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Yeah, smear may not be out of the question, but it might just be payback for Clinton. As an off topic aside, I can't believe the Republicans are whining about Democrat obstruction on judicial appointments, they wrote the book on that one under Clinton. And bear in mind, I'm not much of a Clinton fan, but not because he lied about cheating on his wife. Ahh well, thanks Trask for prodding me to dream a little. Time to go, nose, meet grindstone.

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Off_White said:

Oh, and while I'm wishing, how about a resounding and humiliating defeat for Bush in 2004, a repudiation of neo-conservative claptrap, and a resumption of respect for civil liberties. That would satisfy me.




If only we could persuade Gore to come out and kick his ass in 2004!


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Off -

I feel Hillary is okay with Bill's "affairs". The rumbling around Washington is she's quite involved with the Gay Liberation Movement (no joke). Bill made his own bed...no one to blame but himself. The Reps. WERE to zealous in their cutthroat tactics at that point, and regret it now. Ah, such is politics, eh?

Both parties need to chill out, work together, and figure out what to do about this fucked up world before we implode.


T. bigdrink.gif

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Gore rhymes with 2004


TIPPER GORE IN 2004 just has a sort of ring to it eh.


How long do you think it will be before Chelsea Clinton marries the last living Kennedy scion and becomes President? Giving America's recent fascination with political dynasties its almost a given.


I can see why you would have a revolution to get rid of the monarchy, and then allow Bush II to succeed Bush I, anyway. At least Bush III is likely to support drug legalization when she takes office.

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trask said:

Off -

I feel Hillary is okay with Bill's "affairs". The rumbling around Washington is she's quite involved with the Gay Liberation Movement (no joke). Bill made his own bed...no one to blame but himself. The Reps. WERE to zealous in their cutthroat tactics at that point, and regret it now. Ah, such is politics, eh?

Both parties need to chill out, work together, and figure out what to do about this fucked up world before we implode.


T. bigdrink.gif

Wise words bigdrink.gif

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More on media bias:


A quote from earlier in this thread by Ade:

"The enemy we're fighting is different from the one we had war-gamed against," says Lieutenant General William Wallace


Now check this out:


From the NYT:

A front-page article on Tuesday about criticism voiced by American military officers in Iraq over war plans omitted two words from an earlier comment by Lt. Gen. William S. Wallace, commander of V Corps. General Wallace had said (with the omission indicated by uppercasing), "The enemy we're fighting is A BIT different from the one we war-gamed against."


But check out this finessing the quote in the same NYT issue as the correction: link

“The debate over the use of computer simulations large and small was sharpened when Lt. Gen. William S. Wallace, the commander of the Army V Corps based in Kuwait, remarked that the guerrilla-style resistance of Iraqi militia groups made for an enemy that was 'different from the one we war-gamed against.' The current situation in Iraq, some critics say, may highlight the problem”


The quotation marks make the quote legit but also misrepresent what was really said.


Check out this Google search indicating how widespread this misquote has become. Google Search


PP bigdrink.gif


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I heard it was Samuel L. Jackson. Rumors. rolleyes.gif


The only thing that is going to satisfy this lefty liberal is getting rid of yet another Bush. Let's hope this whole Iraq debacle lights enough of a fire under the collective asses of the Democratic Party to put someone halfway decent out there to run against the Shrub. Run a solid campaign, speak to the younger voters (puhleeze don't forget about them) and of course, if the numbers are close, call in James Carville. Let's hope there is no Nader thing to draw our votes elsewhere either.


And no RB, I didn't see any personal attack in what you said. I was just participating in the conversation. grin.gif

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allison said:

I heard it was Samuel L. Jackson. Rumors. rolleyes.gif


The only thing that is going to satisfy this lefty liberal is getting rid of yet another Bush. Let's hope this whole Iraq debacle lights enough of a fire under the collective asses of the Democratic Party to put someone halfway decent out there to run against the Shrub. Run a solid campaign, speak to the younger voters (puhleeze don't forget about them) and of course, if the numbers are close, call in James Carville. Let's hope there is no Nader thing to draw our votes elsewhere either.


And no RB, I didn't see any personal attack in what you said. I was just participating in the conversation. grin.gif

you been drinking that cheep ass red wine again, haven't you?

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