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Rainier Speed Record/Intemperate Moderation


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(mattp said) By the way, after finding a resumption of the taunting here today, I have closed the thread. If anybody has anything more to add on the subject, they can contact me and I'll reopen it.


Apparently Dru is correct, and my post got the thread locked. Does anybody think this is as screwy as I do? I had a point to make. Maybe it had been made before, but my purpose was to smoke out some action, because I see this lack of progress as further proof that the thing was a hoax. I wasn't 'taunting,' and this isn't kindergarten. I was expressing a real sentiment about a real issue.


I didn't start out with that opinion. Hell, I was high-fiving the achievement in the beginning---go back and look!


I resent that Mattp decides what comments are germane, what aren't...and perhaps who he agrees or disagrees with. This doesn't have to do with climbing. It has to do with respecting other people. I think mattp needs to lighten up and not just a little bit. What difference would it make if there were five or even ten more pages of comments about the "speed record?" Is it taxing the server or something? Or is it a case of mattp getting carried away with editorial rights, or being hypersensitive about a particular thread?


Has anybody stopped to think that when you lock threads that are popular, you are in effect discontinuing the very goods that drive interest here?

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I thought your contribution was a good one. I care so very little about how fast people climb Rainier, but I can understand people who seem to find this subject interesting becoming annoyed by the inevitable spray that it will produce. While I don't care if the thread was locked or not, it does seem difficult to predict what is considered over the line these days, posts that will lock a thread, or be deleted. I definitely believe that the known facts have been hashed out in that thread several times over and everyone was just posting about "we'll wait and see etc etc". It got downright comical how seriously people were taking it.

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That's right, guys (excl trask) , I think so too.


The reason this has gotten under my skin is that it's so anti-'free-market.' People want to talk about this issue. So why not let the thread run at its own pace? IMO, when you treat this group like a bunch of kids at a boarding school, you are going to turn most of them off, and they will just leave without sounding off (like customers do at a store). I don't want people to leave because they can't express an opinion.

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mattp didnt lock the htread because of your single post...he locked for the whole melee..


sheesh you people act as if he is some evil person holding back your liberties....that person is john "oligarchy" ashcroft...


you should just start like 4386792567345 seperate threads on this subject...maybe even more!!



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you missed some of the b.s. which was removed in hopes to keep the thread legit....but unfortunatly people did not repsect that and continued to trash the thread with their hopes to turn it into a post count gainer...


and people wonder why daisy was banned??


if you are pissed cut and paste the last bit from the thread and start a new one...


easy as that....


it is an interesting story and i would like to hear any eventual outcome....


and i am not biased i started the spray in that thread...


i am just a realist...



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Dru said:



the only people concerned about their post count at the minute are you and iain dooking[sic] it out for dominance in 5th place or whatever.






we have no chance to reach you or ray...so 5th it will be!!!


though my short attention span has allowed iain to get ahead of me...and i am okay with that.....



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Attitude said:

RobBob said:

trask, why are you spraying Iraq crap on this thread? Go back to your playground over there...

Sounds like censorship to me. confused.gif


It's not. Censorship requires the removal of content not the relocation.



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Regardless of how "good intentioned" an act such as locking a thread or deleteing a post may be, it is still censorship. I personally do not care to have someone dictate to me what I can and cannot see, read or hear.


I equate this entire board to sitting in a pub talking shit with friends and other climbers about routes, adventures, gear and having a good time in the mountains. If a line of conversation is started at "the table" which I find offensive, I am free to ignore which ever comments I wish, and/or to get up and walk away ... no one if forcing me to stay ... I do not expect the group as a whole to abandon a topic because it offends me, unless of course you are taking about my mother.

Like anything else in life we should be able to take the good with the bad and sort out for ourselves, what we as individuals, believe is in our own best interests ... come on .. we are all growups here.

That being said, I wish to clarify that I am in no way promoting "spray attacks" or unbridled slander toward anyone on this site ...


Rock on, climb safe .... bigdrink.gif




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erik said:

did anyone read mattp's note about if yuou have actual info that you can post it...appreantly no one did...



so it's not enough that posts made publically can be removed after a few moments ... Now they have to be vetted in private before they are even entered? This is funny yellaf.gif ... who is that guy Ashcroft again? think it thru erik ... it's not just about the Rainier thread.

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i know it is not about the ranier thread....


outside of standing up for mattp i could give a shit if someone climbed that mtn is 4 seconds...which would beat my new record of 7 seconds...




i got banned from the gripped board long ago....so dont get all civil liberties on me sister!!!



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No, it was not your posts that led me to shut down the discussion. It was the repeated posts from Dru and his avatars, and some others, where the only message was "I have a right to spray on this thread no matter what you, Mr. Moderator, may think." They weren't even pretending to address the topic of the thread, but simply posting bullshit and urging others to do so. I clearly explained several times in both public and private statements (the latter sent mainly to Dru), that we have received specific requests to control the banter on that thread and I asked that folks cooperate and stop fighting to be able to simply dump spray on it. Indeed, there are several people who have indicated interest in continuing the discussion but who said they would not do so unless the discussion was going to be severely moderated.


We have repeatedly been asked to delete some of the angry criticism of an "obvious hoax," but we refused to do so precisely because we feel that people should be able to say what they think on this bulletin board. I did state, more than once, that I thought we had already seen 39 angry posts complaining that the liar should be discredited, and that the point had in my view been amply made. But I did not delete anybody's post to that effect.


I discussed this thread with others before I took any action, and the off-topic banter was something that we felt we could try to reduce without stifling anybody's right to express themself.


Can you really say that Dru's right to pile on extra posts so that he can claim another page top should outweigh the concerns of somebody who is interested in using this board to explore a hot topic that is obviously of interest to so many people? If you want to call me John Ascroft Jr. because I am willing to stand up to somebody who is fighting for their right to seek pagetops, go right ahead.


Like Erik said - if you or Dru or anybody else just has to spray, simply copy any portion of the thread that you like and paste it to the spray forum.

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erik said:



no one is stoping you from reading it....it is an attempt to preserve it


did anyone read mattp's note about if yuou have actual info that you can post it...appreantly no one did...



yah I did read it and do appreciate that the thread was left to be viewed with an invitation for real info ... it's just the basic concept of censorship which bugs me in general .. not necessarily this one particular thread.

I agree with RobBob's comment that "moderation" somtimes turns people away from this site. It has me on more that one occasion. On the flip side, some say there is not enough.

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