggest a ref would steal beer. hahaha.gif

.... whatever happened to those Coors Light commercials with their twiiins???


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