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When HE wants to cuddle and talk afterwards.


When HE is not in the mood.


When people answer their cell phone in a restaurant or in a movie.


When people mistreat animals and children.


When you are climbing and the guy on a neighboring route is shouting up to a newbie climber every single F*&^$^g move to make.


When a group "camps" on a couple of routes - leaves their topropes up all day and you never get a chance to climb it. Happens at Smith all the time.


When one of your party of 3 cancels at the last minute on a glacier climb, for no reason. I have climbed too many glaciers as a party of two.


When people feel it necessary to shove their opinion in your face, and you could care less because you loath them no matter what they say.


Planning an alpine climb during a really bad mosquito or black fly hatch and they swarm you all day and their is no escape. THAT IS WORSE THAN SNAFFLEHOUNDS GETTING IN MY PACK!!!


I'm gonna go have a beer. . . . bigdrink.gif

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Szyjakowski said:

people who build carins on established trails or decent gullies....WTF.... can't you follow a goat trail?????

I'm with ya there, but there are exceptions, the gully coming off Jumbo Mountain, for example. You have to exit the gully and pick up a sort of trail in dense brush. You have to be looking in just the right place to pick it up. A cairn left on the way up can save a lot of grief.
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Uncle_Tricky said:

When while belaying or rapping, people feed the rope through the ATC at a right angle to the slots (instead of parrellel to the slots), thus introducing a bunch of twists into the rope!


That's a new one on me. How DO you do that? Don't you need the end of the rope to do it that way?
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Dru said:

CBS: you dont need to feed the end thru... you just hold your brake hand on the "east" or "west" side of the device when it should be on the "south" side (the slots are aligned N-S in this example)

Never underestimate the ability of people to screw up an apparently foolproof system.
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