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Another shrubby


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This is a particulaly ironic one. On the basis of a faulty Department of Agriculture study the Bush administration is cracking down on that wasteful program, the free and reduced lunch program for kids. They are going to require verified proof of income rather than filling out the form. I'm sure that the teachers have lots of time to verfiy all that information and collectect from the parents who speak 19 languages in the Seattle schools.


What a joke! Never mind that shrubby is throwing all the tax breaks he can bundle to the upper income buddies and that the overrun on almost any defense contract budget could pay for the lunch program several times over. This guy has no shame.

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It's called "compassionate conservatism". That's why social service funding in Bush's budget proposal is being decreased by over 75%.


as liberal as I am and as appalled as I am that Shrub is making these kind of cuts, i still think there is room for programs to be better run. the question has to be is it worth it. will we spend more money rooting out the abusers of the system than leaving it alone.

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At the head table in the cafeteria, one of the nuns from a Catholic elementary school had placed a big bowl of bright red, fresh, juicy apples. Beside the bowl, she placed a note which read, "Take only one. Remember, God is watching." At the other end of the table was a bowl full of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, still warm from the oven. Beside the bowl, a little note scrawled in a child's handwriting which read, "Take all you want. God is watching the apples."

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Trask its not the school systems that have abused the food programs. I believe that its been lawyers and federal bureaucrats that have done the public school systems in. School adminiatration had NO BALLS. Non what so ever. If they have any they are either fired or their balls are removed and put in a mason jar somewhere on a shelf.

Lawyers have done schools in by sueing the schools in for every little infraction and big infraction. Sure some of the suits are justified but tons of them are just digging for money. as a result schools back off from so much stuff it makes you sick. In 23 years I have seen, heard and been involved in suits.

My take on the public schools of America is they are broken.

Natcho(I refuse to spell it correctly) got on my case for not writing every little detail of my road rage incident in the 70's with the logger. I could go into all the details of the schools here, but why? Sure we still produce good kids, but there is so much bull shit that goes on that you are not allowed to stop for reasons.... again that I refuse to go into because its just too much and too controversial. We have so much controversy on this board already that I just don't want to go there. Funny for me to say that but that is the case. got to go kids are coming.

School taxes are another thing. Why does the entire country(correct me if I am wrong) see fit to saddle the land owner with paying for schools? There should be another way to have a different tax pay for schools. I have no answers. Does anyone out there have any?

Edited by sisu_suomi
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I think the point of the orginal thread is that the screws are put to lower end social programs while no one gripes about the free ride the upper income is getting from the proposed tax cuts or the wasteful spending for defense. Compartively the social programs pale in costs. So some family of 4 earning $25k instead of $24k gets in under the wire. So what?


Here's an example from the other end. During the competition for the Joint Strike Fighter, Lockeed, one of the contractors, went $3 million over budget. The judging criteria were cost, construction efficiency, and technical plane applications. No one blinked at the $3 million cost over-run and Lockeed won the competition. This is a minor example. No one calls for the complete overhaul of the military because of this wasteful spending. But we're going to institute a paper chase to root out the slackers on the free lunch program. Give me a break. You want your kids to learn more? Get the feds off the teachers backs.

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I think the point of the orginal thread is that the screws are put to lower end social programs while no one gripes about the free ride the upper income is getting from the proposed tax cuts or the wasteful spending for defense. Compartively the social programs pale in costs. So some family of 4 earning $25k instead of $24k gets in under the wire. So what?


Here's an example from the other end. During the competition for the Joint Strike Fighter, Lockeed, one of the contractors, went $3 million over budget. The judging criteria were cost, construction efficiency, and technical plane applications. No one blinked at the $3 million cost over-run and Lockeed won the competition. This is a minor example. No one calls for the complete overhaul of the military because of this wasteful spending. But we're going to institute a paper chase to root out the slackers on the free lunch program. Give me a break. You want your kids to learn more? Get the feds off the teachers backs.



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I think that parents should be held accountable. If you want the service you ought to be willing to prove that you need it. People who cheat the system are totaly LAME!!!! nothing pisses me off more than a free lunch kid that gets dropped off in a brand new SUV.

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Janitor, more likely. yelrotflmao.gif

I am not one of the custodial staff, vegecock. By the way without a good custodial and secretarial staff the schools would grind to a halt. These people can contribute positively to a school's atmosphere. I've seen some amazing things happen for kids when the entire staff clicks.

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Hey Sisu, keep up with the discussion. It was a response to Trask who was talking about ScottP. wave.gif

Sorry, Vege, and thanks for the laugh Trask. Personally I don't like thongs on anyone. I saw(shudder) thongs on several very obese females and males in Hawaii a few years ago. Needless to say even a good looking girl gets the vivid image of the hidden thong back to my frontal lobe. frown.gif

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