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Pyramid Photos


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Damn, so that's what it looks like. I tried to do a winter ascent in 1996, right around the beginning of January. That was a wet year. As I recall, it rained nearly every day from November to February. I made it to the lake, went up the talus, then began up the ridge. We made it another 3-4 hours up the ridge before stopping. We had no idea where we were on the mountain or how much further we had to go. We spent the night there, still below treeline, and turned around the next morning.

It was my initiation into Cascade climbing in the winter. I was in the process of moving to Seattle and wanted to hit a few peaks before starting to work.

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thanks jb for the photos. there is a lot more snow on this picture compared to the time of FA, so it's kind of hard to see all the features. but with the description of the FA party it should be really obvious.

there is a vast number of new lines in the area to be climbed- mixed-alpine, ice- you name it. with a well broken trail it should be possible to do some of them car to car in a long day. i hope more people climb there and it becomes the Ben of N. Cascades.

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