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Why am I at work?


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I don't know why you're at work...I'm not. Those stupid-ass hacks working on our heating system broke something in the boiler while trying to service it and have to wait for parts so I've had the last day and a half off.


God bless 'em, the dumbasses!


Unfortunately it's about -25 outside with a 10mph wind and the sun is just starting to come up. Cross country skiiing isn't real appealing in these conditions.


Dber- that's what sick days are for, "Umm, yeah I'm feeling a little sick, of work, so I won't be in today"

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Dber- that's what sick days are for, "Umm, yeah I'm feeling a little sick, of work, so I won't be in today"


The guilt has been catching up to me. On my last extended weekend climbing trip I called in sick while driving to the airport. Now no more official time off (in fact burnt up a long time ago) until Jan 1.


Must be productive employee, must increase shareholder value...


I dream of being layed off.......

I dream of being a part time barista......



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You bozoids keep loafing, and let me lap you around the track of life a few more times.


When I consider death, and looking back at my life at that moment, these things appear to be what will be important to me:


1) How I've done as a father and husband.

2) What I have achieved in my career.

3) Adventures I've had.


Adventures make the Top 3, but the others will rank higher in claiming a "life well lived."

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RobBob said:

You bozoids keep loafing, and let me lap you around the track of life a few more times.


When I consider death, and looking back at my life at that moment, these things appear to be what will be important to me:


1) How I've done as a father and husband.

2) What I have achieved in my career.

3) Adventures I've had.


Adventures make the Top 3, but the others will rank higher in claiming a "life well lived."

the only other thing I would add to that is the time spent with close friends and my parents and other family members.
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ive played that carrer game from when i was a little kid..not much to it if it aint your thang....


call me what i want but i believe the reason for living in this country is for the pursuit of happiness(atleast for me) so i will do so as i see fit as long i do not infringe on a fellow americans rights whilst doing so.


you certainly should be proud of your accomplishments but to state that they are more worthy then anothers is certainly the wrong road to go down.



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I'm at work,enjoying the view and getting drunk on the company's beer supply while surfing the web and planning publishing domination....


here's how my day started off at work...


At my nine A.M. meeting with my two ace reporters one of them cutting her Dolce and Gabanna shirt- "SNATCH-coming soon to a theater near you" up and off with a pair of sicissors, which the other reporter and I both found quite intriguing... Then, a beer before coffee and doughnuts with a publisher and my ad saleslady, discussing future growth, then some bullshitting with my boss about our measely competition, now listening to rock and roll and drinking a labatt's work done for the day


nand now at a quarter of one, going to score some organic greens, and then off to home, with satisfaction of a job well done (and a damn entertaining meeting to boot!)


but sometimes, work sucks.....




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RobBob said:


1) How I've done as a father and husband.

2) What I have achieved in my career.

3) Adventures I've had.


Adventures make the Top 3, but the others will rank higher in claiming a "life well lived."


These days I'm a stay at home dad, so adventures makes the top two. Soon as the progeny's old enough to drag along, maybe I'll consolidate it all and transcend into a higher form of seagull. cantfocus.gif

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I really enjoy my work now.


It's funny, I took a year and a half off when I got married (wife retired at 35), and I got bored after a while.


It would be cool if you could take 6 months off every year, and just kind of choose those days whenever, rather than having to schedule. That would be way cool. Anyone know any jobs like that, besides being independently wealthy?

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