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Stanley Holloway anyone?


With Her Head Tucked Underneath Her Arm


In the town of London, large as life, the ghost of Anne Boleyn walks they declare.

Poor Anne Bolyn was once King Henry's wife until he made the headsman bob her hair.

Ah, yes, he did her wrong long years ago and she comes up at night to tell him so,


With her head tucked underneath her arm she walks the bloody tower,

With her head tucked underneath her arm at the midnight hour.


She comes to haunt King Henry. She means giving him what for.

Gadzooks, she's going to tell him off. She's feeling very sore,

And just in case the headsman wants to give her an encore,

she's has her head tucked underneath her arm.




The sentries think that it's a football that she carries in

and when they had a few they shout, "Is Army going to win?"

They think that it's Red Grange instead of poor old Ann Boleyn

with her head tucked underneath her arm.


Sometimes gay King Henry gives a spread

for all his pals and gals and ghostly crew.

The headsman craves the joint and cuts the bread

then in comes Anne Boleyn to queer the do.

She holds her head up with a wild war whoop

and Henry cries, "Don't drop it in the soup!"




One night she caught King Henry, he was in the canteen bar.

Said he, "Are you Jane Seymour, Anne Boleyn , or Cath'rine Parr?

How the sweet san fairy Ann, do I know who you are

with your head tucked underneath your arm?"

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In the poll on the link, it shows that 8600+ people (46% of respondents) think the ghost is real. I say that security guard himself is in on the stunt. Maybe even the whole palace administration to get more tourists to come, thus more money. I've been to Hampton Court. It's a nice palace.

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