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Bush and Powell are liars


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A brief cruise of the thread suggests that Bush has a postion of plausible deniability vis-a-vis the yet-to-be-found Weapons of Mass Destruction because he may have been given false intelligence by his underlings. This raises the question:

George Bush is aStupid DupeLying Bastard

Given the justifications, I really don't see a third option, unless someone out there really wants to believe:c: Idealistic Dreamer with no grasp of reality.
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erik said:

apprently you missed the whole point.


i have no opinion.


i read it all! i read your precious foxnes.com, cnn.com, msnbc.com aljeezera, and a host of others.


i read all sides of the story.




i base my ideas and opinions once i feel i have a well rounded base.


bush is a liar, that is the topic of convo.



erik = Polish Bob

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Fence_Sitter said:

Ursa_Eagle said:

Fence_Sitter said:

that there are no weapons of mass destruction... it has only been 2 weeks... we haven't found bin laden in 2 years! chew on that...


a) we started looking for bin Laden 19 months ago, not 24

b) we invaded Iraq 8 weeks ago, not 2.

c) in an earlier post, you mentioned 4000 popups. I counted 7 from 6 pages


perhaps you wouldn't come off as such an idiot if you got your numbers right. you're about as credible as your hero boy, shrub. yelrotflmao.gif


yellaf.gif you expect them to find the weapons while they are fighting a war?!?!!? what do they just say "hey stop shooting at us!?!? we have to search your country for illegal weapons!"? i think not...and the U.S. has been looking for bin laden much much much longer than that... read up kiddo... rolleyes.gif


I thought you were against Clinton's firing of cruise missles in his attempt to get rid of Saddam. Was that a transgression? Sounded like it. And remind me, since "I don't read" and I'm just an ignorant liberal, what were Clinton's transgressions in Kosovo? Just freakin' answer the question. Question -> Answer.

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MysticNacho said:

Fence_Sitter said:

Ursa_Eagle said:

Fence_Sitter said:

that there are no weapons of mass destruction... it has only been 2 weeks... we haven't found bin laden in 2 years! chew on that...


a) we started looking for bin Laden 19 months ago, not 24

b) we invaded Iraq 8 weeks ago, not 2.

c) in an earlier post, you mentioned 4000 popups. I counted 7 from 6 pages


perhaps you wouldn't come off as such an idiot if you got your numbers right. you're about as credible as your hero boy, shrub. yelrotflmao.gif


yellaf.gif you expect them to find the weapons while they are fighting a war?!?!!? what do they just say "hey stop shooting at us!?!? we have to search your country for illegal weapons!"? i think not...and the U.S. has been looking for bin laden much much much longer than that... read up kiddo... rolleyes.gif


I thought you were against Clinton's firing of cruise missles in his attempt to get rid of Saddam. Was that a transgression? Sounded like it. And remind me, since "I don't read" and I'm just an ignorant liberal, what were Clinton's transgressions in Kosovo? Just freakin' answer the question. Question -> Answer.


just like you are saying that bush is doing, we went to war with yugoslavia not to save the lives of ethnic albanians, but rather to procure a strong relationship with russia who clinton was obsessed with allying with after the cold war period...another deceit of motives... rolleyes.gif

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thats the lie??




oh fuck i just pissed myself.















i feel as if i have been cheated of my life, liberty and right to be a free thinking american.


still not a lie tho...............





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where's the differne erik? you can now see my indifference for both 'lies' i know this lying goes on... clinton and bush's lies are one and the same... so why aren't you in agreement with me with bush...they did the same thing right? and obviously you dont see clinton's transgression as that bad, so what of bush's? confused.gif

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erik said:

well i am donw with all this...but here is one thing to roll your little mind on...




come back to me when you have the answer.



what about it? it has nothing to do with the current topic... we are talking about the differences (or lack thereof) between the wartime transgression of bush and clinton... is that just your 'ace' when you cant win an argument? betchel? rolleyes.gif

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how did chenys former country get the job to rebuild iraq and manage the oil?




isnt there supposed to be a bidding process? and in this case an international one??




cha ching...



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so what? what does that have to do with the differences between bush and clinton as per their motivations for their respective wars...sure it is a nice piece o' dirt...butit is just a weak distraction you are tyring to throw into the gears... i agree it is scandilous...but confused.gif where's the connection?

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i am merely pointing out how partisan angst can blind you... are you suggestign that bsuh started a war just so cheney could rebuild it?!?! pishaw! that makes a lot of sense... and yes clinton is still hurting the country...my buddy just got bck from kosovo with a purple heart... bigdrink.gif

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Fence, just to be clear about this I should say that we all believe Clinton was a liar. Your initial completely vague assertions that he told some unidentified lie about Kosovo just didn't cut it and at least you have now told us how it was that you think he lied about it. It would further help to make the comparison if you could provide a single citation or source for what you are saying.


Either way, however, I don't think that will change my opinion about GW and company. They went before the UN and the American public and offered what were either blatant lies or unchecked facts as "evidence" to justify the war.

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Fence_Sitter said:

so what? what does that have to do with the differences between bush and clinton as per their motivations for their respective wars...sure it is a nice piece o' dirt...butit is just a weak distraction you are tyring to throw into the gears... i agree it is scandilous...but confused.gif where's the connection?


ummm, you're the one who keeps on bringing clinton up. the original topic (including the subject) is BUSH AND POWELL ARE LIARS. you're arguing with us when we say that they are.


one question for you:

is Bush a liar?

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lies more lies still more lies holy shit! more lies!


and eagle god damn you are dumb...i have said as per the current topic i dont know if bush lied (WMD) but i am sure he has lied in the past...all politicains have...that is what being in politics is about...that was my initial post and the rationale for me bringing up clinton... i also brought up nixon, kennedy nd others...i am just showing examples from the two most recent...holy shit eagle i hope you understand my position now...

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Bush is a liar who cowtows to big business. His daddy was a cowtowing liar too (but at least he could stand up to the Israeli lobby). Clinton was a pathological liar of epic stature. Reagan was a liar and a buffoon (but he was just so likeable).


Jimmy Carter might have been the most honest president we ever had ("I have lusted after other women." rolleyes.gif)... and he ties with Franklin Pierce as our worst president.



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wow! you guys have pretty low standards. be sure to indicate what you mean when you discuss democracy.


democracy: a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.

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(theory) democracy: a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.

reality: government=people

people=different personality types

politicians=extroverts/high need for recognition/exaggeraters

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