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Looking back at the election


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Greg_W said:

glassgowkiss said:

gregw, so how come every police organization and union wants to limmit gun sales, ban assult weapons. maybe england or other countries have gun related crime on the rise, but the problem is no near the scale faced in the us. and remember that a lot of gun victims in this country are caused by accidental discharge of the firearms owned by "responsible citizens".


You're misguided and wrong. Let's get together and I'll show you my information. Please cite references for everything you've stated here; it's all bullshit. "Accidental discharge" injuries make up "a lot of gun victims"? Hardly.


I can understand people wanting guns for hunting. I'm curious why the NRANazis oppose bans on shit like 12 shot fully automatic shotguns (the "streetswepper"), oozies, etc. Can you honestly tell me that there is a good reason people need to be carrying shit like this around with them? Greg & Co, you might think you are defending yourself simply by carrying a gun, but there is always going to be somebody with a bigger gun, better skills or more will to kill you. Why not just wear body armor around, you'd be much safer that way. yelrotflmao.gifrolleyes.gif

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JoshK said:

Kiwi said:

JoshK said:

Greg, please explain to me how lying under oath about having a personal affair with an intern is worse than lying to the public, congress, the UN, etc. about the reasons for starting a war, killing our soliders and killing innocent civilians. Please, this should be good...

Maybe cuz Clinton violated a real concrete law, whereas Bush didn't. I don't think it's an issue of which is worse than the other, but which can be pursued by the law.




(I'm not defending Bush)


Articles of impeachment are designed to remove a standing president in the case that his actions undermined the greater good of the country as a whole. Clinton's lying under oath about getting a blowjob from the intern did nothing to affect the security, prosperity or soverignty of this nation. You could make a case much easier than Bush's actions did.


Bullshit, there is no "greater good" clause in the Constitution.

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Fence_Sitter said:

AlpineK said:

He wasn't actually in the military. He droped out of ROTC yellaf.gif


bull shit! fuck you i was in the army... i was just gonna do airborne when i got a track scholarship... so suck ballz! the_finger.gif


Well in any case you claim military service without being an active member, much less being shot at. hahaha.gif

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Greg_W said:

JoshK said:

Kiwi said:

JoshK said:

Greg, please explain to me how lying under oath about having a personal affair with an intern is worse than lying to the public, congress, the UN, etc. about the reasons for starting a war, killing our soliders and killing innocent civilians. Please, this should be good...

Maybe cuz Clinton violated a real concrete law, whereas Bush didn't. I don't think it's an issue of which is worse than the other, but which can be pursued by the law.




(I'm not defending Bush)


Articles of impeachment are designed to remove a standing president in the case that his actions undermined the greater good of the country as a whole. Clinton's lying under oath about getting a blowjob from the intern did nothing to affect the security, prosperity or soverignty of this nation. You could make a case much easier than Bush's actions did.


Bullshit, there is no "greater good" clause in the Constitution.


I didn't "quote" that from the "constitution" greg. My point was simply addressing the fact that the articles of impeachment are designed to remove a standing president for any reason if it harms the country and congress can achieve the votes nescessary to remove him. Not paying a speeding ticket may be illegal, but you'll hardly see anybody raise the idea of impeachment for that. Quit arguing the tiddly details of my wording, and if you choose, please point out what exactly Clinton did to harm this country and how lying to Ken fucking Starr about the blowjob incident is worse than lying (if proven so) to the country, congress and the UN about the reasons for a war with a foreign country.

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AlpineK said:

Fence_Sitter said:

AlpineK said:

He wasn't actually in the military. He droped out of ROTC yellaf.gif


bull shit! fuck you i was in the army... i was just gonna do airborne when i got a track scholarship... so suck ballz! the_finger.gif


Well in any case you claim military service without being an active member, much less being shot at. hahaha.gif


did i? confused.gif ne eh rolleyes.gif

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trask said:

"You know it's funny, all joking aside, if someone could find the real source of those stats I posted, I'll bet you'd find them accurate."


Not a verifyable source but a google search finds three hits. Here's one of them.


Jokester's Homepage


Hard to take any of it seriously but you've trolled out three pages of spray so far.

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Greg_W said:

glassgowkiss said:

gregw, so how come every police organization and union wants to limmit gun sales, ban assult weapons. maybe england or other countries have gun related crime on the rise, but the problem is no near the scale faced in the us. and remember that a lot of gun victims in this country are caused by accidental discharge of the firearms owned by "responsible citizens".


