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Dr. E werd up!


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Props to Dr. E for calling out R&I on the increasing amount of advertising and decrease in actual reading. I understand advertising is how they make their money and keep subscription costs down, but seriously, some of these ads are worthless. I usually don't off like this but really, where shall I begin.

Open up the front and your greeted a two page Pusher spread of Dave Grahams's hands covered with chalk, but uh oh, he's got a little cut on his finger. Man he must have done some crazy ass V420 or something to get that. What's pushing me Dave? Dave you little bitch stop crying about you finger and get two 4 inch stainless steel plates and 14 screws put in your arm and give me a call. I bang myself up more at the gym in the night, suck it up. Umm ba by.

Next page. Mammut. Dude. I love you stuff, but do you honestly think some kid with red eyes and a pierced nose is going to sell me a fucking rope?

Oh god it's a Nissan ad, trying to sell me a Xterra so I can look like every other trust fund kiddy out there. Homey you wouldn't be so banged up if you didn't fall off you bike so much. Oh yeah soft tails suck get a real bike

I'm done ranting for now.

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No shit R+I sucks.

And whats up with the whole facial add campaign....I dont wanna by some NoFace peace of crap because Lynn Hill or Bet Rodden uses it.

If they were to show me some sweet pictures of cool routes then I'd be impressed.

Climbing isn't much better, but I like their topic selection and writting compared to R + I.

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you know something... i just noticed this last night... all the other sponsored chix do their photo ops with spaghetti string sport bras and halter tops on... Lynn Hill is always wearing a t shirt. Go Lynn, fight the trend! I got more respect for Lynn Hill now. Also I guess, if you don't got it you don't have to flaunt it. Or maybe TNF just don't make sport bras?

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i liked that Tim Wagner profile... I would rather read that than another feature on Chris Sharma or Tori Allen or Ed Veisturs. [sleep]

then there is Clyde Soles review of boots - "Uh I mostly tested these by walking the dog in em so i will now tell you all about how they climb" - DOH! [Wazzup] I HATE CLYDE SOLES! DIE CLYDE DIE!!!

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I'll jump on the rantwagon. Just browsed the latest issue of climbing in the PDX public library. They have a "best harnesses review". What did I notice? Which companies' gear is covered and which is not. All of them are pretty big advertisers, even the newer companies. What was missing and why am I bitching? Not a single fucking Yates harness in the whole deal. The yates shield harness is one of the best wall/ice/trad harnesses around. Now this was an "all purpose" focused review, but when does all purpose mean mainly sport with some trad? All purpose to me means I can go do a wall in it, climb ice in it the next month, and still climb anything else trad or sport with a very minimal sacrfice in weight. Doing an aid route in most of those reviewed would be akin to self-mutilation. Same deal when reviewing plenty of other things like packs/bags/etc. Yes, Yates, Fish, and other small companies advertise, but not full page, every issue stuff. I won't knock them (the mags) too hard though 'cause you can't really win when you write for an audience like us (climbers), and I try to get stuff published from time to time, so I don't want to burn the bridges etc (call me what you want, but as they say you're part of the problem or part of the solution).

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Hey will, did you ever see that interview with Tucker Tech when he talks about how he only uses a webbing swami for walls, with no leg loops. He claims that big wall harnesses make you lazy and slow.

I guess my point is that everyone has there own opinion of what works and what doesn't.

[ 02-07-2002: Message edited by: Lambone ]

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That reminds me...

In the new Climbing there is a feature about Dean Potter's ascent of the Nose in 3:59 or some shit. The article says he usd a "ultralight homade webbing harness." But it is pretty obvious in the photos that he is wearing a run of the mill BD harness.

I just thought that was kinda funny.

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On the rant wagon . . .

I haven't paid for a Climbing of Rock&Ice mag for years because of editorial changes in their formats (and because I've got better things on which to spend my little money). And it's getting worse. It must be a reflection of the current Editors. Case in point: at the Summer Market I saw who's now the current head Editor in an outfit that would embarass a queen in the Tenderloin district. Way homo.

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The writing in Rock & Ice is pretty good, except sometimes they have this guy named Will Strickland or something. He's no good. Like his report on Portland. It was way beat. I've seen some of the letters he's written to them too, he's out there... you can tell he's a reefer addict. Where do they find these people?

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Anybody remember what Powder magazine was like about ten years ago...seen it lately rolleyes.gif" border="0 Far worse than the deterioraton of the climbing mags.

Dean and Tim are poseurs. grin.gif" border="0 I liked how Tim explained some of the techniques they used in that article, a bit hard to follow, but cool nonetheless.

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Originally posted by freeclimb9:
On the rant wagon . . .I haven't paid for a Climbing of Rock&Ice mag for years because of editorial changes in their formats. And it's getting worse. It must be a reflection of the current Editors.

Actually, I've found J. Thesenga to be a pretty cool voice in the mags. And I have to say I was a bit suprised and impressed at the "Editoral" or whatever where he addresses Sharma and the world cup herb scandal...

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