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Metric versus feet/inches...


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JoshK said:


in the "OMG Colorado" thread

I wish so bad we would switch to metric. Do you honestly think a country that run by George W would be "un-patriotic" enough to switch from the good ol' retarted english system to metric, tho? hahaha.gif Not a chance. Also remember the entire southern half of this country would be thrown into disarray just at the mere thought of having to learn to convert. yelrotflmao.gif


Don't worry there's no need to convert. We didn't. Canada just uses the good bits of each system...


I love it when the two map sheets next to each other are not in the same units...


Whistler is 40 km north of Squamish, and it's at 2200'.

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Yeah, that's an interesting one, since the aviation system runs on feet, not meters worldwide. This is, perhaps, one thing that is better off left alone. It's hard enough that english is also the official aviation language, so you sometimes hit that barrier. It would be even worse to have people getting elevations messed up. pitty.gif

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catbirdseat said:

How many people know off the top of their heads how many ounces are in a tablespoon for crying out loud? How many bushels in a peck? Ha ha ha. Hanging on to this antiquated system imply demonstrates backwardness and arrogance. It is no doubt costing us economically.


1 Tbs = 1/2 oz = too much time in the kitchen!


Bushels and pecks, who knows?


I use feet and inches and I use kilometres.


I buy my gas in litres, but I still talk about MPG.


A good day in the backcountry is 5000' on my 188cm skis, wearing my size 11.5 boots with the 75mm NN toe.



And who knows how much is in a "gallon!?" rolleyes.gif

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Even the british finally abandoned this jackass system for the most part. It's time we realize how fucking stupid it is.


I again point to the hicks, rednecks and general over the top "pro-USA" folks who would see this as doing away with american heritage and knuckling under to those damn euros. I sometimes wonder if this country would have been better off with the southern half being it's own entity. rolleyes.gif

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JoshK said:

Even the british finally abandoned this jackass system for the most part. It's time we realize how fucking stupid it is.


I again point to the hicks, rednecks and general over the top "pro-USA" folks who would see this as doing away with american heritage and knuckling under to those damn euros. I sometimes wonder if this country would have been better off with the southern half being it's own entity. rolleyes.gif


Fuck no!!! then we would have to get a passport just to enjoy them Texan Women... awoooh!!!

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I read an article about the metric system once.


There are "standards" of the kilogram (2.2lbs) distributed around the world for calibrating things from. Once in a while they get all the standards together, and compare them. Well, the French one was slightly lighter than the rest of them. Since that is the standard, all the rest were determined to be too heavy. Something like that anyway.

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snoboy said:

I read an article about the metric system once.


There are "standards" of the kilogram (2.2lbs) distributed around the world for calibrating things from. Once in a while they get all the standards together, and compare them. Well, the French one was slightly lighter than the rest of them. Since that is the standard, all the rest were determined to be too heavy. Something like that anyway.


they dont use that anymore


the new standard is exactly 1 trillion, 375 billion, 094 million, 282 thousand, 258 hydrogen atoms (no deuterium or tritium).


same as for atomic clocks. rolleyes.gif

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Dru said:

they dont use that anymore


the new standard is exactly 1 trillion, 375 billion, 094 million, 282 thousand, 258 hydrogen atoms (no deuterium or tritium).

Counting the little bastards is a pain in the ass, though.


1 atom


2 atoms,


Hey, quit moving! madgo_ron.gifcantfocus.gif

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Fejas said:

I know that there are 16oz. in 1lb. and there are 28g. in an 1oz. and there is 7g. in 1/4oz and 3.5g in 1/8oz. and a dimer is .7g or .666666666666666g. but that's the most I get out of the metric system...




Don't forget 7000 grains to the pound. You need that for reloading.

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JoshK said:

Even the british finally abandoned this jackass system for the most part. It's time we realize how fucking stupid it is.

The fun part in the UK is that while they are officially metric, many speed signs are still in mph, while most distances are shown in km.

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