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Well - I kinda lost my cool last night ....

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I was in Hagen's to pick up some milk and bread. I couldn't help but notice that of the 45 or so people in the store fully 1/3 of them had a cell phone glued to their ear. They looked like idiots.


Then I get to the milk, grab a gallon and before I can push the cart away I am suddenly surrounded by the Stepford wives and their gay caballero. I swear all five of them had cell phones to their ears!! I could not get out. They just stood there talking on their phones. I lost it. "Hang up your god damned cell phones and get the hell out of my way. Do you people have ANY idea how stupid you look? You look like brainless androids! Is that thing telling you when to breathe?" Two of the five had shocked looks on their faces and hung up and moved. The other three? Just had this android expression on their faces like "What just happened?" The non-cell phone users in the area did a down the cuff chuckle.


Then the guy in front of me at the check out line was talking on his cell phone and trying to write a check. I told him to hang up the damn cell phone and write the check because I was tired of him inconveniencing me with his stupid call. And I added, "Trust me, you don't look important. You look like an idiot." It's been a long time since I was that pissed. Poon & Tang knew I was on the war path when I got home. Then I told them what happened and Tang said, "Well you better be glad one of those idiots wasn't out in the parking lot with a gun waiting for you."


What the hell is this world coming to?




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trask said:

I'm tellin' y'all, this cell phone abuse is fucked up madgo_ron.gif

dude. open your mind. dont you know that one of the latest japanese schoolgirl crazes is havin their boyfriend call them on their inserted cellphone set on vibrate mode? bing!


TRask, I did a simlar thing in Alaska. I was real sick and was trying to get out of the store real quick. I was in the 10 items or less line. The lady in front had a full cart. I lost it and told the lady that she was in the wrong line. She mouthed that I was an ass hole. I shouted as loud as I could, " Yes I am an ass hole, but at least I know how to count." She left in a hurry after being checked out and the store was very happy to see me leave.I guess this type of behavior makes the workers and manager nervous. pitty.gif

sisu_suomi said:

TRask, I did a simlar thing in Alaska. I was real sick and was trying to get out of the store real quick. I was in the 10 items or less line. The lady in front had a full cart. I lost it and told the lady that she was in the wrong line. She mouthed that I was an ass hole. I shouted as loud as I could, " Yes I am an ass hole, but at least I know how to count." She left in a hurry after being checked out and the store was very happy to see me leave.I guess this type of behavior makes the workers and manager nervous. pitty.gif


My favorite is people walking down along the aisle at the video store with a cell phone to their ear telling their spouse at home what movies are in. Get off your fat ass and go to the video store if you want a say in what movie gets rented! You might actually burn a calorie or two in the process!


Dr. Lief Salford, of Lund University in Sweden, who has called the evolution of wireless phones 'the largest biological experiment in the history of the world,' reported in June that cell phone radiation damaged neurons in the brains of young rats.

The study showed cells in the parts of rats' brains that control sensation, memory and movement died after being exposed to various cell phones at different levels of radiation for two hours.


'The situation of the growing brain might deserve special concern, since biological and maturational processes are particularly vulnerable,' Salford said.


He cautioned that it is possible that after decades of daily use a whole generation of users may suffer negative effects as early as middle age. The paper was published in Environmental Health Perspectives, a U.S. National Institutes of Health journal.


Feds to launch $10 million investigation of cell phones, wireless technologies


I sympathize. What gets me is when people leave their cell phones on when they are out to dinner. And even worse is that they answer them. I couldn't believe how may phones rang last night while I was out. rolleyes.gif


I used to crack up at the people who had to turn their phones on and check voicemail the moment the plane landed and were on the phone before takeoff until the attendants told them they had to turn them off. I always treated the flights on my business trips as a little break from the crummy job and my personal time since I had to be away from home for days. There are only a handful of people who need to be that connected to their business and I'm pretty sure they are not flying coach class on United. They're probably in their private leer jets...


I think I wrote once about accosting a woman twice to get off her goddamn cellphone after takeoff. I literally had to lean across the aisle and loudly tell her to "turn it off now!"


Two weeks ago a middle-aged man took a call while the plane was on approach in Atlanta. Busiest airport in the country, and here's a fuckstick that knows better than everyone else about which safety rules to follow and which to ignore.


Now I know that it is thought that there are no problems with cellphones in commercial aircraft. If that's the case, then the FAA ought to relax the rules on cellphones. The current situation, where individuals think they can break safety rules that potentially affect everyone else in the aircraft, is bogus and undermines the general authority of the flight crew...IMO.


A well-known radio talk show host likes to say that if you go out on a date and she answers the cell phone while you are at dinner together that's the ultimate in disrespect. He says you should excuse yourself to go to the men's room and then walk out the door.


Cell phones have an off button for a reason. Anyone who uses one in places like airplanes, movie theatres, restaurants, etc are just pricks in need of a bitchslap.

catbirdseat said:

A well-known radio talk show host likes to say that if you go out on a date and she answers the cell phone while you are at dinner together that's the ultimate in disrespect. He says you should excuse yourself to go to the men's room and then walk out the door.

Depending on the circumstance, that's exactly what I'd do.

catbirdseat said:

A well-known radio talk show host likes to say that if you go out on a date and she answers the cell phone while you are at dinner together that's the ultimate in disrespect. He says you should excuse yourself to go to the men's room and then walk out the door.

shit. i was havig a drink with one woman friday and kept getting calls from another. i dint answer but the vibrating phone against my sack was way distracting.

RobBob said:

I think I wrote once about accosting a woman twice to get off her goddamn cellphone after takeoff. I literally had to lean across the aisle and loudly tell her to "turn it off now!"


Two weeks ago a middle-aged man took a call while the plane was on approach in Atlanta. Busiest airport in the country, and here's a fuckstick that knows better than everyone else about which safety rules to follow and which to ignore.


Now I know that it is thought that there are no problems with cellphones in commercial aircraft. If that's the case, then the FAA ought to relax the rules on cellphones. The current situation, where individuals think they can break safety rules that potentially affect everyone else in the aircraft, is bogus and undermines the general authority of the flight crew...IMO.


I think you should be able to punch the dude in the face, take his phone, and turn it off, all in the name of self defense.

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