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It's time for me to get a new pair of boots for general PNW alpine use. I realized I don't know too much about footbeds/insoles for mountaineering boots. They seem to be well-liked by the retail shops, but I'd like to know if anyone has found them to be worth buying. Do most people use the off-the-shelf type or the custom-fitted versions?

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shuksan said:

It's time for me to get a new pair of boots for general PNW alpine use. I realized I don't know too much about footbeds/insoles for mountaineering boots. They seem to be well-liked by the retail shops, but I'd like to know if anyone has found them to be worth buying. Do most people use the off-the-shelf type or the custom-fitted versions?


have never needed a pair. dont buy em unless you need em. a podiatrist can check & see if you need them if you have the $$$$ otherwise try it if your feet and legs hurt.


I've used Superfeet, custom footbeds and orthotics. Superfeet are a good value, and a good place to start. If your feet still hurt with Superfeet, then you might want to consider orthotics. In the end, whatever you spend to get comfortable feet will seem worth it.


Dr. Shock is a new foot bed out there that beats Super Feet in my opinion. Super feet bothered my heels when I wore them in all my boots except my plastics. The only alternative other than professional foot beds made by a doc would be the custom Super Feet made at REI in downtown Seattle. (I don't know if there are other stores with the molding machine in the area or not) That's my $.02


I usually throw out the footbeds that come with boots I have bought in the past. I use superfeet, they come in low and high volume, green being the high. They have made my boots better. thumbs_up.gif

shuksan said:

It's time for me to get a new pair of boots for general PNW alpine use. I realized I don't know too much about footbeds/insoles for mountaineering boots. They seem to be well-liked by the retail shops, but I'd like to know if anyone has found them to be worth buying. Do most people use the off-the-shelf type or the custom-fitted versions?

I think they're worth buying. I've only gotten the off-the-shelf type, and they've worked fine (usually just the cheaper Spenco ones). I don't throw out the footbeds that come with the boots. On a couple multiday trips, I've carried the factory footbeds, and periodically switched them with the others. Gave my feet a break.

shuksan said:

It's time for me to get a new pair of boots for general PNW alpine use. I realized I don't know too much about footbeds/insoles for mountaineering boots. They seem to be well-liked by the retail shops, but I'd like to know if anyone has found them to be worth buying. Do most people use the off-the-shelf type or the custom-fitted versions?


There's another good thread around on this topic to check out, but I defenitly vote for Superfeet. They are all around more comfortable and in that 15th hour of an 18 hour day on mile ten zillion that's when you really start to appreciate them.


someone gave me a pair of the green superfeet and i thought they placed too much pressure on my arch. but... after ripping the plastic support off the bottom of them, I found they make great cushioned inserts!


if I were to buy inserts, however, i would go with just the cheap spenco's that have the cupped heel... much less expensive than superfeet


In a fit of fiscal irresponsibility last month, I bought some heat-shaped footbeds while skiing in Austria. They did super in the downhill boots, and seriously I think they made me ski a notch better.


I put the footbeds in my climbing boots and they also feel 100% better. thumbs_up.gif

RobBob said:

In a fit of fiscal irresponsibility last month, I bought some heat-shaped footbeds while skiing in Austria. They did super in the downhill boots, and seriously I think they made me ski a notch better.

I put the footbeds in my climbing boots and they also feel 100% better. thumbs_up.gif

Custom Boots in Fremont will give you the best foorbeds I've used. Alpine, telemark and hiking are all improved. Tell Jim, Bug sent you.

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