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Lambone said:

Alpinist Magazine...


Colin's old trip reports...


Photos of El Cap...


Kill your Television...


if you kill your television you'll be more likely to do all of the above.


seriously though, are you undermotivated about climbing specifically or just more of a general malaise. if it's climbing specifically, just go and do, climb whatever suits your mood. the motivation will come back. you don't have to be workin on major projects all the time.

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RuMR said:

How do you stay motivated when you are in a slump?

this happens to me every winter... it gets cold and I get lazy and want to sleep in and drink more and goof off more. Seems like it just takes a few weeks and I bounce back after the hollidays
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Long nights and short days really hurts the motivation. For me, I just need to pull my ass up and do something. I know that once I am there, I am having a blast, it is just getting out of the house.


I would agree, reading about climbing, climbing pics, doing easy fun routes are all ways I have used to get my ass off the couch. Throw that tv away as well, you'd be amazed how much more time you have, and more motivation you have to do other things.

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Lambone said:

jdog said:

take a break from climbing and focus on another sport for a while. variety is the spice of life.


I agree...I've started mt biking alot lately, and it has improved my desire to get out and rock climb. Plus it's fun and good for the lungs.

Second that. When I get tired of rock I climb ice or ski. When I'm sick of ice or skiing I go climb some rock. thumbs_up.gif Now when I don't get to do anything...that's a problem. thumbs_down.gif

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Reading guidebooks is great. The CG to SW by AW has been read so many times, but every time it's like "oh, forgot about that route, and hey, what about this line over here?", and pretty soon you've got a list of good shit to check out. And it helps you remember all the routes you did, the killer season you had, the day you racked up a couple great onsights, the route that bouted you so long ago and you want to get back on ... just stirs up that climbin' part of yer brainz.


Hitting the gym with a motivated crew is great. Nothing like a few people making up problems, figuring out beta, sending, then making up harder problems, cheering each other on, and all that. Or better yet, hitting the crags with same posse.


You can always drag out the climbing vids you've seen twenty times. Watching Sharma flash V12 like he's on a ladder or Yuji sending Kryptonite ... hellno3d.gif inspiring. Or flipping through the stack of climbing mags and finding a good feature that got you stoked a while back (that Beth Rodden piece in the last issue of Climbing was good).


Then when you're good and fired up, rolling to the crag with some good discs spinning. If you're like DFA, you've got some that just remind you of climbing, or just get you stoked in general (give it up for Fugazi/13 Songs, HWM/No Division, Pennywise/Full Circle, Avail/pretty much anything, Slow Gherkin/Shed Some Skin ... the list goes on).


Then you fucking jump out of the car and grab your pack and charge down the trail, just fuckin' screaming your lungs out, jumping up and down, running back and forth at the base of the crag like a dog chasing chickens, fuckin' body-check your partners and knock 'em down, then just solo the warmup route in your approach shoes with your pack on, continuing with the raucous screaming, and ... shit, are you stoked now? ARE YOU?! HUH? HUH? ARE YOU FUCKING STOKED?!!






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RuMR said:

Bug...do you and your girls ever hit the redmond vw club??

No. They charge full price and my girls will climb one or two climbs and be done. Not enough bang for the buck and they don't get into much. When the weather is good, we go to Marymoor and swing around a bit. THat is about all the artificial climbing they really want in a year at this point. They get into climbing real rock a lot more. But even then, it takes a bit of peer pressure. We'll have to get them out next summer.

I might have some skiis for your daughter. I have been meaning to dig them up but haven't gotten around to it yet.

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Changing the kind of climbing is important for me...

Rock, mixed, drytool, ice....


and then finding ways to make each of those mediums different...

traversing, bouldering, laps, leading, easy, hard, sport, trad.


If I get bored/under motivated, I find a way to make it interesting, different and/or new.


Borrowing/demo-ing/buying new gear is always a good motivator to get out! smile.gif


Now if I could only find a way to tame my motivation when injured. *sniff sniff* frown.gif

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