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I miss the mountains!


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Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer said:

tongue.gif I ment that I don't have PLANS yet for november tongue.gif dirty minded ROCKER wink.gif

well. ill be in mexico for the first week of november. but ill be way busy. i been thinking bout a trip to portero chico. maybe later in the winter. but the danger in that is ill be wanting to keep going south after a couple weeks of climbing. fukin responsibilities suck.

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lummox said:

Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer said:

tongue.gif I ment that I don't have PLANS yet for november tongue.gif dirty minded ROCKER wink.gif

well. ill be in mexico for the first week of november. but ill be way busy. i been thinking bout a trip to portero chico. maybe later in the winter. but the danger in that is ill be wanting to keep going south after a couple weeks of climbing. fukin responsibilities suck.

thumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gif lucky
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Sphinx said:

You people are pathetic. Like the jackasses who have been born in one state and never cross the state line in their LIFE! Get your ass out of the PNW, see the world, decide if it's really the best there is. Talk about arrogant stupidity! thumbs_down.gifthumbs_down.gifthumbs_down.gif


PNW might be better than ol' Minnesota, but that doesn't mean it's perfect. You gapers sound like you're trying to delude yourself into thinking that you're lucky that you can't move, because where you are is perfect. The opposite of "the grass is greener.....". Sour grapes. thumbs_down.gifthumbs_down.gifthumbs_down.gifthumbs_down.gif


Don't generalize, Sphinx. I'll just say I've been to 43 or 44 of the states in the US and the NW is my fav! Granted, I haven't seen everything in every state, but by and large, I've gotten a feel for every locale. PNW is where it's at for me! thumbs_up.gif

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Sphinx said:

Not you, A-gal, the rest of the posers who have lived their entire life in WA and are too lame to have the guts to cross the border to Oregon. thumbs_down.gif


Hey Spinx, I am sure there are more people that have been around than just AG. I have traveled to all the states except Alaska and Hawaii, been all over Canada (coast to coast), been down to Mexico over 20 times and I have to say this place rocks. Granted there are a ton of place to go still, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Spain, France the list goes on, but so far this state is the coolest I have been to.

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NW Or is the only place I know of that gets MORE rain than Western Wa. I lived there off and on for about eight years. So you must not be refering to that. Eastern Or has the mighty Smith Rock and the Willowas even further out there but Smith is over-run and the Willowas are in the middle of nowhere. Hard to get a job there. I tried. The OR volcanoes are nice but not any better than WA volcanoes and NONE of them come close to the variety on Rainier. I have land there and have checked out some of the routes. For the most part, OR has very little granite near a place you could reasonably live and work.

Idaho and Montana are great places but again offer limited job options. I lived in MT for 30 years and worked a fair amount in Idaho. The living standard there is depressing. Move there if you are already rich. Otherwise develope a taste for rice and beans and murder your share of wildlife (I love fresh venison). California? Somebody else cover that crowded mess. I'm at work and do not have time. Colorado is pretty cool but you pretty much need to be near Denver or Boulder or you are stuck in the seasonal income bullshit again. Utah is where my inlaws are from. They will come to your door soon. NM and AZ ,try climbing from May through mid October. Alaska-too dark in the winter. Yup. I like WA. I go over to the east side when I need sun in the winter. I get my girls out on lakes and in the mountains all summer. fruit.giffruit.gif

I used to climb 3 days a week. We ski all winter. We have plenty of money because mommy and daddy went to college and got good jobs in a prosperous city. I am happy here. I love to travel but this is where I want to live. Maybe you should adjust your meds. bigdrink.gif




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Right on dude! I traveled endlessly until I was 34. Whenever I was interviewing for a job, I was calculating how long it would take me to save enough money to quit and go traveling. Mexico and Syria were my favorite places to visit. Alaska in the summer was a close third. My diatribe was about now, when I have three kids and a wife, house, boat, health insurance and a whole bunch of even more boring stuff that requires a stable existence. Don't let the rain get you down. Try white water boating or scuba diving until the snow flies.

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I actually agree with Sphinx on this one. I still have friends back on the east coast who are "stuck." They never got out and explored other places, live in the same area they grew up, and call going to club meds in a foreign country, "visiting a foreign country." (No you didn';t, you just sat on a beach in a secure area, never leaving the compound. You could have been in Gulf Port, Mississippi for all you knew!) Anyways, living in other places, states, and immersing yourself in other cultures is a priceless experience that will change your perceptions and outlooks on life. I've lived in 6 states, visited all but three, and travelled in Europe, South AMerica, the Carribean, and most of Central America. Is Oregon or the Pacific Northwest the best of all these places I've expereienced? Defiantely Not. Is it good for me right now? For the time being, it is. If you haven't been out of your own state to live and experience, you are only cheating yourself.

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I used to know a guy, 40 something, with wife, two kids, the works. Lives in Yoo-gene. He's been living there since the day he was born (literally). He was too scared to even drive to WA! I shit you not. He had never been outside of the state! A few years back his wife finally got him to go to BC, but that's the first, and probably the last time. I don't want to end up like that. Horrible. hellno3d.gif

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Some people are happy in their coccoon. What works for them may not, and probably will not, work for others.


I've lived in 6 different states and one foreign country and probably will live in another foreign country within the next decade. I've traveled all over the US, Europe, Alaska and Ecuador. Every place I go I try and hang with the locals to see what life is really like there as opposed to a jaundiced touron view. I've enjoyed my experiences and felt its made me a better person.



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I've been throughout the country, and visited every major ecosystem except the desert southwest. I can say that Oregon is the best place that I've found, and although it's not perfect, I'm happy to call it home (permanantly)


Edit: I've lived in 5 other states, and been to 33 states or so...

Edited by Ursa_Eagle
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I've lived from Maine to Florida - travel somewhere new as much as possible - settled in Boston for a while - moved out here in last spring. The PNW is awesome . . .then again, the world is an amazing place. I think Adventure is on the right track though - explore, experience, figure out what you want and go for it.


Know that what you want can change though - and there is much out there to see and experience.





Edited by ClimbingGirl33
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Sphinx said:

You people are pathetic. Like the jackasses who have been born in one state and never cross the state line in their LIFE! Get your ass out of the PNW, see the world, decide if it's really the best there is. Talk about arrogant stupidity! thumbs_down.gifthumbs_down.gifthumbs_down.gif


PNW might be better than ol' Minnesota, but that doesn't mean it's perfect. You gapers sound like you're trying to delude yourself into thinking that you're lucky that you can't move, because where you are is perfect. The opposite of "the grass is greener.....". Sour grapes. thumbs_down.gifthumbs_down.gifthumbs_down.gifthumbs_down.gif


I've traveled quite a bit. I'm all for traveling, but I don't think I would live anywhere but here.

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Sphinx said:

Dru said:

there is something to be said for putting down roots in one place in that it lets one come to know it in a way only those who dwell there for long periods of time can do.

No thanks, that shit if for pussies. thumbs_down.gifyellowsleep.gif


it is possible to travel extensively and still have a "home"

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minx said:

Sphinx said:

Dru said:

there is something to be said for putting down roots in one place in that it lets one come to know it in a way only those who dwell there for long periods of time can do.

No thanks, that shit if for pussies. thumbs_down.gifyellowsleep.gif


it is possible to travel extensively and still have a "home"

I think both are imparative to have a home, and to travle
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