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the domestic cheese industry was restarted when the falling dollar made cross border cheese buying expeditions, no longer a bargain. however now that the dollar is up to 66 cents US due to your sinking currency, the return of canadians heading south for deals might occur eventually. PS buy Canadian goods now while your dollar is still worth something. the way bush is spending & money is fleeing the USA for europe, the USA dollar will soon be on par with canadian dollar in value.

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But Iraq has spit in the face of the US and insulted our presidents father!! Heck with Pakistan, India, N. Korea, Israel (pick one nuclear owner). We want the one with oil.


Can someone explain this 'war for oil' thing? Especially as published on bumperstickers on the back of SUV's? confused.gif


All the US has to do is end the embargo, and Saddam will sell us all the oil we can burn.

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To you guys who are all hot to invade Iraq, I ask:

What do you think about what Stormin' Norman said last week?


"The general who commanded U.S. forces in the 1991 Gulf War says he hasn't seen enough evidence to convince him that his old comrades Dick Cheney, Colin Powell and Paul Wolfowitz are correct in moving toward a new war now. He thinks U.N. inspections are still the proper course to follow. He's worried about the cockiness of the U.S. war plan, and even more by the potential human and financial costs of occupying Iraq. "


Quoted from the Washington Post.



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You're kidding right? They stopped short because better a bastard like Sadam in power than a fractionous democracy. That's always been our line in the middle east. Keep despots in power if they toe the line we set (remember the Shah) and ignore human rights abuses. If they get too spunky though, cut them off at the knees. We wave the flag around but we don't care about democracy as long as our "national interests" (read oil, coporate profits) are taken care of.

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You're kidding right? They stopped short because better a bastard like Sadam in power than a fractionous democracy. That's always been our line in the middle east. Keep despots in power if they toe the line we set (remember the Shah) and ignore human rights abuses. If they get too spunky though, cut them off at the knees. We wave the flag around but we don't care about democracy as long as our "national interests" (read oil, coporate profits) are taken care of.


well that's what i've always thought but i've never really seen the party line spelled out by the party. always wondered what exactly their "reasoning" (publicly) is for their chosen location/time of departure from the last war.

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Toast, you wake up. Korea is starving and this B.S. is simply a way to put the screws to us for aid. Saddam is an entirely different threat.


Yes, that's exactly the card Kim Il is playing. Unfortunately, the consequences for us are real and immediate. I don't think you can say the same of Iraq. They don't have a bomb, they don't have an army, and they have questionable means of delivery if and when they ever do get one. Yes, they're trying... but the point is, which is a bigger, more dangerous and more immediate threat to pay attention to?




So we provide something like 60% of the world's food aid. Who will N. Korea bomb? Us? Not likely, they ain't gettin no food that way. Bomb someone else? Again, not likely because if they did, we'd blow their ass back to the stone age. It's posturing that's not going to work for them.


Iraq, on the other hand, is in need of some forceful intervention. I just pray that someone in Saddam's inner circle will off his ass before we go in there so that many, many lives on both sides can be spared.


And tell Israel to get their colonialist asses back where they belong. Shit, just bring them all over here and put 'em in Nevada or something. Holy land schmoly land, there's more members of the Jewish faith here than in Israel anyway. Israel is desert, Nevada is desert. Same same, no more suicide bombs.

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Here's a scenario. We go into Iraq and get the bad guys. Lots of inocents die (by accident of course). We have to foot the bill for occupation, for who knows how long. The radical Muslim community goes nuts. The current Pakistan regime looses its support and is take over by a more fundamental regime. And guess what they have in their storage closet? Meanwhile N. Korea feels emboldened by our distractions and pushes some more. And there's always Al Queda lurking in the shawdows. A bit overextended I would say.

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China, Germany, and France are being fucking pussies. Fuck them. Outside of Claudia Schiffer and Heidi Klum, what good has come out of those places in recent memory?

Powell's presentation was a waste of fucking time. And likely compromised some intel shiznit. He rattled the cage, and the dumbfuck Ambassadors didn't stir.

Time to press Go, Mr. President. Get that shit cleaned up before the desert gets hot.


As for this crap:

Thank God my life is in the hands of a strong and noble man.

Stupid pussy statement. I know it comes from deep inside where you're soft and tender like a little girl, but I don't want to read that shit.

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France's Elf Aquitane is about the biggest foreign company involved in Iraq. China and Russia could have big interests in Iraqi oil too. Their resistance to action is quite predictable.


Guardian U.K.


"The stakes are equally high for the French, Russians and Chinese. It is striking that the three countries which delayed America's new UN Iraq resolution all have potentially massive oil pacts there. Saddam is believed to have offered the French company Total Elf Fina exclusive rights to the largest of Iraq's oil fields, the Majnoon, which would more than double the company's entire output at a stroke. Meanwhile, Russia and China have sought various deals on the supergiant West Kurna and Rumaila fields respectively. Russian company Lukoil has been assured it will not lose its stake in the 20bn barrel West Kurna field."





Edited by vegetablebelay
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NEWS FLASH: Iraqi ambassador full of shit!


I've always said: Never trust a guy wearing a comb-over of that magnitude. I'd like to hold that little fucker down and rip those strands out of his head, wrap 'em around his neck and choke him with them. All this while holding a bottle of Wild Turkey Rare Breed and a fat doobie in the other hand and remindin' him that "A country boy can survive".


FOX NEWS ALERT: France remains a nation full of wankers.


Maybe we should just get with Italy and take over the Frenchy side of the Alps, what would they do about it? Nothing, they're weak. We could send Lance through there on the bike with sidewinders attached, we already know none of their countrymen could catch him. Even in one of those little shitty cars they have they couldn't catch Lance. He's got more balls after loosing one than their entire little pitiful nation combined.



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