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Road Trip


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So lets say you had to drive from Philly to Portland and had to do it as quickly as possible within the limits of sanity, i.e. no Fast and Furious car chase scenes.


How would you do it?


How long would it take you?


What would you take? Inflatable doll so you can ride in the HOV lanes?



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early 80's death metal noting after about 86 or 87.


tho use it sparringly or you might harm the 1st people you see once the trip is over. death metal, plus being strung out on caffine and lack of sleep make for quite euphoric feeling at times.


once i drove back from colorado springs to e-burg in 21 hours non stop. got to my friends house at like 4am and could not sleep as i was wired. finally crashed around 6 or so and jonathan awoke me when he got up at 7am. then we went and climbed dragontail. i dont think i have ever felt so disconnected during the latter hours of the adventure. it almost makes me want to do it again!



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rbw1966 said:

I drove from Atlanta to Portland once non-stop save for a 20 minute interlude at Little America in WY. By the time I got to my house I was hallucinating.



that happens to me on the way to SMIFF I figure it's flashbacks wink.gif
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rbw1966 said:

a 20 minute interlude at Little America in WY.





DUDE! Little America is crazy and funny! Two hours' worth of billboards advertising the 20-cent ice cream cones and all the other shit. And then all of a sudden there's this huge Colonial-looking compound and all these trees sticking up out of the middle of the most endless expanse of jack shit you ever had to sit through! And it's the most shiningly clean mega-sized mini-mart EVER! With micro brews, and Ben & Jerry's, and 50 different kinds of Ephedra capsules, and all the knick-knacks and tchotchkes. And then the frighteningly clean bathrooms, like something out of a Las Vegas hotel, with the little individual rooms for each toilet. So strange. That place needs to be the scene of some freako noir movie for sure.


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Truckers Atlas


I'm going to Colorado

to unload my head

I'm going to New York City

and that's in New York, friends

I'm going to Arizona

sex on the rocks all warm and red

and we bled

and the writing in stall said

"we write our maps in the stalls"

I'm going up to Alaska

I'm going to get off scot-fucking-free

and we all did


This trucker's atlas knows the ways

the freeways and highways don't know

The buzz from the bird on my dash

Road locomotive home


I don't feel and it feels great

I sold my atlas by the freight stairs

I do lines and I crossed roads

I crossed the lines of all the great state roads

I'm going up

going over to Montana

You got yourself a trucker's atlas

You knew you were all hot

Well maybe you'll go and blow a gasket

You start at the northwest corner

Go down through California

beeline you might drive three days and

three nights to the tip of Florida


Do you speak the lingo?

Oh No. No no

How far does your road go?

Oh no, you don't know


I'm going to Colorado

to unload my head

I'm going to New York City

and that's in New York, friends

I'm going up to Alaska

I'm going to get off scot-fucking-free

And we all did

And the writing in the salt says

We ride on out to the stars

I'm going to Arizona

Sex on the rocks all warm and red





This is the best driving tape ever. I've gone through 3 or 4 since the album came out back in 98 or so.



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rbw1966 said:

How would you do it?


I-80 to Chicago. Keep Driving. In SLC take 84. Keep Driving. For some reason we found getting though Ohio to be the crux of the whole trip. After we entered WY it was bliss.


How long would it take you?


3 days. I believe when I did this trip from NYC to Seattle area, it took us two days with 2 drivers to get to SLC area. 1000+ miles a day (i.e. 20 hours of driving) will get you there alive and not much slower than driving around the clock with NoDoz. From SLC its really only about 12 hours or so, but by then you are probabaly tired enough that an extended sleep would be good.


What would you take? Inflatable doll so you can ride in the HOV lanes?


Thats not what I used the inflatable dolls for, but they are a good idea. thumbs_up.gif

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Total time from Philly to Portland: 45 hours, including two naps, one box of no-doz; 24 liters of Mt. Dew, one package of Drum and 2 dozen cassette tapes of 80's metal bands.


The only casualty was the self-titled debut from Motley Crue.


Excuse me while I go pass out now.

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rbw1966 said:

Total time from Philly to Portland: 45 hours, including two naps, one box of no-doz; 24 liters of Mt. Dew, one package of Drum and 2 dozen cassette tapes of 80's metal bands.


The only casualty was the self-titled debut from Motley Crue.


Excuse me while I go pass out now.


Good God man! That's a liter of The Dew every two hours, and you didn't mention a single piss stop! Your car must reek like Trask's rubber pants!

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Necro--your mom was in the passenger seat, so yeah the car reeked. She's one hell of mobile catheter though.


I stopped for a piss break about every hour or so. The frequent--but brief--stops helped me stretch my um. . muscles.


I had to be back at work--no vacation time--hence the big hurry. I had to drive the entire state of Nebraska during its record October heatwave. 89 is Omaha.

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