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Spray turned into an anti-Bush coffee klatch...


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I've noticed more and more evidence of a trend in Spray lately. Simply put, people are just starting threads about how much George W. Bush sucks. This is lame and not very entertaining, in my opinion. Thanks for expressing your opinion in this democractic society we live in. Can we move on now? I mean, Spray used to be a fun place; now it appears to have morphed into a series of bitter backroom bitch sessions about the current Administration. There's not even any good debate anymore. My thoughts on this are that the excessively spineless politically correct bent on this site has so disgusted members of an opposing view, it has left only the like-minded masses and a few counter-thinking stalwarts who are tired of the same old arguments.


I encourage all of us, on this beautiful, crisp, Spring friday, to reach within ourselves and bring out some really earthshattering Spray. You know it's in there, look inside and see what spews forth.


I write this as a public service to the sprayer in us all. Good luck and God speed...spray on.



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I think the majority of the vocal right-wing supporters left with the last mass exodus, and all the leftist liberals now feel more confident to come out and speak their mind now that they won't get flamed about it. If there's one thing liberals love to do as much as possible, it's bitch about Bush without having to roll their eyes at a Republican who's defending him.



Is "leftist liberal" redundant?

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I think the majority of the vocal right-wing supporters left with the last mass exodus


surely you must be joking, have you seen how many people visit the site these days? yesterday at some point there were ~110 people between lurkers and members logged in. this site has never been more popular. so what does it mean? by using your same lame logic, it'd mean that people are visiting more than before, now that most bush-apologists have been shut up by their own untenable positions?

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Somebody has got to come out and say that Greg is absolutely correct. It's getting boring. It's just a lot of griping and it is no longer stimulating any debate. We all pretty much agree that Bush sucks so just let's move on to something else. Bush is going to lose Washington State as he did in 2000 and we're not going to change that.

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well Greg, if you want to hang out in a forum that doesn't have a lot of Dubya-bashers, ya picked the wrong one, pal! climbers & other outdoorsy folk don't tend to like the guy.



if i'd learned about & joined this site a few years ago i prolly woulda had more to say about these topics... have gotten kinda apathetic about politix in recent years. yellowsleep.gif i tend to read the non-Dubya threads in Spray much more than the Dubya threads. tho i do still know enuf to know that the guy is a frickin' moron. and no, i'm not going to give examples; i really don't have the time or energy to discuss/write about it. maybe at Pub Club sometime...


actually one way (FYI) in which I agree with the bastard is that i think we should drill the hell out of Alaska's oil reserves. totally goes against all my environmental morals, but i think reducing our involvement/engtanglement in Mideast issues is much more important right now. depending who you talk to or which news stories ya believe, way too much of the money we give to the Saudi royal family (via Chevron et.al.) ends up in the pockets of Al Qaeda, or at least was for many years there. just plain stinkin' ridiculous. madgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gif


anyway, I say any Republican who shares his elk steaks at the spring BBQ is a cool Republican. thumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gif (I'm assuming your "location" .. volunteering for Kerry ... is a joke Greg?)



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surely you must be joking, have you seen how many people visit the site these days?


Just because people leave does not mean more cannot fill their place. I was just referring to a handful of regulars, several of which tended to heatedly debate the Bush haters, that left a couple months ago.

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I think the majority of the vocal right-wing supporters left with the last mass exodus


surely you must be joking, have you seen how many people visit the site these days? yesterday at some point there were ~110 people between lurkers and members logged in. this site has never been more popular. so what does it mean? by using your same lame logic, it'd mean that people are visiting more than before, now that most bush-apologists have been shut up by their own untenable positions?

there may be more peeps here but thery are not good ol' boys. Sisu posts way less, trask doesn't post, and greg ain't a good ol' boy any more....times they are a changin'
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a handful of regulars, ... that left a couple months ago.


you mean the ones that changed avatars and suddenly became apolitical?

in this case you are wrong. you may think that some of the guys are still here, but they arn't and although you may not miss them I do.
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well Greg, if you want to hang out in a forum that doesn't have a lot of Dubya-bashers, ya picked the wrong one, pal! climbers & other outdoorsy folk don't tend to like the guy.


anyway, I say any Republican who shares his elk steaks at the spring BBQ is a cool Republican. thumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gif (I'm assuming your "location" .. volunteering for Kerry ... is a joke Greg?)




Gee, Mr. 30-posts, thanks for the lightning bolt of illuminating information. One thing I have grown to love about my associations with the climbers on this board and in general, is that they DO NOT think as I do. It spurs wonderful discussions and debates and makes me think about what I believe; Mattp does a great job at this.


As far as the elk steaks go, you're welcome to what I can offer...there will probably be organic beef hamburgers and/or steaks. Anyone step up to planning this shindig? Icegirl? Chuck?



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a handful of regulars, ... that left a couple months ago.


you mean the ones that changed avatars and suddenly became apolitical?

in this case you are wrong. you may think that some of the guys are still here, but they arn't and although you may not miss them I do.


apart from trask i am not sure who you are talking about. even though trask may be a personable guy once you've met him, you are right that i don't miss the constant raunchy atmosphere that he brought to the site. if the same few people did not keep bringing him up, he'd be a very distant memory by now. it's unfortunate to have to say this but, overall, see it as addition by substraction.

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a handful of regulars, ... that left a couple months ago.


you mean the ones that changed avatars and suddenly became apolitical?

in this case you are wrong. you may think that some of the guys are still here, but they arn't and although you may not miss them I do.


apart from trask i am not sure who you are talking about. even though trask may be a personable guy once you've met him, you are right that i don't miss the constant raunchy atmosphere that he brought to the site. if the same few people did not keep bringing him up, he'd be a very distant memory by now. it's unfortunate to have to say this but, overall, see it as addition by substraction.

I was actualy more refering to capt. caveman and sisu. trask as well. I mis mike adom and a few others too. I supose the cc.com you want is more important than the one I would want. majority rules and all.the thing is with out decenting oppinions it turns into a circle jerk. if everyone agres there is no debate or discussion. Buit then you wouldn't want to learn any thing, you just want people to tell you how right and rightious you are. YAY you tongue.gifthe_finger.gif Edited by Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer
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i believe all the avatars you mention are still around in one form or another. nobody forced them to post less. well, true they were rightly asked to reign in the verbal abuse and threats of physical violence (this does not apply to sisu) and i do miss most of caveman's climbing contributions. otherwise, i don't see a lack of arguments or diverging opinions in spray, or overwhelmingly antibush rhetoric as gregw claimed. as for your opinion of me, i don't believe you are being very fair but everyone is entitled to their opinions. have a good day.

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i believe all the avatars you mention are still around in one form or another. nobody forced them to post less. well, true they were rightly asked to reign in the verbal abuse and threats of physical violence (this does not apply to sisu) and i do miss most of caveman's climbing contributions. otherwise, i don't see a lack of arguments or diverging opinions in spray, or overwhelmingly antibush rhetoric as gregw claimed. as for your opinion of me, i don't believe you are being very fair but everyone is entitled to their opinions. have a good day.



MOMMMY the_finger.gif


you see the thing is you don't get to pick a person aprt and only accept bits of them. people come as a WHOLE. with Ray you get the ocasional violent out burst with the plethera of valuable information. take it or leave it.

Edited by Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer
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back to the original topic---


it's simple bush is such a disgrace to politics and the office of president that even republicans can't be too supportive. it's easy to get the anti-bush coffee klatch together b/c he is a pathetic excuse for a world leader. chew on that.

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