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Bush will lose in November


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I paid fucking $2.35 for a gallon of gas last night, and prices are projected to continue to rise through the summer.


I don't give a shit what you think of his or Sen. Douchebag's leadership merits, but the sad truth is, people vote with their pocketbooks. And at $2.35 a gallon people ain't gonna be happy.


Bye bye, W!



- a s s m * n k e y

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Mr. Assmonkey-


These guys are shameless. What do you want to bet? Gas prices will serendipitously drop some time late Summer or early Fall, and that's probably when we'll catch Bin Laden, too. Then, if that's not enough, we might see some voting "irregularities" in key states.


Its not over 'till its over.

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I say add another $1 tax on top of the price of gas, and people will actually start to use mass transit. SUVs will become a thing of the past. YEA!!! If you are really that concerned about the price of gas the ride a fucking bike, bus, or walk. I think higher prices on gas are a good thing, especially if it gets rid of bush. I would pay $5 a gallon for that.

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Mr. Assmonkey-


Mr., huh? Whoa, did my dad just walk into the room?


These guys are shameless. What do you want to bet? ... and that's probably when we'll catch Bin Laden, too.


Assmonkey has been saying this for a while:

Assmonkey sees the future in his ball.


Then, if that's not enough, we might see some voting "irregularities" in key states.


This could be a big problem. I predict some public uprising if this is the case. Thinking here N99 protests, but nationwide.


Its not over 'till its over.



- a s s m * n k e y

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I say add another $1 tax on top of the price of gas, and people will actually start to use mass transit. SUVs will become a thing of the past. YEA!!! If you are really that concerned about the price of gas the ride a fucking bike, bus, or walk. I think higher prices on gas are a good thing, especially if it gets rid of bush. I would pay $5 a gallon for that.


No so hard for us urban folks, but what about those in Eastern Oregon or Washington who have 60-70 mile commutes? What about all deliveries going up in price?


Not that simple...

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I for one am all for developing alternate energy sources and getting us completely disconnected from these people once and forever. I hate the Middle East.


I'm with you there, but the oil companies and auto companies and power companies have been resisting this as long as they've been in business. And they carry a considerable weight in this great nation of ours.

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I say add another $1 tax on top of the price of gas, and people will actually start to use mass transit. SUVs will become a thing of the past. YEA!!! If you are really that concerned about the price of gas the ride a fucking bike, bus, or walk. I think higher prices on gas are a good thing, especially if it gets rid of bush. I would pay $5 a gallon for that.


No so hard for us urban folks, but what about those in Eastern Oregon or Washington who have 60-70 mile commutes? What about all deliveries going up in price?


Not that simple...


Yea I know, but I dont really want to think about it early on a friday morning, and I just wanted to waste some time at work.

One questions though. Why does everybody in eastern washington have to drive a vehical that get less than 10 mpg. They could start by buying a honda accord, or a golf TDI. It would cut their gas bills by more than half.

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As much as it would hurt folks, myself included, I would love to see $5/gallon gas. As Alasdair said, it would seriously hurt the SUV market and actually get people thinking about a more intelligent way to move people around cities.


The really lame thing is gas would cost this much more if it wasn't for heavy government subsidies for the oil comapnies to promote "research and development"

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One questions though. Why does everybody in eastern washington have to drive a vehical that get less than 10 mpg. They could start by buying a honda accord, or a golf TDI. It would cut their gas bills by more than half.


Real men and their wives don't drive a Golf -- even to the grocery store. Those cars are for west side liberal city dwellers.

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We did a report in school about the emergence of the caspian see nations (former USSR states) and their possibility for huge oil reserves.


While I would certainly like to see us off oil ASAP, I think it would be great if, in the mean time, we could greatly reduce our dependence on the middle east. It would be truly awesome if we could move all our partnerships to the former USSR states, which would not only get their economies rolling but let us get out of the middle east.

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We did a report in school about the emergence of the caspian see nations (former USSR states) and their possibility for huge oil reserves.


While I would certainly like to see us off oil ASAP, I think it would be great if, in the mean time, we could greatly reduce our dependence on the middle east. It would be truly awesome if we could move all our partnerships to the former USSR states, which would not only get their economies rolling but let us get out of the middle east.

Most other countries in the world are reducing their dependance on North American wood by cutting down russian forrests instead, why should we not do the same with oil.

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It does not matter where we buy our oil. US oil, Mexican oil, Russian oil it is all one big world market!!!!!


Simply because there is a market doesn't mean you have to buy from every vendor blindly.


The greater number of reserves total, the less an impact on a single reserve will effect the entire market. Meaning fighting in Iraq or Saudi Arabia or whatever to maintain stability means less if they represent 25% of the market instead of 75%.

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We did a report in school about the emergence of the caspian see nations (former USSR states) and their possibility for huge oil reserves.

you dumshit. cant spell for hell. they are called 'cicadas' and they only emerge like every 17 years. they are greasy as a castro hustler though. rolleyes.gif

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We did a report in school about the emergence of the caspian see nations (former USSR states) and their possibility for huge oil reserves.

you dumshit. cant spell for hell. they are called 'cicadas' and they only emerge like every 17 years. they are greasy as a castro hustler though. rolleyes.gif



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No so hard for us urban folks, but what about those in Eastern Oregon or Washington who have 60-70 mile commutes? What about all deliveries going up in price?

Deliveries, yeah, but as for the commuters, get a tiny little car that gets 30 or 40 mpg, then your commute will be well within the realm of cost-effective. fruit.gif

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Just get a motorcycle. 80+ MPG grin.gif

Actually most get more like 50. The current trend for motorcycles the last few years is bigger engeins. Have you looked around lately? It is hard to find a bike with less than a 750cc motor. Mine is 750 and it get 45-50, depending on how fast i ride it.

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