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You're gentle and compassionate...open and flexible...considerate of others and do not for views and opinions on them. Often focus on meeting others needs...pleasant, quiet and kind....at their best ensuring others well-being. Caring and sensitive....modest and reserved..


OK...you enjoy subjects that relate to helping and knowing about people... art ... computers and history classes if these classes are taught with an applied, sensible approach.. and if objectives relate directly to everyday lives....


You're somewhat artistic, aren't you? You could probably post a great poem on the Storm Palace, huh? You dislike structure, because it takes away from your spontaneity and freedom. You like leisure, and seek it out. You savor it...probably say "stop and smell the roses"...You have a personal and humorous approach that is unique...


Patient and flexible..easy to get along with and no need to dominate others. You don't need to lead, and are a loyal follower...good team members... You're trusting and understanding...


Love to you is utter devotion and loyalty... when you first fall in love, you may feel consumed by it...."falling in love with love" ...focus on the romance of it all..you are constantly nourishing the relationship... When scorned, you probably retreat and repeatedly analyze the situation internally....When you let go finally, you can be more assertive again...


You organize things according to their personal and humanistic values. You like a work setting that contains cooperative people... leadership style involves personal loyalty as a means of motivating others... prefer team approach...likes to enjoy life...


Be careful of the following: you can lose out when you neglect your own needs. because you see others' needs so clearly, and because you're heavily motivated toward meeting others' needs, you may overlook your own requirements. You need to learn how to respect own needs more and to be assertive and direct with others in asking for their help and for time to take care of themselves.


You also lose out when you are afraid of conflict and mismanage it as a result. You take personal responsibility for conflicts and issues that in actuality belong to others. You become hurt and withdraw. Finally, you can lose out when you become self-critical, and do not appreciate your own accomplishments.


ISFP: "I Seek Fun & Pleasure"

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"your best when developing unusual or complex ideas..."

like why does distel like pullin on pebels so much?

cause it requires 30secs of effort, and 30+ mins of beta talking hellno3d.gifyelrotflmao.gif

why does wirly like trad climbing;

30 sec of beta (follow that crack to belay)

and 30 + mins of climbing


Edited by wirlwind
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it changed.


me too I used to be an ENFP, now I am an ENFJ


does this mean I am getting smarter??? or just more bitter?Ok. Now for the payoff....


What is there to say about you? You're a lively and enthusiastic facilitator who applies warmth and vision to helping people and meeting their needs. You are aware of people's aspirations and develop plans of action to make those aspirations into reality. You're loyal to causes or people you like/respect.


You're tolerant and appreciative of others..seeking involvement with them in life's tasks. You're at your best when facilitating situations that require interpersonal sensitivity. You tend to be self-critical...


Now, just a bunch of ... strung together: cooperative, friendly and like harmony.... constantly on the go, involved in many things...love being with friends, clubs and any activity that allows you to be with others. You're gracious, charming, aware what is and isn't appropriate behaviour...also, you've got a verbal gift and communicate well..


You'll set goals and follow through diligently and usually get whatcha strive for...in group learning situations, you learn best where you can talk about the lesson/topic and interact with your peers...but you like SOME independent learning and projects...you feel responsible for the feelings of others... You radiate sympathy and understanding...


You like being a team leader...encourage cooperation...focus on ideals and work within those ideals...you do best when there's a spirit of harmony... you like your work to be settled and orderly, but not so much that it is dull, quiet or unchallenging...likely do well as actor, counselor, teacher, and anything else that lets you help others...


As a leader, you encourage others to participate and are not a neo-Nazi. You put personal relationships and responsibilities before you kick back. You enjoy reading novels and watching movies to see how tghe characters play out the life issues they confront in the story.. you like watching people...and BBSing on the Storm Palace...


You take others' needs seriously and often put your own needs on the back burner behind family, job or community....romantic...fall in love HARD... when commitments break, you get upset because you see as personal reflection on you because you've idealized the relationship...


Watch out for being blindly loyal to others or to causes that may not deserve your consideration...you're old fashioned....learn to recognize other people's limitations...don't avoid confrontation and conflict by sweeping it under the rug...don't take criticism personally and become illogical.... I'm getting tired from all this damn typing!


You're so idealistic, you often don't see things the way they REALLY are, but how you wish they were....try to be less sensitive...



Edited by Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer
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it changed.


me too I used to be an ENFP, now I am an ENFJ


does this mean I am getting smarter??? or just more bitter?Ok. Now for the payoff....


What is there to say about you? You're a lively and enthusiastic facilitator who applies warmth and vision to helping people and meeting their needs. You are aware of people's aspirations and develop plans of action to make those aspirations into reality. You're loyal to causes or people you like/respect.


You're tolerant and appreciative of others..seeking involvement with them in life's tasks. You're at your best when facilitating situations that require interpersonal sensitivity. You tend to be self-critical...


Now, just a bunch of ... strung together: cooperative, friendly and like harmony.... constantly on the go, involved in many things...love being with friends, clubs and any activity that allows you to be with others. You're gracious, charming, aware what is and isn't appropriate behaviour...also, you've got a verbal gift and communicate well..


You'll set goals and follow through diligently and usually get whatcha strive for...in group learning situations, you learn best where you can talk about the lesson/topic and interact with your peers...but you like SOME independent learning and projects...you feel responsible for the feelings of others... You radiate sympathy and understanding...


You like being a team leader...encourage cooperation...focus on ideals and work within those ideals...you do best when there's a spirit of harmony... you like your work to be settled and orderly, but not so much that it is dull, quiet or unchallenging...likely do well as actor, counselor, teacher, and anything else that lets you help others...


As a leader, you encourage others to participate and are not a neo-Nazi. You put personal relationships and responsibilities before you kick back. You enjoy reading novels and watching movies to see how tghe characters play out the life issues they confront in the story.. you like watching people...and BBSing on the Storm Palace...


You take others' needs seriously and often put your own needs on the back burner behind family, job or community....romantic...fall in love HARD... when commitments break, you get upset because you see as personal reflection on you because you've idealized the relationship...


Watch out for being blindly loyal to others or to causes that may not deserve your consideration...you're old fashioned....learn to recognize other people's limitations...don't avoid confrontation and conflict by sweeping it under the rug...don't take criticism personally and become illogical.... I'm getting tired from all this damn typing!


You're so idealistic, you often don't see things the way they REALLY are, but how you wish they were....try to be less sensitive...



mine to!


a for the first b for the next two and a again for the last...

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Are you really Swedish at heart?


Do you dream of taking on insane adventures?

Do you feel that Goran Kropp should be celebrated as an international hero?

Was the Swedish Chef your favorite Muppet?

Do you steadfastly stand by socialist values?

Do you adhere to social rules?

Can you sing along to "Fernado?"

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