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texplorer said:

Clever. . . . hell I'm a f@#$%in rocket scientist. Who are you Dry-nad?


she's right...ease up!


there's a lot of homophobic stuff on this bored that's a littel dreery. Dryad called you on it. Deal w/it. The girl's right.


Rocket scientist or not, you're out of line. It's not your intellect in question it's your values.

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RobBob said:

...and minx needs jest an itsy bitsy bit of it too. tongue.gif




what "it" would that be? intellect? yep- i could definitely use a few IQ points but i didn't try and show off by declaring myself a rocket scientist


values? well i guess that depends on whose judging me. i'm fine w/mine


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Before you two want to have a spray war with me here. . . I am a cocky punk who rarely posts anything of value or seriousness on this site (unless it has to do with climbing). Chill out!


Homophobia stems from two things-


1) you are insecure with your own sexuality and are afraid you might actually have some homosexual thoughts that are considered in your group of friends to be "deviant."


2) you are insecure with yourself overall and so you have to verbally degrade anyone not like you in order to compensate for any inadequacies you might have yourself.


I used to be truly homophobic in my younger stupider days but now I just play one on this website.


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Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer said:

HOLY SHIT!!! BEWARE BOYS< THE PC POLICE HAVE ARIVED yellowsleep.gifyellowsleep.gifyellowsleep.gifyellowsleep.gifyellowsleep.gif


whoa there girl! christ on fire! i'm not trying to police anybody into PC shit. i just ignore most of it. i'm pretty much unoffendable but in this case Dryad's right. There's a lot of homophobic crap on this board. Some of it serious some of it's not. I don't care enough to point it out. Dryad did list it as annoyance. I agree w/her that there's a lot of it. That's all. Spray away...i don't care that much. But she is right.

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minx said:

Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer said:

HOLY SHIT!!! BEWARE BOYS< THE PC POLICE HAVE ARIVED yellowsleep.gifyellowsleep.gifyellowsleep.gifyellowsleep.gifyellowsleep.gif


whoa there girl! christ on fire! i'm not trying to police anybody into PC shit. i just ignore most of it. i'm pretty much unoffendable but in this case Dryad's right. There's a lot of homophobic crap on this board. Some of it serious some of it's not. I don't care enough to point it out. Dryad did list it as annoyance. I agree w/her that there's a lot of it. That's all. Spray away...i don't care that much. But she is right.



I listed it as one of my anoiances too... But I am not here to tell anyone what to do be say or think, just to express my self wink.gif Besides tex is hot young educated and ropeguns for me when I can convince him grin.gif

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And bringing the thread back on point...


People who drive around with their dog/cat/gerbil/(fill in whatever critter you want here) in their lap, sticking it's head out the driver-side window, obscuring the driver's view of teh road and diverting the driver's attention from the task of DRIVING!!! madgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gif

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I listed it as one of my anoiances too... But I am not here to tell anyone what to do be say or think, just to express my self wink.gif Besides tex is hot young educated and ropeguns for me when I can convince him grin.gif


well now that you put it that way wink.gif i see your point. I just thought tex was being a bit harsh w/Dryad for expressing her opinion.

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When someone beats you to a four way stop; then, instead of continuing on immediately after a complete stop, they wait until you are completely stopped. Like they don't trust you to stop. Once you have made a complete stop, then, finally they go. This can waste 2-10 seconds of my valyooball time!!!!


Next time I'm just gonna just barrel right on through the stop sign. This will make everyone happy. I will save 10 seconds and the other dunderhead will feel smug that they were smart enough to predict my dangerous behavior and avoid me!

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minx said:

I listed it as one of my anoiances too... But I am not here to tell anyone what to do be say or think, just to express my self wink.gif Besides tex is hot young educated and ropeguns for me when I can convince him grin.gif


well now that you put it that way wink.gif i see your point. I just thought tex was being a bit harsh w/Dryad for expressing her opinion.

that's what you get for thinking

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dryad said:

On a related note, people who don't know how to deal with a person on a bike at a 4-way stop sign. I manage to either stop all traffic, or get completely ignored.


yeh, no shit... Or when they pull out of a parking lot and come to a stop right in the midle of the bike lane... funkin' wankers madgo_ron.gif

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OK, here's another one, somewhat related to the first.


Those people that run and scream at the bus to wait for them (wait wait, this is not what irks me... everyone is late once in a while...) What bugs me is...once it is established that the bus is actually going to have pity and wait for the person, THEN they stop running and walk agonizingly slow all the way to the bus while all twenty plus people on the bus wait even longer on their sorry ass. madgo_ron.gif

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