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plab nicknames


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Two Liter- Big dude on football team, we think he gave himself the name.

Death and Destruction- Friend from New York, pretty dark person when he moved here, puked and sneezed at the same time in English class first couple weeks here, was in a rappelling accident doing a body rappel and had a rope burn around his body. Ended up in the pen for robbing a bank.

Suj- Crazy friend of mine, was always out of control putting holes in walls when we were drinking, friends were watching Jeopardy and there was this crazy guy named Suj on, so he inherited the name. Also used as an adjuctive.

Fives- Ask gaperT about that name.

Goatass- Friend with German last name that ended in gott, thanks to Adam Sandler he became The Goatass.

Dur- Asian friend that can't say dude.

Crackbaby- From a very disfunctional family


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I was nickamed "Will" by my squad in the army. My last name is Williams. Very clever and creative.


WBBC: crazy fucker I knew in germany who called himself this. It stood for Wild Bill Big Cock. Whether it was accurate or not I will never know, nor care to know. We later adopted it as a code-word on radio transmissions as 'we're fucked."


Creamy: another military nickname foisted upon a guy caught making sweet, sweet love to his hand in a sleeping bag.


Himmler: nickname tagged onto a Cro-Magnon looking retard in basic training named Heissler who was about as smart as a box of rocks and so ugly he had to sneak up on a glass of water.


Leprecoon: Portland firefighter was dubbed this after donning green sweats to go for a run. He was african-american. This little moniker cost the city something like 12k.

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My friends call me the breeze when we're out shooting pool, because I make the game look like a breeze...


I usta hang with this girl that my friends usta date at the same time, personaly i'm not into sluts, but she was one of those who was dumber than a box of rock too... her nickname was cum-dump, for obvious reasons...

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gregm said:

there was this kid in high school who went by one-can. his older brother had once gotten drunk on two cans of beer and thus earned the name two-can. one-can got his name because he was two-can's little brother.


thats much the same reason i became known as 'fives' short for 'five skin'


my older bro and i were both chubberiffic growing up, but lost weight in high school. the weight loss left my bro with "an extra skin" look around his waist, when he played basketball sans shirt, people said it looked like he had a giant foreskin around his body.... thus i became fiveskin, my father 3skin and so on.

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I gotts this friend, she kinda goes both ways some times, altough just into boy now... she cut her hair really short (1") a few years ago, and dyed it redish-brown, it was during one of her dikey fazes, so we started calling her Tod, and have been ever since...

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Claudetooleystooleyschooleydoggydooleyvictorooleydrooley.(Claude for short)

Each one of them had a meaning, but I sure as hell didn't bother memorizing them, except for Claude which stemmed from accidently breaking something with a big pair of boots.

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