You're misguided and wrong. Let's get together and I'll show you my information. Please cite references for everything you've stated here; it's all bullshit. "Accidental discharge" injuries make up "a lot of gun victims"? Hardly.

misguided???? you puppet president decided to go on with the assult weapons ban about a month ago. every police organization in the state of washington in the 2002 elections wanted to limmit gun sales, just friggin' read newspapers!

Each year Washington State loses more than 20 children due to unintentional injury
(due to fire arms)

In addition, another 10 children are hospitalized for firearm injuries
(from Washington Cease fire web page)

1999 National Gun Policy Survey of the National Opinion Research Center:

Research Findings




A majority of Americans support having Congress hold hearings on the gun industry, and they want federal regulation of the design and manufacture of guns to protect the public safety.


The findings come from the 1999 National Gun Policy Survey, by the National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the University of Chicago, in collaboration with the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research and the Joyce Foundation.


"Americans favor all measures to regulate firearms short of prohibiting guns in general," said Tom Smith. "First, most people, including most gun owners, believe there should be a set of common-sense regulations to control firearms, just as there are for automobiles. Second, most people's motto when it comes to firearms appears to be ‘safety first.' Gun safety is a concern of the vast majority of people."


Among the survey's findings:


Subject the Gun Industry to Congressional Hearings: Three-quarters of Americans (74.5 percent) and over half of gun owners (54 percent) think Congress should hold hearings to investigate the practices of the gun industry similar to the hearings held in recent years regarding the tobacco industry.

Federally Regulate Guns for Quality and Safety: Both the general public and gun owners support federal regulation of guns, which are at present virtually the only consumer product not subject to federal safety regulation. The NORC/Hopkins/Joyce survey found that:

94 percent of all Americans, and 91 percent of gun owners, favor having handguns made in the United States meet the same quality and safety standards required of imported handguns.

86 percent of all Americans, and 86 percent of gun owners, endorse this position even if it would make handguns more expensive.

66 percent of all Americans, and 52 percent of gun owners, want the federal government to regulate the safety design of guns.

Mandate Specific Safety Features and Practices: Americans strongly support a broad range of measures to make guns safer.

Eighty-six percent of Americans, and three quarters of gun owners, want guns designed so that small children cannot fire them.

Nearly three-quarters of Americans and majorities of gun owners support requirements that guns be stored locked and unloaded and that trigger locks be used.

Sixty-three percent of Americans and 51 percent of gun owners back having all new handguns be personalized so that only the owner can fire them.

Require Background Checks on All Private Gun Sales: Nearly eight out of 10 Americans (79 percent) and two thirds of gun owners would favor a law that requires private gun sales to be subject to the same background check requirements as sales by licensed dealers.

so there, 30 children killed or injured every year by "responsible gun owners" moon.gif

Edited by glassgowkiss
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JoshK said:

Not paying a speeding ticket may be illegal, but you'll hardly see anybody raise the idea of impeachment for that.


Don't be so sure about that. The bar is significantly lower now after the Clinton impeachment circus.


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AlpineK said:

Back a while ago you told us you were in the military. You did do that.


But you were definately not in the military like Caveman or Mike Adamson. wave.gif


i gave no false pretenses to it... i said exactly waht happened did i not... and this is the 3rd time you have said this... get some new material cheif... rolleyes.gif

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chucK said:

The bar is significantly lower now after the Clinton impeachment circus.


No kidding! Read "Blinded by the Right." From day one, the right-wing attack dogs were looking for ways to bring Clinton down, including multiple sex scandals (some of which were never substantiated at all), accusing him of running dope (not substantiated), troopergate (story supported only by two paid witnesses), Vincent Foster's alleged murder (even Rush Limbaugh probably didn't believe this though he kept hammering away with it), and a Federal probe into Whitewater (they concluded there was no indication that Bill or Hilary were involved in any wrongdoing). After six or eight years of this, they had still found nothing to use against him except that he couldn't keep his zipper closed. Finally, they set a trap for him and got him to lie in a deposition.


What might seven years of investigations into GWBush and company reveal?

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glassgowkiss said:

trask quoted few facts like

States won by Bush: 29 - States won by Gore: 19

the real numbers were bush 30, gore 21. based on this i assume that the rest of his initial post is also a complete bullshit

goddamn bob, do you just delight in making me feel bad? frown.gif

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