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The bioelectric impedence machines have great test-retest consistency, however they won't be as accurate as a water-displacement tests (the most accurate measure) and tend to read lower. Body fat calipers are only as good as the person administering the test, but can be quite accurate. The advantage to body calipers is you get raw data from 6 different sites, which you can refer back to at a later date and see where your body tends to lose fat first.

Bronco said:


I have a Tanita at home and find it to be totally inaccurate, a cruel and sadistic machine that has no equal. madgo_ron.gif


I assume it errors on the high side and you just KNOW you're not THAT fat. Does sound to be a cruel toy. madgo_ron.gif Probably better than getting the SO involved in the discussion though. Honey, do you think... yellaf.gif


For more on Tanita bodyfat scales, feel free to check out this page: http://www.bodyresults.com/E2Tanitabodyfat.asp They tend to work only if you stay very well hydrated, and for women who fluxuate with their cycle, such scales are not really reliable. Find someone who is experienced with skinfold calipers (heck, I do that for my clients) and have them test/retest you in order to determine general trends. They're reliable to roughly 3%, so if someone gives you a 16.53% realize that 1) they're not that precise and 2) it really means you're in the ball park range of 13-19%...

ehmmic said:

I assume it errors on the high side and you just KNOW you're not THAT fat.


You're correct there. cry.gif Hey is that sarcasm I detect in your post? rolleyes.gif



ehmmic said:

Bronco said:


I have a Tanita at home and find it to be totally inaccurate, a cruel and sadistic machine that has no equal. madgo_ron.gif


I assume it errors on the high side and you just KNOW you're not THAT fat. Does sound to be a cruel toy. madgo_ron.gif Probably better than getting the SO involved in the discussion though. Honey, do you think... yellaf.gif


...these pants make me look fat?

Correct Answer: No, your big ass makes you look fat.


Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! yellaf.gifyelrotflmao.gif Nice one, ehmmic.

Bronco said:

I have a Tanita at home and find it to be totally inaccurate, a cruel and sadistic machine that has no equal. madgo_ron.gif


Yeah - my folks have one and it put me at 33% last time I got on it.

ehmmic said:

Bronco said:


I have a Tanita at home and find it to be totally inaccurate, a cruel and sadistic machine that has no equal. madgo_ron.gif


I assume it errors on the high side and you just KNOW you're not THAT fat. Does sound to be a cruel toy. madgo_ron.gif Probably better than getting the SO involved in the discussion though. Honey, do you think... yellaf.gif


I have had the skin fold body analysis test done twice and also have one of those Tanita scales. Those scales are crap. The readings vary dramatically with time of day, what you eat, when you exercise, how much you drink, what the weather is like that day, and a bunch of other stuff. I don't pay attention to that reading at all. The scale has quoted both way over and way under what both skin folds tests have shown. I think to get an accurate reading you need to have the same person measure your skin folds on a few different occasions.


Maybe everyone should post the results of their body fat analysis tests here for the others to critize, poke fun of, etc. grin.gif That might keep me from too much HCL.gifcheeburga_ron.gifbigdrink.gifbigdrink.gif

iain said:

Were you wearing shoes made out of Twinkies?




I've had the calipers done by a professional and by a novice as well as the resistance method. The skill of the person using the calipers is pretty key, and the more points they take the more accurate. The resistance method has obvious problems but if you did it twice daily and then graphed your results you would get a mean value and a see a trendline if you were actually lowering your body fat.


i am having done many displacement water test of fat while in serious Russian training program and am thinking this is not relate to climbing performance as i am having often done best in training and performance when fat level has been high and not low. also my harnes was always fit properly during this time though and perhaps it is time for one to buy larger size blush.gif you are all so typical americans with cheeseburger so often cheeburga_ron.gif

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