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Damn, three years ago I had a good job. The economy was humming along. We were at peace. There was no war, no draft. The air and water were cleaner than they ever were. The arabs and Israelis were on the virge of peace. America was admired and respected around the world. How could one man fuck everything up in so short a time? madgo_ron.gif

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Damn, three years ago I had a good job. The economy was humming along. We were at peace. There was no war, no draft. The air and water were cleaner than they ever were. The arabs and Israelis were on the virge of peace. America was admired and respected around the world. How could one man fuck everything up in so short a time? madgo_ron.gif


You're pretty fucking stupid if you think that one man could do all that you propose. Sheesh, you think the Government is ONE MAN? A man who doesn't even have the power to spend money or make laws? Go back to making an ass out of yourself on climbing topics, that's funny enough. You're just annoying here.

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You're pretty fucking stupid if you think that one man could do all that you propose. Sheesh, you think the Government is ONE MAN? A man who doesn't even have the power to spend money or make laws? Go back to making an ass out of yourself on climbing topics, that's funny enough. You're just annoying here.


You're right Greg. It is foolish to think that George Bush is actually running the country. That is being performed by Cheney and his oil industry buddies. It takes a bunch of those neocon freaks to run up the national debt and alienate us from the rest of the world. boxing_smiley.gif

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You're pretty fucking stupid if you think that one man could do all that you propose. Sheesh, you think the Government is ONE MAN? A man who doesn't even have the power to spend money or make laws? Go back to making an ass out of yourself on climbing topics, that's funny enough. You're just annoying here.


Actually Greg W, if you believe that the mess this country is in is attributable to any one other than the Conservative Republicans and that Fuck Stain that they put in the White House you, as you put it, are pretty fucking stupid. rolleyes.gif

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What's the significance of the helmet?


BD has always been depicted wearing a helmet. Initially he wore a football helmet in college, then Army (Vietnam?), then football again, now Army again. Looks like he'll be wearing a wheelchair from here on.


Maybe Trudeau bought the rights to "Cutter John" from Burke Breathed?

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In the real world, that's true, but we're talking cartoons here. Why bother having a character with only one leg if you're going to depict him walking normally with a prosthesis? Might as well let him keep his leg and save everyone the trouble and expense. Putting him in a wheelchair, or at least on crutches, provides much more fertile ground for plot scenarios. Remember Cutter John from Bloom County? He had lost the use of both legs, but it was the wheelchair that defined him, and made him such a versatile, compelling character. And funny - they never could have done the Star Trek gags if he'd been hobbling around on braces, but with the wheelchair, the possibilities were endless.

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OK, this will probably be putting too fine a point on a thread drift, but regarding leg amputation and prosthetic use...


The higher the amputation, the more likely a person is to use a wheelchair. A lot of people with hip disarticulations use wheelchairs. A lot of times people may use a lower extremity prosthetic for certain situations but also use a wheelchair for going long distances. There are a lot of higher amputees that can ambulate but its not very efficient and use of a wheelchair can help them get places faster without using all their energy.


People don't get fitted for their final prosthetic for months until their stump has full healed and the swelling has gone down so the socket will fit. During that time they will use a wheelchair and some temporary prosthetics once they are allowed to start bearing some wieght on the stump.


Some guys with high ampuations chose not to use a prosthetic at all but walk around with lofstrand crutches (the kind with the forearm cuff like Dr. Weaver uses on ER).


Some one with an amputation at BD's level would probably be getting around with an above knee prosthetic and a cane pretty well after many months. But surgeons will often have to revise a traumatic amptation higher so they can create a stump with enough soft tissue to pad it well.


So anyway, thats just some amputation 411 I have gleaned after working a few years in rehab.

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