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Really. I don't happen to work in a school lunch program, but I do happen to work in the military. Do you know what happens if you get overpaid accidentally? If you don't call and correct the problem, and then DFAS gets wise to it, you don't get paid until you have repaid every cent you were overpaid. That was a mouthful. We have to sign for every screw we recieve. Things still do get lost, but people lose their asses when they do. pitty.gif

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I agree Muffy. But what happens is that the drip on the low end is always the focus of attention, not the flood of money at the other end of the pipe. This program will save no money but it makes for righteous press. It's an easy problem to jump on and get press while being chickenshit about confronting larger wastestreams.


Hope cold turkey is going well.

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parents should provide proof of income


But I still don't see a problem with verification of income for free lunches. It certaintly won't hurt anyone who needs it.


I've got the free/reduced lunch form application in front of me right now. Each application requires the social security number of the adult household member signing the application. Without one, the app doesn't get processed. The SSN is then used to "verify correctness of information on the application." (This includes the detailed information about income that is also required on the application.) The verification process is a mix of "audits, program reviews, and investigations that may include contacting employers to determine income" etc.


Accountability is in the system already.


"The school system has been abusing the lunch program for years." -Such rhetoric really has no basis in fact that I can see.


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parents should provide proof of income


But I still don't see a problem with verification of income for free lunches. It certaintly won't hurt anyone who needs it.


I've got the free/reduced lunch form application in front of me right now. Each application requires the social security number of the adult household member signing the application. Without one, the app doesn't get processed. The SSN is then used to "verify correctness of information on the application." (This includes the detailed information about income that is also required on the application.) The verification process is a mix of "audits, program reviews, and investigations that may include contacting employers to determine income" etc.


Accountability is in the system already.


"The school system has been abusing the lunch program for years." -Such rhetoric really has no basis in fact that I can see.


well then wtf are they talking about??? Are they just not verifying EVERYONE'S income?

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well then wtf are they talking about??? Are they just not verifying EVERYONE'S income?

Who is the "they" you are talking about?

The people posting on this thread?


I am not responsible for doing the audits and reviews, so I don't know the whole story, but my guess is that not every application gets the third degree. Like most audits, there is probably a random sampling and varying degrees of depth.


I'm saying there is accountability built into the system.

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The verification process is a mix of "audits, program reviews, and investigations that may include contacting employers to determine income" etc.


Accountability is in the system already.


Let me first state that I think all kids should get free lunches at schools if they so desire.


Knowing the govt work habits and such I can only guess what audits, program reviews and how in depth an "investigation" really goes. You say contacting employers but you dont say what they are contacted for and what questions are asked in detail. Also you do not mention the regularity of these questions as well as depth and the way these checks are done. Are there standard questions asked or is it left up to the "investigator" what to ask and when? C'mon if you are going to argue bring it all out evils3d.gif


BTW read my first line again. I also do believe many rich folks probably pay enough taxes so their children may receive free lunches... ... boxing_smiley.gif Let's hear it out boxing_smiley.gif

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Cavey's got game. Excellent idea. Free lunches for all of our kids! cool.gif


If I was a parent and then unemployed for 8 months with low income I could possibly be "qualified" for free lunch for my kids. But if I was instantly employed making over 100K a year then they dont ask questions my kids are then still getting free lunches? C'mon bring on the facts.. I'm not saying anything bad about anyone else's opinoins. I just want to see some black and white facts, standards, tests, etc if you are going to whine about it. Not that I agree on either side.... Just bringing some thoughts to the table. bigdrink.gif


Did I mention I got a 40 oz in my hand and will ski some shit tomorrow fruit.gif ??? wazzup.gif

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Hey goofball, I was agreeing with you. I don't have any facts. I think you have a great idea. Now drink your beer and punch another hole in the sheetrock. moon.gif


I understand jackass I was just stating some more thoughts based on what you mentioned (not much of it) and also that I missed.


Drink a brew or die fucker fruit.gifboxing_smiley.gifboxing_smiley.gifboxing_smiley.gifboxing_smiley.gif

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I agree with Ray, I think if you're going to have a school lunch program then it should be open to everyone.


Greater accountability in the present scheme of things may sound great but I would not be surprised if it resulted in a more expensive lunch program in the long run. Somebody has to pay for all that auditing. Spending money on auditing instead of free lunch doesn't sound that great to me.


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I agree with Ray, I think if you're going to have a school lunch program then it should be open to everyone.


Greater accountability in the present scheme of things may sound great but I would not be surprised if it resulted in a more expensive lunch program in the long run. Somebody has to pay for all that auditing. Spending money on auditing instead of free lunch doesn't sound that great to me.




You sound like a great candidate for a job in state government!


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Yawn Fairweather. Not bothering to pay for the accounting is merely an application of the same principle that underlies unlimited local calling - local calls are too cheap to warrant costlier billing schemes, therefore there is no profit in it. By the same token, flat-rate unlimited long-distance calling plans are here already - billing costs several dimes a dollar anyway. So should I shoot for a job at a telco maybe? No, wait! I'll run for government and de-privatize the phone companies! Free calls for everyone! Maybe I'll shoot for some economies of scale while I'm at it, expand the school lunch program to college students and government employees or something like that, bwahahahah! Where do you work Fairweather? No free lunch for you...

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